On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 07:38:01PM +0100, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> At the Windows download page, I would propose to remove all the current  
> information, except the link to the installer, and replace it by the  
> nice introduction with screen-shots. At the bottom of the page, you can  
> add links to a separate page with the current detailed installation  
> instructions and command line instructions.

I just tried it out with OSX, and it looks quite good.  I've toyed
with this idea in the past, but we didn't have the screenshots
until a week ago (thanks again James!), so it didn't seem so

Also, it involves yet more reshuffling of Documentation/ files, to
move the shared itexi files into a common location.  In order to
stop doing 8-hour days on lilypond, I refuse to do this myself,
but I have all the plans drawn up.  We'll see which helper gets to
it first.  No estimate on when that'll happen, though.

Added as 939.

- Graham

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