> Dear LilyPond Users,
> How should I go about producing a paper which includes musical examples? In
> the past I've exported to a high quality PNG and scaled the image down to
> the appropriate size but that inevitably ended up with musical examples
> that had different sized staff (even though I tried my best to get them as
> close as possible!) I'm talking about just a measure or two that lives
> within the text (as a "Figure 1.4", etc). Can LaTeX papers be typeset in
> LilyPond? (I noticed there was an extension for TeXShop).
> Thank you,
> Keehun

You can set the line width in LilyPond to be the same as your textwidth in
LaTeX (it depends on the options you use in LaTeX - experimentation will
get you the result you want; I use 135 normally, and 155 for documents with
the 'fullpage' package) and the resulting .png output should require no
scaling (I always output at 600 dpi - I don't know if that makes a
difference).  For incorporating musical examples into essays I have found
this preferable to using lilypond-book, which seems more suited to
producing score books.

Kevin Barry
lilypond-user mailing list

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