I've had a couple of questions about some new prefixes that are
showing up on https://android-build.linaro.org.

Here's the breakdown:


LT board support patches + jstultz's common Android tree, this is a
pretty stable point


LT board support patches on some version of the kernel


LT board support patches + Linus HEAD + the Android tracking branch

<no prefix>

Only jstultz's common Android tree, the so-called upstreamed only support

These builds go into the LEB ranking system. This system gives the
build a star value depending on what's working (Ethernet, Audio,
etc..). If a build attains a certain star value it is called an LEB.

Feel free to catch me on this thread or on irc or mumble if you've got
any comments or questions.

Zach Pfeffer
Android Platform Team Lead, Linaro Platform Teams
Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs
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