Re: A couple of questions about Edition Engraver

2018-02-19 Thread Stefano Troncaro
I've been wanting to expand my earlier tutorial with a section dealing with
\editionModList since I think the convenience of it can be useful to many
users. However, it is not a solution for every situation. Particularly, it
is not useful when you need to insert objects as part of your edition if
they are going to need tweaks (for example, slurs that need to be shaped).
Also, in these situations it takes away the convenience of the point and
click support of Frescobaldi.

I've been thinking about the cases where \editionModList is not useful, and
I think that a simple wrapping function should be enough. I had not had
time to write it but it should be pretty easy to do something like this:

\quickEditionModSettings target-edition target-context

\qM 1 2/4 ^"I'm a quick Mod. I reduce redundancy"

Where the \qM command would translate to \editionMod target-edition 1 2/4
target-context ^"blabla". With proper input file structure this shouldn't
impair readability of the code. The only thing that I can think of that
could further decrease redundancy is to make it so that the position in the
measure defaults to 0 if it is absent, but this is unnecessary in my

But the above represents the way I prefer to structure my files. Given the
way you (David) structured the code in your original post, perhaps a
wrapper that works like this would be closer to your intentions?

\qMSet 'edition test
  \qMSet 'measure 1
\qM 0/4 Voice \(
\qM 1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'ExtenderEvent)
  \qMSet 'measure 2
\qMSet 'moment 0/4
  \qMSet 'context Score
\qM \time 3/4
\qM \tempo "Allegro" 4=135
  \qMSet 'context Voice
\qM \p
\qM \<
\qMSet 'moment 1/4
  \qM Lyrics #(make-music 'HyphenEvent)

As far as I know something like that could be done, although admittedly
it's not as minimalistic as your desired example with brackets. It does
have the logical structure you seem to prefer though.

2018-02-19 11:34 GMT-03:00 Jan-Peter Voigt :

> Hi David,
> Urs already answered. I understand your concerns about the input and I am
> always open for ideas to ease the input for the edition-engraver. Like Urs
> already mentioned your proposal will be difficult to implement because it
> doesn't use the standard parser schemes. But it sheds light on how others
> might expect an easy/consistent input.
> What is not explained in the demo files (yet) is: You are always free to
> use constructs like
> \editionMod test 1 0/4 Voice {
>   <>(
>   \once \override NoteHead.color = #red
>   \once \override Beam.color = #red
> }
> To address multiple time steps at once you can use \editionModList, to
> address multiple contexts at once you can use regular expressions and
> wildcards like in
> /edition-engraver/blob/master/usage-examples/
> Your example implies that it would be a useful feature if one can split
> timing and context information into several layers. I'll think about it.
> I am going to focus on the edition-engraver development in April or May.
> Jan-Peter
> Am 19.02.2018 um 11:59 schrieb David Sumbler:
>> As a newcomer to using Edition Engraver, and looking at the example
>> files etc., I wondered why they were written with so much repetition.
>>   "Perhaps it is just to keep things easy for newcomers like me to
>> understand," I thought.
>> So I experimented with reformatting using braces as Lilypond does,
>> which seemed the method most likely method.  For instance,
>> \editionMod test 1 0/4 Voice \(
>> \editionMod test 1 1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'ExtenderEvent)
>> \editionMod test 1 2/8 Voice [
>> \editionMod test 2 0/4 Score \time 3/4
>> \editionMod test 2 0/4 Score \tempo "Allegro" 4=135
>> \editionMod test 2 0/4 Voice \p
>> \editionMod test 2 0/4 Voice \<
>> \editionMod test 2 1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'HyphenEvent)
>> might become
>> \editionMod test {
>>1 {
>>  0/4 Voice \(
>>  1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'ExtenderEvent)
>>  2/8 Voice [
>>  }
>>2 {
>>  0/4 {
>>Score {
>> \time 3/4
>> \tempo "Allegro" 4=135
>>Voice {
>>  \p
>>  \<
>>  }
>>  1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'HyphenEvent)
>> }
>> This is much clearer to me, and it would potentially be much easier to
>> find one's way around the file for maintenance and the addition of new
>> items.  I appreciate that one might not necessarily want all entries in
>> the order they appear in the score.
>> Unfortunately, what I wrote doesn't work.
>> Is there any likelihood that something similar to what I have suggested
>> might be added to Edition Engraver in the forseeable future?
>> And how near are we to seeing Edition Engraver included in Lilypond
>> itself?
>> David
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A couple of questions about Edition Engraver

2018-02-19 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Jan-Peter,

> to address multiple contexts at once you can use regular expressions and 
> wildcards like in 

YAY! I didn't know this was in there. (I'm sure I would have, if I had gotten 
my head above water enough to test all the great code pushes you’ve been 
pinging me with the last few months… apologies!)

Can't wait to use this. Thank you!

> I am going to focus on the edition-engraver development in April or May.

Hopefully I'll be reasonable health (I've been continuously sick since the 
beginning of November) and caught up enough on my work that I can be of some 


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Syllable count

2018-02-19 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Karlin,

> I don't find advice on how to best handle it when multiple stanzas of
> shared lyrics diverge into a chorus of many separate ones at a point
> dozens of bars into the song.

There are various ways of handling it, each with pros and cons depending on (a) 
your experience with Lilypond, (b) whether you’re willing to do more work in 
the first phases in order to have easy maintenance later on, (c) etc.

> 1. Is there a better way to do this?

