We have had a “rep” for years who, I believe,  does not represent our values.
Please educate yourself as to the importance of this seat, and about the 
In my mind, Mara is head and shoulders and everything else above the current 
Watch debates, read, attend a candidates event here in Lincoln on June 6…and 
VOTE Dolan on Sept.3 2024

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Mara Dolan <m...@maradolan.com>
> Subject: On the Ballot, First Debate This Tuesday, the Next Four Months to 
> the Primary, Dogs for Dolan!
> Date: May 5, 2024 at 6:59:36 AM EDT
> To: <samat...@gmail.com>
> Reply-To: Mara Dolan <m...@maradolan.com>
> On the Ballot, First Debate This Tuesday, the Next Four Months to the 
> Primary, Video, Events, and Dogs for Dolan!
> Hi Everyone,
> I started campaigning for the September 3, 2024 primary in March, 2023. I 
> knew that if we almost won with a five-month campaign, an 18-month campaign 
> would make all the difference. Folks, it’s paying off even more than I had 
> hoped. This week I qualified for the ballot, thanks to the many dedicated 
> volunteers who helped me collect signatures. Thanks so much to each and every 
> one of you, and to everyone who signed!
> Those volunteers, and all of you, know how much is at stake. It is critical 
> that the Governor’s Council have the benefit of the insights and experience 
> of a public defender. In a time when our federal courts are taking away our 
> rights, we must make sure that our state courts uphold them. 41 states have 
> abortion bans in effect with only limited exceptions 
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=0d815efbc5&e=3841176a80>.
>  Massachusetts must continue to lead in the fight to protect reproductive 
> rights and choice. We must make sure our Governor’s Councillor will do 
> everything in her power to protect the right to choose. I have previously 
> documented the incumbent’s long anti-choice history, including her voting to 
> confirm an anti-choice judge to our Superior Courts right after Roe v. Wade 
> was overturned. If you haven’t seen it, please take a look HERE 
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=cbc8f47813&e=3841176a80>.
> In anticipation of the first debate of the campaign this Tuesday, I’ve taken 
> a good look at what’s happened not just in my campaign two years ago, but in 
> every other primary challenge for this office. The pattern is clear. Every 
> challenger has accurately called out Marilyn Devaney on her record, and every 
> time she has accused them of lying. But of course they were reporting 
> accurately, just as I am now. Every challenger has been subjected to false 
> allegations, accused of things they never would have done, just as I am now. 
> So I am expecting more of the same at Tuesday’s debate. I want you to know 
> that it’s hard to listen to someone accuse you of making things up, and 
> accuse you of doing things you never would have done. