Hi Keith,

Thanks for this answer and my apologies for taking a while to acknowledge it. For some reason I missed it at the time and only today found it.

The bit there is a different system then what I need in that it puts arrows on the accidentals. The system I'm looking for puts the arrows above or below the note heads. Admittedly that system wouldn't work for polyphonic music with chords, but for the Hungarian music I work with the lines are monophonic and putting the arrows above or below the note heads is quite clear. Incidentally, that also effectively distinguishes between C♯ up and D♭ down, since you can apply either arrow to a note head.

So I'm not sure that the LSR item is what I'm looking for, although it *is* a step in the right direction. If the arrows were independent of the sharp and flat signs (which would derive as normal from the key signature plus accidentals, as if the quarter-tone shifts did not exist) and placed above/below the note heads, that would be it. For example, if I want a C-natural ↑ in the LSR example and the key signature doesn't specify C♯, I get a glyph with a♮+ ↑ in it. In the system I would like to use there would be no natural sign at all in this case, just the arrow over (or below) the note head.

Here is a visual comparison of the two using an actual sample of one of the tunes I am working with:

And here is the code that generates the top:

notes = \relative a' {
  \key a\minor
  \set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
  \time 2/4
  cih'4 \( b4 | a4 b4 | cih4 a4 | a8 e4. | fih4 d4 | e2 \) |

I'd like to be able to take something like this and generate the bottom output, if possible.

If it's not currently possible (or at least not possible without a significant amount of Scheme hacking), then I will stick to the half sharp signs I'm currently using.



This method

is maybe more complicated than you need, because it takes trouble to 
distinguish C-sharp-up from D-natural-down.

You might need only the part with 
  \override KeySignature #'glyph-name-alist = \arrowGlyphs
and a simplified version of arrowGlyphs
  arrowGlyphs = #`(
        (1 . "accidentals.doublesharp")
        (3/4 . "accidentals.sharp.arrowup")
        (1/2 . "accidentals.sharp")

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