"Better" is relative, I suppose. Here's one pretty simple way that doesn’t 
require counting skips, but rather just copying+pasting the shared lyrics (n.b. 
this can be made even more simple and maintainable with variables, but I didn't 
want to add that complexity here):

\version "2.19.80"

omitLyrics = {
  \temporary \omit LyricText
  \temporary \omit LyricHyphen
  \temporary \omit LyricExtender
  \temporary \omit LyricSpace
showLyrics = {
  \undo \omit LyricText
  \undo \omit LyricHyphen
  \undo \omit LyricExtender
  \undo \omit LyricSpace

SopranoMusic = { e'4 f' g' a' | c''1 }
AltoMusic = { c'4 d' e' f' | g'2 g' }
TenorMusic = { a4 b c' d' | e'4 e' e' e' }
BassMusic = { c4 c c c | c8 c c c c c c c }

\score {
 \new ChoirStaff <<
   \new Staff = "women" {
   \new Voice = "soprano" { \voiceOne \SopranoMusic }
   \new Voice = "alto" { \voiceTwo \AltoMusic }
   \new NullVoice = "tenorwords" { \TenorMusic }
   \new NullVoice = "basswords" { \BassMusic }
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "soprano" {
 All to -- geth -- er now
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "alto" {
 \omitLyrics All to -- geth -- er \showLyrics now now
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "tenorwords" {
 \omitLyrics All to -- geth -- er \showLyrics now now now now
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "basswords" {
 \omitLyrics All to -- geth -- er \showLyrics now now now now now now 
now now
   \new Staff = "men" {
 \clef bass
   \new Voice = "tenor" { \voiceOne \TenorMusic }
   \new Voice = "bass" { \voiceTwo \BassMusic }

> Now, omitting the grobs - I'm thinking that means "make things
> disappear." The notes? The lyrics? Some other graphic object?

Hopefully the snippet above clarifies what I meant.

As I said, there are other ways of accomplishing the same visual effect. 
Perhaps one day I'll get around to putting together some tutorials/comparisons 
of all the different ways (he says, optimistic as always, but almost surely 
delusional as always).


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Syllable count

2018-02-19 Thread Karlin High
On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 6:46 PM, Kieren MacMillan
> Why not use different Lyrics contexts, and just omit the grobs until you need 
> to see them?

Okay, time for me to betray my ignorance. I've looked at Notation
Reference 2.1.2 Techniques Specific to Lyrics, and it's helpful. But I
don't find advice on how to best handle it when multiple stanzas of
shared lyrics diverge into a chorus of many separate ones at a point
dozens of bars into the song. Here is a fairly minimal example of what
I usually do:

\version "2.19.80"
SopranoMusic = { e'4 f' g' a' | c''1 }
AltoMusic = { c'4 d' e' f' | g'2 g' }
TenorMusic = { a4 b c' d' | e'4 e' e' e' }
BassMusic = { c4 c c c | c8 c c c c c c c }

\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff = "women" {
\new Voice = "soprano" { \voiceOne \SopranoMusic }
\new Voice = "alto" { \voiceTwo \AltoMusic }
\new NullVoice = "tenorwords" { \TenorMusic }
\new NullVoice = "basswords" { \BassMusic }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "soprano" {
  All to -- geth -- er now
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "alto" {
  _ _ _ _ now now
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "tenorwords" {
  _ _ _ _ now now now now
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "basswords" {
  _ _ _ _ now now now now now now now now
\new Staff = "men" {
  \clef bass
\new Voice = "tenor" { \voiceOne \TenorMusic }
\new Voice = "bass" { \voiceTwo \BassMusic }

And a real-world example is attached. In that one, I'm using \repeat
unfold 30 { \skip 4 } to get the extra lyrics contexts advanced to
their starting points. And, it's not really a problem; I can live with
this. I just wonder:

1. Is there a better way to do this?
2. Is there a function that can count syllables just like the... the
lyric engraver, is it? I would give it some music, and it would say
how many lyric syllables I have, accounting for slurs and such.

Now, omitting the grobs - I'm thinking that means "make things
disappear." The notes? The lyrics? Some other graphic object?
Karlin High
Missouri, USA
\version "2.19.80"
\include ""

#(set-default-paper-size "letter")

aikenHeadsThin = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(doThin reThin miThin faThin sol 
laThin tiThin)

\header {
  title = "Joy To The World"
  composer = "Jacob Henry Hall (1855-1941)"
  poet = "Isaac Watts (1674-1748)"
  copyright = "Public Domain © 1895 by J. H. Hall"
  tagline = ";

TimeKey = {
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4 

SopranoMusic = \fixed c' {
  g4 e8. f16 g4. g8 |
  a4 b4 c'4. g8 |
  a4. g8 f4 a8[ c'] |
  b2. \bar "." \break b4 |
  c'4. b8 c'4 g |
  a8[ c'] b[ a] g4. g8 |
  a8^( b c') d' c'4 b |
  c'2. r4 \bar "." |
  g8^"Chorus" r g r g4 r8. g16 |
  f4 f f r |
  f8 r f r f4 r8. g16 |
  e4 f e r |
  g8 r g r g4 r8. c'16 |
  a4 a a a |
  g4 g b b |
  c'2. r4
  \bar "|."

AltoMusic = \fixed c' {
  e4 c8. d16 e4. e8 |
  f4 d8[ f] e4. e8 |
  c4. c8 b,8[ e] d4 |
  d2. d4 |
  c4. d8 e4 e |
  f8[ a] g[ f] e4. e8 |
  f8_( g4) f8 e4 d8[ f] |
  e2. r4 |
  c8 r c r c4 r8. c16 |
  d4 d d r |
  d8 r d r d4 r8. b,16 |
  c4 c c r |
  e8 r e r e4 r8. g16 |
  e4 e e d8.[ f16] |
  e4 e b f |
  e8. a16 g8. f16 e4 r
  \bar "|."

TenorMusic = \fixed c {
  c'4 g8. g16 c'4. c'8 |
  c'4 g g4. c'8 |
  c'4. g8 g4 fs4 |
  g2. g4 |
  g4. g8 g4 c' |
  c'4 c' c'4. c'8 |
  c'8 d' c' a g4 g |
  g2. r4 |
  r4 c'8. c'16 c'8 c' \once \partcombineApart r8. c'16 |
  b4 b b r4 |
  r4 g8. g16 g4 \once \partcombineApart r8. g16 |
  g4 a g r |
  r4 c'8. c'16 c'8 c' \once \partcombineApart r8. c'16 |
  c'4 c' c' c' |
  c'4 c' g g |
  g8. c'16 b8. a16 g4 r
  \bar "|."

