For those using the packages already, this is an update which brings
the packaging back into line with current master (i.e. development
deployments, ahead of current production deployments / release branch).

lava-server | 2014. | sid | armhf, arm64, amd64, i386,

lava-dispatcher | 2014.03.25.10-1 | sid | armhf, arm64, amd64,
                                   i386, source

LAVA is migrating to packaged deployments instead of using
lava-deployment-tool and the work is progressing as a pair of shared
branches on which then build Debian packages hosted on

LAVA has been operational on ARMv7 platforms like the arndale for a
little while already, although SATA or eMMC is recommended rather
than SD. A full LAVA install should be expected to need 20G for short
term usage, rising according to the number of devices and the number of
tests / log files. Tyler has been using this ARM support to regularly
update with the packages, so that users can view the
changes without needing to install.

The packages are built for Debian unstable and include a migration to
django1.6 from the django1.4 used in current deployments. Also, the
frontend is being migrated to bootstrap.css for improved usage on
mobile devices and a simpler design overall. Other deprecated code has
been dropped as a result of the migration to django1.6.

The packages are not a direct upgrade for existing instances at this
time, not least because the base distribution needs to be Debian
unstable currently.

Dependencies like json-schema-validator, django-testproject and others
are being added to Debian (and will migrate into Ubuntu Utopic Unicorn
14.10 when the Ubuntu merge process restarts after the Trusty Tahr
release). Some testing has been done using the Debian packages on
Ubuntu Trusty Tahr 14.04LTS but the final packages will need backports
of a range of dependencies to Trusty if users want to remain on a
Ubuntu LTS base. The next Debian stable release - Jessie - will have
all the necessary support for LAVA and Debian Jessie is expected to be
the new base distribution for production LAVA deployments, rolling on
to the next Debian testing at some point after the Jessie release.

There are still issues to fix in the packaged branches, principally
completion of the bootstrap.css port and javascript updates. Updates to
lava-server and lava-dispatcher master branches are being cherry-picked
into the packaging branch alongside these fixes.

The packages support configuring lava-server as a remote worker but
note that this does, as with current lava-deployment-tool instances,
involve having all of LAVA installed on remote workers. This is an
upstream issue within LAVA and there are plans to fix this and let
remote workers only need lava-dispatcher installed, without the rest of
django or postgresql.

The packages have been operating properly and running limited LAVA tests
on developer boxes within the LAVA team for some months but are only now
getting wider testing. If you are interested in the new packaging
approach, feel free to install a new instance using Debian unstable. 

To install the packages, add the apt source and emdebian-archive-keyring
package as specified in the wiki. It is recommended to always install
postgresql before starting the install of lava-server. If you already
have the Linaro Tools PPA in your apt sources, you may want to install
the top level 'lava' package to get all of the environment. (Note: if
you don't have the 'devscripts' package installed already, install just
'devscripts' with the --no-install-recommends option first.) The main
package to install is lava-server which will also bring in
lava-dispatcher and lava-tool. If using a virtual machine, remember to
setup bridging or install openvswitch-switch (and modprobe the
openvswitch module) outside the VM to be able to interact with LAVA
from outside the VM.

If you are interested in running LAVA on other distributions, like
Fedora, then please use the packaging branches of lava-dispatcher and
lava-server and note the dependency requirements outlined on the wiki

The Debian packaging for LAVA is maintained at

The packaging branch is still in development and package dependencies
are likely to change, as described on the wiki. An official download of
the tarballs for packaging will be made available once the packages are
ready for production deployments and the migration of existing
instances has had more testing.

Packages are updated manually at the moment (due to the need for cherry
picking updates) but tools are included to rebuild the packages from
the packaging branch.


Neil Williams

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