Team (and others),

Now that we have images for all boards (2 images for Panda) it should
allow us to really start cranking. I recently reviewed the
capabilities of each board and would like to focus on enabling the
connectivity options for each. In order of importance we should make
sure these work across all platforms:

ADB over USB
Fix SDCard
Automatic Ethernet Support

This support will need to come up automatically when each build boots.

In addition we'll need to ensure that suspend and resume work across all boards.

For our Gerrit push we'll:

Connect the results of LAVA with Gerrit
Generate test builds
Merge changes onto test builds
Run test builds through LAVA
Merge to mainline based on the results

We'll also be finalizing a flow to ensure that Android kernel patches
can be manged within Gerrit while still allowing kernel maintainers to
keep those trees running the latest kernel. This will allow Android
developers around the world to help Linaro Android platforms not only
run the latest kernels and best toolchains, but to do so on
fully-enabled devices and upstream there work through one common
interface. Extending Gerrit to support efficient upstreaming is
crucial to helping ensure that functionality can flow upstream and no
one is better suited to lead in this area than Linaro.

Also in 11.09 we'll be planning on integrating work from the other WGs:

>From PM we will be spinning up a PM tree and landing a new power app
that should allow people to experiment with PM using a more familiar
Android interface.

>From MM we will be continuing to integrate libjpeg-turbo work with the
eventual goal of pushing this to AOSP.

>From GFX we will be spinning up a GFX tree with the latest CMA work
and landing the glmark2 work into builds.

On into 11.10 and 11.11...

For 11.10 we'll continue enabling functionality in each board,
hopefully some more multimedia related things like HW accelerated
audio and video. We should have a full Gerrit workflow going and be
able to take changes from around the world and integrate them with
ease, we should also have some nascent upstreaming functionality built
into Gerrit.

For 11.11 and beyond we'll hopefully have worked out most of the
licensing issues and be able to enable sensors and on all the boards.
We'll also hopefully be bringing new boards online; since everyone
will have been through things before this should go smoothly.

One thing that I'd like to do is better show off the work Linaro is
doing with our Android builds. Since Android is such an easy platform
to extend and hack on we should be able to create some very dynamic
and interesting demonstrations of the work we're doing.

Happy to have comments, questions, concerns. BPs and bugs to follow.


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