BassMusic = \fixed c {
  c4 c8. c16 c4. c8 |
  f4 g c4. c8 |
  f4. e8 d4 d |
  g2. f4 |
  e4. d8 c4 c |
  f4 f c4. c8 |
  f8 d e f g4 g,4 |
  c2. r4 |
  e2_( e8.)[ d16] c8. e16 |
  g2. r4 |
  g,2_( g,8.) f16 e8. d16 |
  c2. r4 |
  e2_( e8.)[ b,16] c8. e16 |
  a2. f8.[ d16] |
  g2_( g8.) g,16 e8. d16 |
  c2. r4
  \bar "|."

VerseOne = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1."
  Joy to the world! the Lord is come;
  Let earth re -- ceive her _ King!
  Let ev -- ’ry heart pre -- pare _ Him _ room,
  and heaven and na -- ture sing.
  Joy, joy, joy, the Lord is come,
  Peace on earth, good will to men,
  Joy, joy, joy, the Lord is come,
  Let earth re -- ceive her King.

VerseTwo = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "2."
  Joy to the earth, the Sav -- ior reigns! 
  Let men their songs em -- _ ploy,
  while fields and floods, rocks, hills, _ and _ plains
  re -- peat the sound -- ing joy.

VerseThree = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "3."
  He rules the world with truth and grace,
  and makes the na -- tions _ prove
  the glo -- ries of His right -- _ eous -- _ ness
  and won -- ders of His love.

TenorChorus = \lyricmode {

Re: LilyPond/LaTeX template for Anglican chant

2018-02-19 Thread David Wright
On Sun 11 Feb 2018 at 10:54:11 (+0100), Michael Gerdau wrote:
> Hi Gregrs,
> > In case it's useful to anyone, I've just created a template for> 
> > typesetting psalms with Anglican chant using LilyPond, LaTeX and GNU
> Make.> >
> Looks nice.
> However this is possible with lilypond alone.
> Find below links to the anglican chants I've created so far. The macros
> involved have been created with decisive help from Harm (well, he
> basically did all the scheme magic) and a member of the german Lilypond
> Group, whose name I currently seem to be unable to dig out.
> I have started to write an entry for Urs's lilypond blog about this but
> got distracted...hope to do it one day though.
> Anyway, here are the links. I'm happy to answer questions w/r to it's use.

One of the differences with the way I do psalms is that I make more of
the pointing characters into mnemonic "active" characters:
% * for a breath.
% | for a barline.
% ¬ for a double barline.
% _ for a dot.
% † for a (posh) dagger.
% ¶ for a paragraph mark (looks after the spacing for \P).
(Using ¬ (not) for a double barline is because they're printed where's
there's  not  a break at the half-verse.)
Obviously I have shortcuts like AltGr-P for these characters. (¬ is
on GB keybords.)

Attached is source with its PDF to give you the idea. The
transposition of the second chant is automatically done by a python
preprocessor that spots the @ in the source. (Sorry I don't have
permission to publish that chant.)

(I'm happy to answer questions w/r to it's use.)


\catcode`*=13 % asterisk for a breath


\catcode`|=13 % vertical bar for a barline

\catcode`¬=13 % negate for a double barline

\catcode`_=13 % underscore for a centred dot

\catcode`†=13 % dagger for a posher dagger

\catcode`¶=13 % paragraph mark for a paragraph mark (needs math for filled P)

\catcode`♭=13 % flat for a posher flat

\catcode`♮=13 % natural for a posher natural

\catcode`♯=13 % sharp for a posher sharp

Description: Adobe PDF document
\yearsundaypsalmchant{}{Good Friday}{Psalm 31 vv 1, 6, 13–14, 16–18 \& 27}{../chants/d-garrett-fminor}{}


\VA{\mp}{1.} In thee O Lord have I | put my | trust :

\VB{} let me never be put to confusion, *\\
 de- | liver _ me | in thy | righteousness.

\VA{}{6.} Into thy hands I com- | mend my | spirit :

\VB{} for thou hast redeem’d me, O | Lord thou | God of | truth.

\VP{}{13.} I became a reproof among all mine enemies, * but especially\\
 a- | mong my | neighbours :

\VB{} and they of mine acquaintance were afraid of me; * and\\
 they that did see me with- | out con- | vey’d them-selves | from me.

\VA{}{14.} I am clean forgotten, as a dead man | out of | mind :

\VB{} I am be- | come _ like a | bro-ken | vessel.


\VP{\mf}{16.} But my hope hath been in | thee, O | \textit{Lord} :

\VB{} I have said, | Thou — | art my | God.

\VA{}{17.} My time is | in thy | \textit{hand} :

\VB{} deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, * | and from |\\
 them that | persecute me.

\VP{}{18.} Shew thy servant the | light of _ thy | counten-ance :

\VB{} and | save me _ for thy | mer-cy’s | sake.

\VA{}{27.} Be strong, and he shall es- | tablish _ your | \textit{heart} :

\VB{} all ye that | put your | trust _ in the | Lord.

\version "2.19.32"
%% key f minor, source 
midi/midi15/15102.mid (corrected alto, no Picardy third)
%%% a c f f e d c b a gs a a a a a gs a a gs a
leftside = ""
rightside = "George Mursell Garrett (1834–1897)"
\include "Psalmbits.lily"

keysig = { \key f \minor }

Atreble = \relative {
  f'1 af2 df df1
  c1 bf2 af g f e1

Btreble = \relative {
  f'1 f2 f f1
  f1 e2 f f e f1

Aalto = \relative {
  c'1 f2 af g1
  gf1 f2 f df df c1

Balto = \relative {
  c'1 c2 a bf1
  b1 c2 df c c c1

Atenor = \relative {
  af1 c2 af bf1
  ef1 df2 df df bf g1

Btenor = \relative {
  af1 a2 c bf1
  f1 g2 af g g af1

Abass = \relative {
  f1 f2 f ef1
  af,1 df2 df bf bf c1

Bbass = \relative {
  f1 ef2 ef d1
  df1 c2 bf c c f1

\include "Doublechant.lily"

Re: Spacing between notes

2018-02-19 Thread nokel81
\include ""

\paper {
#(set-paper-size "letter")
#(define margin (* 1.5 in))
\layout {
\context {
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\remove "Bar_engraver"
\hide Stem
\context {
\override Stem.length = #0
\context {
barAlways = ##t
\version "2.19.80"

\header {
title = "Advent 1"
\score {
\new Staff <<
\new Voice = "melody" \relative g' {
\set Score.timing = ##f
g4( d) f \divisioMinima
g( a) a( g2) \divisioMinima
g4( c) a( a g) f( g) g2 \finalis
\new Lyrics = "one" \lyricmode {
To you, O Lord, I lift my soul

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Syllable count

2018-02-19 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Karlin,

> I often work on 2-stave SATB or TTBB pieces that have multiple stanzas with 
> all 4 parts using the same lyrics.
> But then there's a chorus where any or all of the 4 parts have differing 
> lyrics.
> I usually end up adding an extra stanza of lyrics for those, and then going...
> \repeat unfold #however-far { \skip 4 }
> ...until I get the extra stanza advanced to the place where the different 
> lyrics begin.

