On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 07:38:01PM +0100, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Actually, the current installation  instructions are almost
> over-emphasized on the current web page. These  steps are the
> same as for almost any other Windows application so I'm  not
> convinced we need to comment on them.

That's exactly what I said 5 months ago, but two windows users
said "no, we need them spelled out exactly", and nobody spoke
against them.  Since I hadn't ever seen the windows lilypond
installer, I didn't feel qualified to continue to argue against

James, another task: check the windows installer (when doing
2.12.3 :).  If it *is* the same as every other windows
application, remove the current instructions from
web/download.itexi and replace them with "run the installer and
follow the on-screen instructions" or something like that.

- Graham

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