
 below is an example to show my problem with 2.11.2. In order to make
it work you will have to put the attached eps-file in the same folder
as the example.

The second time signature was below the graph in 2.11.0 All time
signatures should be horizontally aligned.

Maybe I'm doing it wrong altogether. I would like to get it working in
a way that I dont have to do it all over again in future versions of
lilypond. Right now I'm using a voice called "timeline" which contains
all time signature information and the necessary markup including the
eps files and tempo markings but no actual notes (it only uses
skips). This timeline is combined with the notes of the first violin
in the staff context. I would like to avoid more than one "empty"
voice for the time signature, tempo and graphics markup.


\version "2.11.2"


\paper {
    #(set-paper-size "a3")
    left-margin = 2 \cm
    line-width = 29.7\cm
    indent = 0 \cm

tsu = #(define-music-function (parser location nom den up )
       (string? string? number?)
     s8*0^\markup { \hspace #-2 \raise #$up \column 
                        { \line {\hspace#-0.5 \override #'(font-name . 
"Helvetica Bold") \fontsize #-2 \raise #-1 $nom }
                          \line {\hspace#-0.5 \override #'(font-name . 
"Helvetica Bold") \fontsize #-2 $den }}}

grph = #(define-music-function (parser location hskip filename )
       (number? string?)
         \once\override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( 0 . -15)
         s32*0^\markup { \hspace#$hskip \raise#4 \epsfile #X #192 #$filename }


\score {
    \new Staff  
        \relative {
          \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'uniform-stretching = ##t
          \override SpacingSpanner #'strict-note-spacing = ##t
          \set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 8 50)
          \override Score.PaperColumn #'used = ##t
          \time 3/4
          \grph #-3.5 #"part_03.eps"
          \tsu #"3" #"4" #1
          \time 4/4       
          \tsu #"4" #"4" #0

    \layout {
        ragged-right = ##t

Attachment: part_03.eps
Description: PostScript document

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