Why not use different Lyrics contexts, and just omit the grobs until you need 
to see them?


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Spacing between notes

2018-02-19 Thread Thomas Morley
2018-02-20 0:19 GMT+01:00 nokel81 :
> I am using the the `\include ""` but the spacing between the
> notes is a bit off leading to the notes and the lyrics don't line up.
> Code:

I see no code


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Syllable count

2018-02-19 Thread Karlin High

On 2/19/2018 4:04 PM, Thomas Morley wrote:

#(display-scheme-music (length (ly:music-property lyr 'elements)))

And as I hoped, this can get syllable counts from music, too.

\version "2.19.80"
mus = { c'1 c'4 c'8 c'16 c'32 c'64 c'4 }
#(display-scheme-music (length (ly:music-property mus 'elements)))

I often work on 2-stave SATB or TTBB pieces that have multiple stanzas 
with all 4 parts using the same lyrics.

But then there's a chorus where any or all of the 4 parts have differing 

I usually end up adding an extra stanza of lyrics for those, and then 

\repeat unfold #however-far { \skip 4 }

...until I get the extra stanza advanced to the place where the 
different lyrics begin. Determining the value for #however-far is 
usually trial-and-error for me. Sometimes this involves pointing at 
Frescobaldi and counting notes, going "one, two, three... sixty-four, 
sixty-five, sixty-six... let's see if that does it. Nope, too far - only 
needed 62, must have missed a slur somewhere."

Maybe there's a better way than repeat-skip for entering such lyrics?

If not, is there a function that when given music like...

{ c' c'( c') } would return 2 instead of 3, counting syllables just like lyrics 

Karlin High
Missouri, USA

lilypond-user mailing list

Spacing between notes

2018-02-19 Thread nokel81
I am using the the `\include ""` but the spacing between the
notes is a bit off leading to the notes and the lyrics don't line up.



Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fermatas with tremolos

2018-02-19 Thread Kieren MacMillan

> As so often, I find this comparison almost heart-rending.

+ 1,000,000

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fermatas with tremolos

2018-02-19 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Harm,

> On Feb 19, 2018, at 5:47 PM, Thomas Morley  wrote:
> you need to go for the grob's left/right-bounds in order to get their
> coordinates and move the fermata accordingly.
> Leads to:


> Or use the method with tuplets, at least less invasive.

Yes… but if they were both syntactic sugar in some "black box" (e.g., the 
codebase), I'd definitely prefer the first approach since it seems the least 

Perhaps even more "correct" — in terms of what’s being manipulated or not — 
would be to use a text-centred spanner with a fermata as the text. 
Unfortunately, David’s code is much heavier (in terms of lines of code) because 
it does so much more than just centre a fermata over a tremolo… but if the 
text-centred-spanner were already part of the base Lily code, that's probably 
the method I would end up using to handle this situation.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fermatas with tremolos

2018-02-19 Thread Simon Albrecht

Hi Harm,

thanks for the help.

On 19.02.2018 23:47, Thomas Morley wrote:

Also, following links may be of interest. They provide excerpts of an
old and new edition of Janacek, Glagolitic Mass.

Very much of interest. As so often, I find this comparison almost 
heart-rending. The old engraving is so beautiful and loveable, and the 
new one so cold and mishapen – how could anyone prefer to use the new 
one[1]? …

Best, Simon

[1] Probably, they don’t; but I’ll assume there was need for a critical 
edition, and someone thought it was a good idea to reengrave the whole 
thing instead of fixing whatever issues by graphically amending the old 
engraving, in respect for its abounding virtues; and now often 
performers are stuck with such reengravings… RGH!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fermatas with tremolos

2018-02-19 Thread Thomas Morley
2018-02-19 21:08 GMT+01:00 Simon Albrecht :
> I think the best way to do it would be essentially an override to the beam,
> adding the fermata to its stencils. However I have to call on the expect
> Schemers around here (Harm, David N.?) for finishing it, since I haven’t
> been able to align the fermata to the horizontal center of the beam.

Hi Simon,

you need to go for the grob's left/right-bounds in order to get their
coordinates and move the fermata accordingly.

Leads to:

#(define (beam-with-fermata grob)
  (let* ((beam-stil (ly:beam::print grob))
 (left-stem (ly:spanner-bound grob LEFT))
 (right-stem (ly:spanner-bound grob RIGHT))
 (lambda (g)
   (grob::has-interface g 'stem-interface))
 (list left-stem right-stem
(if all-stems?
(let ((sys (ly:grob-system grob)))
  (markup #:musicglyph "scripts.ufermata"))
  (ly:grob-relative-coordinate right-stem sys X)
  (ly:grob-relative-coordinate left-stem sys X))

  \override Beam.stencil = #beam-with-fermata
  \repeat tremolo 16 { c'32 c''}

Or use the method with tuplets, at least less invasive.

Also, following links may be of interest. They provide excerpts of an
old and new edition of Janacek, Glagolitic Mass.
Taken from:
But not discussing how it _should_ be done.
I don't have Gould at hand, does she says anything about it?


lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Syllable count

2018-02-19 Thread John Schlomann
I had been looking for something specific to lyrics, which is maybe why I 
didn't find it.

This is exactly what I need. Thank you, Harm.


