Slurs in alternate endings

2020-01-15 Thread Pastor Jim Neubauer
I have an alternative ending that includes a slur. I know there is a
\repeatTie command for ties across alternate endings, but is there anything
as simple for slurs?

Slur across alternate ending - with example

2020-01-15 Thread Pastor Jim Neubauer
So I figured out how to make and adjust a slur on my own. I am really
wondering though if there is a more elegant way like how simple it is to do


\version "2.18.2"


\language "english"


\relative c'' {

\key d \major

\time 4/4

\repeat volta 2 {


d4 d8 d8~ d8 a4 d8(



\alternative {

{ e4. d8~ d8 cs4) a8 a4 a8 fs'8~ fs8 e4 d8 \bar ":|." } 

{  e4.-\tweak control-points #'((-1 . 3.1) (3 . 3.6) (8 . 3.4) (10 . 1.5)) (
d8~ d8 cs8)fs8 fs8~ } }
