[LinPrj] Re: Project Idea: A "StoneAge" clone for Linux

2001-10-31 Thread mulix

[ i wrote that syscalltrack needs more coders ]

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Shlomi Fish wrote:

> Can't promise anything, but I might work on it a little. Where is its
> to-do list?

http://www.sf.net/projects/syscalltrack/, under 'tasks'
this page has a list of tasks waiting to be done, divided by component
(the rules and filters library, the kernel modules, the configuration
utility, the communication library and the tests). some tasks are very
general, and some are quite specific. if you see anything that catches
your fancy, or you have something you'd like to do that's not there,
just give us a shout on the syscalltrack-hackers mailing list (look
under 'mailing lists').

we also have a FUTURE file, for things we'd like to do someday. some of
the things here are pretty wild.

also, there are things you can always do:

write tests
write documentation
review the code
write a better website

if you want a list of things we consider "the most urgent", or "the most
challenging", just ask.

in short, just pick whatever seems like the most fun and go for it!


Haifa Linux Club Projects Mailing List (http://linuxclub.il.eu.org)
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[LinPrj] Re: Project Idea: A "StoneAge" clone for Linux

2001-10-31 Thread Shlomi Fish

On Tue, 30 Oct 2001, mulix wrote:

> On Tue, 30 Oct 2001, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > Does anybody remember the old DOS game "StoneAge"? It was a very cool
> > puzzle game that went like this:
> >
> > 1. You had to guide a dinosaur from the start to an exit.
> > 2. The dinosaur could move horizonatally or vertically.
> > 3. He had to cross chasms by using blocks that moved all the way in
> > several directions.
> sounds a lot like sokoban.

Well, there are several major differences between StoneAge and Sokoban:

1. In Sokoban the object is to put stones in certain places. In StoneAge
you lead your character to a certain place on the board.

2. In StoneAge the "stones" move all the way, not one step at a time.

3. I'm not aware of any "chasms" in Sokoban.

> i just wanted to say that i'm not going to be working on any "for fun"
> projects other than syscallrack for the forseeable future. this is
> also where i mention yet again that syscalltrack needs more coders and
> there's plenty to do, for all skill levels and areas of interest... and
> it already is a haifux project, so i'm even on topic :)

Can't promise anything, but I might work on it a little. Where is its
to-do list?


Shlomi Fish

Home Page: http://t2.technion.ac.il/~shlomif/
Home E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1. A is A
2. A is not not-A
does it imply that
1. B is B
2. B is not not-B

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