-Original Message-
From: Thomas Morley [] 
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 4:05 PM
To: John Schlomann
Cc: lilypond-user
Subject: Re: Syllable count

2018-02-19 22:38 GMT+01:00 John Schlomann :
> Dear LilyPond experts,
> Given a definition of some lyrics, such as
>   lyr = \lyricmode { Here some lyr -- ics }
> Is there any way to get a count of the syllables, in this case 4?
> Thank you,
> John

#(display-scheme-music (length (ly:music-property lyr 'elements)))


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Syllable count

2018-02-19 Thread Thomas Morley
2018-02-19 22:38 GMT+01:00 John Schlomann :
> Dear LilyPond experts,
> Given a definition of some lyrics, such as
>   lyr = \lyricmode { Here some lyr -- ics }
> Is there any way to get a count of the syllables, in this case 4?
> Thank you,
> John

#(display-scheme-music (length (ly:music-property lyr 'elements)))


lilypond-user mailing list

partcombine bug when using quoteDuring?

2018-02-19 Thread Nathan Sprangers
When both voices in \partcombine finish a \quoteDuring at the same time,
only one voice is rendered for subsequent notes.

\version "2.18.2"

\addQuote "melody" \relative c'' {
  a4 a a a
  d d d d

\addQuote "alto" \relative c'{
  f2 f
  g2 g

  { \quoteDuring #"melody" s1
\quoteDuring #"melody" s1 }

  { \quoteDuring #"alto" s1
% This does not get rendered:
\quoteDuring #"alto" s1 }

If the last line is changed to notes, they are rendered but the
\quoteDuring for the same measure in the first expression is not. Lilypond
does not throw any errors or warnings when compiling these examples. Using
the << \\ >> construct does not cause this issue.

If the quote durations overlap, there is no bug:

  { \quoteDuring #"melody" s1
\quoteDuring #"melody" s1 }

  { \quoteDuring #"alto" s2
% No problem:
\quoteDuring #"alto" s1. }

lilypond-user mailing list

Syllable count

2018-02-19 Thread John Schlomann
Dear LilyPond experts,


Given a definition of some lyrics, such as


  lyr = \lyricmode { Here some lyr -- ics }


Is there any way to get a count of the syllables, in this case 4?


Thank you,



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fermatas with tremolos

2018-02-19 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Simon,

> I think the best way to do it would be essentially an override to the beam, 
> adding the fermata to its stencils. However I have to call on the expect 
> Schemers around here (Harm, David N.?) for finishing it, since I haven’t been 
> able to align the fermata to the horizontal center of the beam.

This was Harm's suggestion from a few years ago:

\version "2.19.32"

fermataOverTremolo =
#(define-music-function (mus)(ly:music?)
  \once \omit TupletBracket
  %% maybe add this?
  %\once \override TupletNumber.outside-staff-priority = 100
  \once \override TupletNumber.text =
  #(lambda (grob)
(let ((dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction)))
#:musicglyph (format #f "scripts.~afermata" (if (= dir 1) "u" "d")
  \times 1/1

\relative c,
  \fermataOverTremolo \repeat tremolo 16 { a32 c }

Maybe that helps?

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fermatas with tremolos

2018-02-19 Thread Noeck
Dear Peter,

how about this:

  \once\override TupletNumber.text = \markup \fermata
  \tuplet 1/1 \repeat tremolo 16  { c'32 c''}

It is misusing a tuplet for the fermata and just overrides the text
(which would print "1" otherwise). If one does not like the idea of such
a fake tuplet in this case, there is probably a way to use the same
bracket mechanism as for tuplets but without any timing interference.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fermatas with tremolos

2018-02-19 Thread Simon Albrecht
I think the best way to do it would be essentially an override to the 
beam, adding the fermata to its stencils. However I have to call on the 
expect Schemers around here (Harm, David N.?) for finishing it, since I 
haven’t been able to align the fermata to the horizontal center of the 
beam. This is where I got – output attached:

\version "2.19.80"

#(define (beam-with-fermata grob)
   (let* ((beam-stil (ly:beam::print grob))
  (beam-width (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent beam-stil Y
    (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:musicglyph 

   (/ beam-width 2)

  \repeat tremolo 16 { c'32 c''}
  \once\override Beam.stencil = #beam-with-fermata
  \repeat tremolo 16 { c'32 c''}

Best, Simon

On 19.02.2018 12:25, Peter Toye wrote:
Fermatas with tremolos I want to engrave a fermata over a tremolo. 
What's the correct way of displaying this? I've looked on various fora 
and the consensus seems to be that the fermata sign should be midway 
between the notes.

The first two parts of the snippet below put it at the beginning or 
the end. The third one is is a bit better, but is still too far to the 
right. The 4th one is sort of OK, but a bit far to the left.

Is there a better way of aligning the fermata?

\version "2.19.52"

\language "english"

\repeat tremolo 16 {c'32\fermata c''}
\repeat tremolo 16 {c'32 c''\fermata}
 { s2 s2^\markup { \fermata }}
{   \repeat tremolo 16 {c'32 c''} }

 { s4 s2.^\markup { \fermata }}
{   \repeat tremolo 16 {c'32 c''} }




Oops sorry - forgot to include the snippet.

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Bad tie position

2018-02-19 Thread Ben

On 2/19/2018 9:42 AM, Ethan Sue wrote:

\clef bass
b16 b b8 b b16 b16 ~ b4 a8 b

Tie looks like a bump.


What's wrong with the tie? See photo attached.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Bad tie position

2018-02-19 Thread Malte Meyn

Am 19.02.2018 um 15:42 schrieb Ethan Sue:

\clef bass
b16 b b8 b b16 b16 ~ b4 a8 b

Tie looks like a bump.

Cannot reproduce (2.18.2, 2.19.81).

That’s why we need *compilable* minimal examples.

lilypond-user mailing list

Bad tie position

2018-02-19 Thread Ethan Sue
\clef bass
b16 b b8 b b16 b16 ~ b4 a8 b

Tie looks like a bump.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: using lilypond in LaTeX (MacTeX)

2018-02-19 Thread Br. Samuel Springuel

On 2/19/18 10:23 AM, Urs Liska wrote:
The main argument that could speak against that is the requirement to 
use LuaLaTeX (instead of XeLaTeX, pdfLaTeX, or even more low-level 

True.  I use LuaLaTeX as my default engine, so that's not a 
consideration I generally think about.  Thanks for pointing it out.

