Am Montag, 4. April 2005 23:35 schrieben Sie:
> Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> >I tried it in that file ImKrapfenwaldl (measure 21, where the soprano,
> > tenor and bass have "klim-p're mit den Gro-schen", while the alto has
> > lyrics "klim-p're mit den letz-ten Gro-schen"). It doesn't seem to work,
> > the error message is that the sopranoGroschen voice cannot be found or
> > created. What am i doing wrong here?
> I don't have access to a LilyPond installation for the moment, so I
> can't try, but your
> input file looks OK at a first glance. You normally get warnings about a
> missing voice
> if you use \lyricsto with a Voice context that doesn't start from bar
> 1,  but it should work anyway.

It prints the warnings that you mention, but it also doesn't work. Here's the 
shell output:

Interpreting music... [8][16]warning: Cannot find or create `voice' called 
warning: Cannot find or create `voice' called `altoGroschen'
warning: Cannot find or create `voice' called `tenorGroschen'
warning: Cannot find or create `voice' called `bassGroschen'
warning: cannot find Voice `sopranoGroschen'
warning: cannot find Voice `altoGroschen'
warning: cannot find Voice `bassGroschen'
Preprocessing graphical objects...

[snip: lot of warnings because of colliding rests]

Interpreting music... warning: FIXME: key change merge
warning: FIXME: key change merge
warning: Cannot find or create `voice' called `sopranoGroschen'
warning: Cannot find or create `voice' called `altoGroschen'
warning: Cannot find or create `voice' called `tenorGroschen'
warning: Cannot find or create `voice' called `bassGroschen'

warning: cannot find Voice `sopranoGroschen'
warning: cannot find Voice `altoGroschen'
warning: cannot find Voice `bassGroschen'

MIDI output to `ImKrapfenwaldl.midi'...
Layout output to `ImKrapfenwaldl.tex'...
Converting to `ImKrapfenwaldl.dvi'...
Converting to `'...
Converting to `ImKrapfenwaldl.pdf'...

And the resulting ps/pdf doesn't contain the voice-specific lyrics for the two 
beats. What's even more strange is that the default lyrics are still printed 
for the parts that I marked with \context voice=altoGroschen {f e a g}, even 
though the manual would indicate that these four notes don't belong to the 
outside voice.

Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna, Austria
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * K Desktop Environment,, KOrganizer / KPilot maintainer

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