uhg I am using yahoo and hitting enter sent the email
in the midths of typing

 If a file won't parse, then something else is wrong.
 This is true but my only way of determining this is 
by absolutly knowing what is an essential top level
block and what is not and their heirarchy. That is the
beauty of xml clear and enforcable rules. Lilypond's
challange for me has always been its freedom.
That is why for years I never build my own files but
used preexisting templates. With the old version of
lilypoond I more or less understand the structure, but
here the rules have changed :)

> > I see a layout block has this replaced the
> \paper{} ?
> Kind-of.  See the "Paper output" section in "Output
> formats".
> > I am in the mean time still trying to make a
> layout
> > with no includes and lyrics.
> In addition to reading the manual, you might want to
> look at
> some examples from Mutopia or LSR.
> - Graham

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