Br. Samuel, OSB
St. Anselm’s Abbey
Washington, DC
(R. Padraic Springuel)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: using lilypond in LaTeX (MacTeX)

2018-02-19 Thread Urs Liska

Am 19.02.2018 um 16:15 schrieb Br. Samuel Springuel:
My personal choice is #2, but I might be slightly biased as I help out 
on that project.

The main argument that could speak against that is the requirement to 
use LuaLaTeX (instead of XeLaTeX, pdfLaTeX, or even more low-level 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: using lilypond in LaTeX (MacTeX)

2018-02-19 Thread Br. Samuel Springuel
LilyPond is not a LaTeX package, but a standalone program for 
typesetting music.  To combine LilyPond and LaTeX output into the same 
document, you have several possibilities:

1) lilypond-book:

This is a pre-processor script which comes packaged with LilyPond.  It 
scans your document, identifies and extracts the LilyPond content, runs 
lilypond to generate images of that content, and then generates a new 
TeX document in which the LilyPond content has been replaced by 
`\includegraphics` commands which point to those images.  The script is 
also capable of generating other formats (like html) as it is designed 
to work with the texinfo system in which LilyPond's own documentation is 

2) lyluatex:

This package uses the Lua scripting capabilities of LuaTeX to execute 
lilypond from within a TeX document.  This streamlines your workflow 
over lilypond-book because now there is just one compilation step: the 
compilation of the TeX document.  Its behavior is otherwise very similar 
to lilypond-book as it is intended to be a complete drop-in replacement 
for it.  Development is ongoing and the package has just reached the 
point where it should be able to reproduce all of lilypond-book's 
non-texinfo capabilities.  There are also a couple of additional 
features which are either in the works or have already been implemented 
which are designed to make the output look nicer automatically.

3) manual score inclusion

You can also use LilyPond to create images (or whole pdf pages) which 
can be manually included in your LaTeX document just like any other 
images (or pdf pages).  This option will give you the finest level of 
control, but you'll have to do everything for yourself, which makes it a 
much longer process.

My personal choice is #2, but I might be slightly biased as I help out 
on that project.

Br. Samuel, OSB
St. Anselm’s Abbey
Washington, DC
(R. Padraic Springuel)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: what's the error?

2018-02-19 Thread David Kastrup
"Mark Stephen Mrotek"  writes:

> David Kastrup []  wrote:
>> \once \set sets tieWaitForNote once at the current point of time.
>> That means it will be active for the first grace note but not for the
>> others.  Consequently it's inactive for d~ which is still followed by
>> another grace note before the ties are resolved.
> David,
> Thank you for the explanation.

Well, as noticed elsewhere in this thread, this does not fully explain
the whole behavior.  It would appear that tieWaitForNote has to stay set
until the tie is resolved or the tie will get flushed out.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A couple of questions about Edition Engraver

2018-02-19 Thread Jan-Peter Voigt

Hi David,

Urs already answered. I understand your concerns about the input and I 
am always open for ideas to ease the input for the edition-engraver. 
Like Urs already mentioned your proposal will be difficult to implement 
because it doesn't use the standard parser schemes. But it sheds light 
on how others might expect an easy/consistent input.

What is not explained in the demo files (yet) is: You are always free to 
use constructs like

\editionMod test 1 0/4 Voice {
  \once \override NoteHead.color = #red
  \once \override Beam.color = #red

To address multiple time steps at once you can use \editionModList, to 
address multiple contexts at once you can use regular expressions and 
wildcards like in

Your example implies that it would be a useful feature if one can split 
timing and context information into several layers. I'll think about it.

I am going to focus on the edition-engraver development in April or May.


Am 19.02.2018 um 11:59 schrieb David Sumbler:

As a newcomer to using Edition Engraver, and looking at the example
files etc., I wondered why they were written with so much repetition.
  "Perhaps it is just to keep things easy for newcomers like me to
understand," I thought.

So I experimented with reformatting using braces as Lilypond does,
which seemed the method most likely method.  For instance,

\editionMod test 1 0/4 Voice \(
\editionMod test 1 1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'ExtenderEvent)
\editionMod test 1 2/8 Voice [
\editionMod test 2 0/4 Score \time 3/4
\editionMod test 2 0/4 Score \tempo "Allegro" 4=135
\editionMod test 2 0/4 Voice \p
\editionMod test 2 0/4 Voice \<
\editionMod test 2 1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'HyphenEvent)

might become

\editionMod test {
   1 {
 0/4 Voice \(
 1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'ExtenderEvent)
 2/8 Voice [
   2 {
 0/4 {
   Score {
\time 3/4
\tempo "Allegro" 4=135
   Voice {
 1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'HyphenEvent)

This is much clearer to me, and it would potentially be much easier to
find one's way around the file for maintenance and the addition of new
items.  I appreciate that one might not necessarily want all entries in
the order they appear in the score.

Unfortunately, what I wrote doesn't work.

Is there any likelihood that something similar to what I have suggested
might be added to Edition Engraver in the forseeable future?

And how near are we to seeing Edition Engraver included in Lilypond


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

using lilypond in LaTeX (MacTeX)

2018-02-19 Thread Brian J. Christie
Good Morning,

I am somewhat new to using LaTeX.  I recently upgraded from 2013 to 2017
MacTex and installed Lilypond 2.18.2.  I have tried to incorporate some
simple lilypond code in LaTex and it hasn't worked yet.

I can create a pdf directly from Lilypond.  Specifically, I can compile ->
typeset file the attached "Welcome to Lilypond" file.  (Both code and pdf
attached) But I cannot run lilypond code in MacTeX.  I get an error that
says that Lilypond.sty is missing.

I have put \usepackage{lilypond} in the preamble.

I am attaching the First Music.tex and associated files.  I get the .pdf
after hitting enter several times to get through the errors.

What am I doing incorrectly?
Thank you for your help.  I am hoping the solution is simple.

I am running Mac OsX v. 10.13.3 with 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7.


Welcome to
Description: Binary data

First Music.tex
Description: TeX document

First Music.aux
Description: Binary data

First Music.log
Description: Binary data

First Music.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Welcome to LilyPond.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
lilypond-user mailing list

RE: what's the error?

