Fast bar numbering in your editor. A white line
is filled with a bar. Other lines _ending_
with "|" get numbers. No notice is taken of
"|" which does not end line. Begin any number,
step any number. b=1 and s=1 is the default.

To use, make cb.awk executable in path
$ cb.awk > (redirect output)
$ cat | cb.awk
$ cb.awk s=8
$ cat | cb.awk b=1 s=1 
$ lynn.sed | rbc.sed | cb.awk
in emacs, on selected text: C+u, 0, M+|, "cb.awk", <enter>
if you don't like the result, undo. 
nedit similarly
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# cb.awk: count-bars: number bars
# arg form: b=startnum s=stepnum
BEGIN{i = 0; b = 1; s = 1}
# does not end with bar[+w] and is not empty
!/\|[ \t]*$,!^[ \t]*$/ {k=$0}
# is white
/^[ \t]*$/ {k="\t| %" (b + s*i++)}
# has bar only in
/^[ \t]*\|[ \t]*$/ {k="\t| %" (b + s*i++)}
# has text and bar 
/^.*[^ \t].*\|[ \t]*$[ \t]*/ {k=$0 " %" (b + s*i++)}
{print k}
ly-neaten-notes: lynn.sed
\\{ and }>> are grouped, for
easier reading, etc.
#!/bin/sed -f
# ly-neaten-notes: lynn.sed
# neatens ly notes
# spaces around all bars on
# lines without double quotes
/"/! s/ *| */ | /g
# singlespace all: no tabs
s/\t/ /g
s/  */ /g
# space inside curlies for notes
s/{ */{ /g
s/ *}/ }/g
# sequences of curlies, etc., nospaced.
s/< /</g
s/ >/>/g
s/></> </g
s/} *\\\\ *{/}\\\\{/g
# the same symbol requires evens and odds
s/{ {/{{/g
s/} }/}}/g
s/{ {/{{/g
s/} }/}}/g
s/} {/}{/g
# strip lines
s/^ *//
s/ *$//
# tab before bar at beginning of line
# tab before lone comment
# two spaces before curly at beginning of line
# if not at end of line, and rest of line moved to next.
/}$/! s/^}/  }\n/
# lone curly, two spaces
s/^}/  }/
to undo bar numbering for fast renumbering:
#!/bin/sed -f
# remove-bar-count: rbc.sed
# restores file to state before cb.awk 
# strip end whitespace, which also cleans empties
s/[\t ]*$//
# strip bar-comment-number, each required,
# from end of line, replace bar.
s/|[\t ]*%[\t ]*[0-9][0-9]*$/|/
# erase bar from otherwise white line
s/^[\t ]*[|][\t ]*$//

found minor bug working with this stuff:

\version "2.13.22"

\score {
\new Staff {
\clef "G_8"
\time 2/4 

\repeat volta 2 {
 % meas. 1 (and 5):
a b 
| %2
c d 
| %3
e f
\alternative{{ a b }
      | % Problem: "|" here. _comment ok_.
{ a c }} 
| %4  easy workaround: supply extra barchecks
| %5
| %6
a b

For beginners: very easy guitar music, solos, duets, exercises. Early
intermediate guitar solos. One best scale set for all guitarists. ::: plus new and
better chord and arpeggio exercises. 

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