2018-02-19 Thread Mark Stephen Mrotek

Thank you for the explanation.


-Original Message-
From: David Kastrup [] 
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 12:38 AM
To: Mark Stephen Mrotek 
Cc: 'lilypond-user' 
Subject: Re: what's the error?

"Mark Stephen Mrotek"  writes:

> Hello,
> See the attachment for what I want.
> This is what I code:
> \relative c'' {
> <<{bes8 [a]}\\{
> \once \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
> \grace {c,8~ d~ fis~} 4}>>
> }
> The error message is "unterminated tie."
> Someone have a keener eye than I?

\once \set sets tieWaitForNote once at the current point of time.  That
means it will be active for the first grace note but not for the others.
Consequently it's inactive for d~ which is still followed by another grace
note before the ties are resolved.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A couple of questions about Edition Engraver

2018-02-19 Thread lists
Hi David,

19. Februar 2018 12:00, "David Sumbler"  schrieb:

> As a newcomer to using Edition Engraver, and looking at the example
> files etc., I wondered why they were written with so much repetition.
> "Perhaps it is just to keep things easy for newcomers like me to
> understand," I thought.
> So I experimented with reformatting using braces as Lilypond does,
> which seemed the method most likely method.  For instance,
> \editionMod test 1 0/4 Voice \(
> \editionMod test 1 1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'ExtenderEvent)
> \editionMod test 1 2/8 Voice [
> \editionMod test 2 0/4 Score \time 3/4
> \editionMod test 2 0/4 Score \tempo "Allegro" 4=135
> \editionMod test 2 0/4 Voice \p
> \editionMod test 2 0/4 Voice \<
> \editionMod test 2 1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'HyphenEvent)
> might become
> \editionMod test {
> 1 {
> 0/4 Voice \(
> 1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'ExtenderEvent)
> 2/8 Voice [
> }
> 2 {
> 0/4 {
> Score {
> \time 3/4
> \tempo "Allegro" 4=135
> } 
> Voice {
> \p
> \<
> }
> }
> 1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'HyphenEvent)
> } 
> }
> This is much clearer to me, and it would potentially be much easier to
> find one's way around the file for maintenance and the addition of new
> items.  I appreciate that one might not necessarily want all entries in
> the order they appear in the score.
> Unfortunately, what I wrote doesn't work.

No, and I think it can't be made to work since it's quite un-LilyPond-y.

What about something like (just a shot in the dark)

\edMods test \with {
  a = \with {
m = 1
mods = {
  \eMod 1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'ExtenderEvent)
  \eMod 0/4 Voice \(
  b = \with {
m = 2
mods = {
  \eMod Score \tempo "Allegro" 4=135


> Is there any likelihood that something similar to what I have suggested
> might be added to Edition Engraver in the forseeable future?

I think interface improvements to the edition-engraver can always we considered.
But we would have to have a thorough discussion in order to be sure they are 
really an improvement. I mean a construct as I wrote above can easily become 
unwieldy and confusing too. I think there's always a tradeoff between clarity 
of structure, number of keystrokes etc. Such a nested structure tends to be 
more prone to problems through nesting brackets ...

> And how near are we to seeing Edition Engraver included in Lilypond
> itself?

No idea about that, but I think it's quite a way to go until we can consider 

> David
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: what's the error?

2018-02-19 Thread David Kastrup
Mats Bengtsson  writes:

> On 2018-02-19 09:38, David Kastrup wrote:
>> \once \set sets tieWaitForNote once at the current point of time.  That
>> means it will be active for the first grace note but not for the
>> others.  Consequently it's inactive for d~ which is still followed by
>> another grace note before the ties are resolved.
> Just curious, why doesn't tieWaitForNote apply even for the first
> grace note? The warning is issued both for c8~ and d~ in this example
> \version "2.19.80"
> \relative c' \new Voice {
>   \once \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
>   \grace {c8~ d~ fis~} 4
> }

Tie_engraver consults tieWaitForNote in two places: at
start_translation_timestep when it otherwise flushes out and warns about
unterminated ties from notes having exceeded their duration, and in
process_acknowledged where it uses it several times.  It doesn't buffer
it in any way, and it also warns and flushes stuff in the
process_acknowledged routine.  So it's entirely possible that you need
tieWaitForNote set until the tie has been finally connected or it will
get flushed out.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Re: what's the error?

2018-02-19 Thread Mats Bengtsson

On 2018-02-19 09:38, David Kastrup wrote:

\once \set sets tieWaitForNote once at the current point of time.  That
means it will be active for the first grace note but not for the
others.  Consequently it's inactive for d~ which is still followed by
another grace note before the ties are resolved.
Just curious, why doesn't tieWaitForNote apply even for the first grace 
note? The warning is issued both for c8~ and d~ in this example

\version "2.19.80"

\relative c' \new Voice {
  \once \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
  \grace {c8~ d~ fis~} 4


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fermatas with tremolos

2018-02-19 Thread Peter Toye

Thanks - that works ( on the 4th version). But it's a bit of a kludge.

I'm surprised that LP doesn't do it automatically, which would be a far better 
idea as it seems to be the standard. No idea what other engraving programs do.

Best regards,


Monday, February 19, 2018, 11:37:24 AM, Andrew Bernard wrote:

Hi Peter,

Can't you just use this to move it?

   \once \override TextScript.X-offset = #0.8 % for example

Or is it that what you are asking is to have the tremolo sign and the fermata 
automatically aligned? Not clear to me.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fermatas with tremolos

2018-02-19 Thread Andrew Bernard
Hi Peter,

Can't you just use this to move it?

   \once \override TextScript.X-offset = #0.8 % for example

Or is it that what you are asking is to have the tremolo sign and the
fermata automatically aligned? Not clear to me.


On 19 February 2018 at 22:25, Peter Toye  wrote:

> I want to engrave a fermata over a tremolo.
lilypond-user mailing list

Fermatas with tremolos

2018-02-19 Thread Peter Toye
I want to engrave a fermata over a tremolo. What's the correct way of 
displaying this? I've looked on various fora and the consensus seems to be that 
the fermata sign should be midway between the notes. 

The first two parts of the snippet below put it at the beginning or the end. 
The third one is is a bit better, but is still too far to the right. The 4th 
one is sort of OK, but a bit far to the left.

Is there a better way of aligning the fermata?

\version "2.19.52"

\language "english"

\repeat tremolo 16 {c'32\fermata c''} 
\repeat tremolo 16 {c'32 c''\fermata} 
  { s2 s2^\markup { \fermata }}
 {   \repeat tremolo 16 {c'32 c''} }
  { s4 s2.^\markup { \fermata }}
 {   \repeat tremolo 16 {c'32 c''} }



Oops sorry - forgot to include the snippet.___
lilypond-user mailing list

Fermatas with tremolos

2018-02-19 Thread Peter Toye
I want to engrave a fermata over a tremolo. What's the correct way of 
displaying this? I've looked on various fora and the consensus seems to be that 
the fermata sign should be midway between the notes. 

The first two parts of the snippet below put it at the beginning or the end. 
The third one is is a bit better, but is still too far to the right. The 4th 
one is sort of OK, but a bit far to the left.

Is there a better way of aligning the fermata?


lilypond-user mailing list

A couple of questions about Edition Engraver

2018-02-19 Thread David Sumbler
As a newcomer to using Edition Engraver, and looking at the example
files etc., I wondered why they were written with so much repetition.
 "Perhaps it is just to keep things easy for newcomers like me to
understand," I thought.

So I experimented with reformatting using braces as Lilypond does,
which seemed the method most likely method.  For instance,

\editionMod test 1 0/4 Voice \(
\editionMod test 1 1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'ExtenderEvent)
\editionMod test 1 2/8 Voice [
\editionMod test 2 0/4 Score \time 3/4
\editionMod test 2 0/4 Score \tempo "Allegro" 4=135
\editionMod test 2 0/4 Voice \p
\editionMod test 2 0/4 Voice \<
\editionMod test 2 1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'HyphenEvent)

might become

\editionMod test {
  1 {
0/4 Voice \(
1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'ExtenderEvent)
2/8 Voice [
  2 {
0/4 {
  Score {
\time 3/4
\tempo "Allegro" 4=135
  Voice {
1/4 Lyrics #(make-music 'HyphenEvent)

This is much clearer to me, and it would potentially be much easier to
find one's way around the file for maintenance and the addition of new
items.  I appreciate that one might not necessarily want all entries in
the order they appear in the score.

Unfortunately, what I wrote doesn't work.

Is there any likelihood that something similar to what I have suggested
might be added to Edition Engraver in the forseeable future?

And how near are we to seeing Edition Engraver included in Lilypond


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: adding markup from event listeners

2018-02-19 Thread Maurits Lamers

> Op 17 feb. 2018, om 09:21 heeft David Kastrup  het volgende 
> geschreven:
>> As I am doing my analysis on the finalize event, I can only add the
>> markup after the analysis in the same event.
> That won't do I think (you'd have to _not_ use a grob but rather fiddle
> with stencils in order to bypass all of the engravers which are no
> longer in working order for dealing with grobs).  You can try adding a
> markup at music time and filling in its details when processing.

Thanks a lot for your suggestion. That made it work! I am now attaching a grob 
in the note listener, and fill it with messages in the finalize stage.
Works like a charm!

>>(if (not (equal? #f (error-msg note)))
> Now that's a complicated way of saying (if (error-msg note) if I ever
> saw one.

You're completely right, this immediately makes clear Scheme is not my main 
language :)
You should see the rest of my code... ;-)

Again thanks a lot!



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Force Lilypond to preserve vertical order of TextScripts?

2018-02-19 Thread Thomas Morley
2018-02-19 9:35 GMT+01:00 David Kastrup :
> Saul Tobin  writes:
>> I probably will write such a function to deal with my immediate needs, but
>> I raise the issue because this is a case where Lilypond has well defined
>> behavior MOST of the time, and then sometimes violates it.
> No, it doesn't.  Short of other information, it arranges stuff such that
> it fits best.  You can easily provide such other information by creating
> your own specialized TextScript functions with dedicated ordering
> priority.
>> Normally, when you write ^"one"^"two" you expect "two" to be displayed
>> above "one."
> I repeat: LilyPond is not a typewriter.

Hi Saul,

David is right.

Though, it's always difficult to discuss without actual example.
So here's some code where LilyPond doesn't follow the entered order of

\version "2.19.65"



lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond blog

2018-02-19 Thread Gianmaria Lari
I would like to follow the lilypond blog by email and tried to subscribe to
it at this page

... but there is no form where I can enter my data. I tried with chrome and

Do you know about this issue?
Thank you, g.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: what's the error?

2018-02-19 Thread David Kastrup
"Mark Stephen Mrotek"  writes:

> Hello,
> See the attachment for what I want.
> This is what I code:
> \relative c'' {
> <<{bes8 [a]}\\{
> \once \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
> \grace {c,8~ d~ fis~} 4}>>
> }
> The error message is "unterminated tie."
> Someone have a keener eye than I?

\once \set sets tieWaitForNote once at the current point of time.  That
means it will be active for the first grace note but not for the
others.  Consequently it's inactive for d~ which is still followed by
another grace note before the ties are resolved.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Force Lilypond to preserve vertical order of TextScripts?

2018-02-19 Thread David Kastrup
Saul Tobin  writes:

> I probably will write such a function to deal with my immediate needs, but
> I raise the issue because this is a case where Lilypond has well defined
> behavior MOST of the time, and then sometimes violates it.

No, it doesn't.  Short of other information, it arranges stuff such that
it fits best.  You can easily provide such other information by creating
your own specialized TextScript functions with dedicated ordering

> Normally, when you write ^"one"^"two" you expect "two" to be displayed
> above "one."

I repeat: LilyPond is not a typewriter.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: typesetting: doing it twice

2018-02-19 Thread Andrew Bernard
Hi Federico,

My sentiments exactly. Precisely what I was poorly trying to convey.


On 19 February 2018 at 18:45, Federico Bruni  wrote:

> In general, I would use git and an issue management software like
> Github/Gitlab.
> This blog post provides a detailed analysis:
> bility-and-quality/
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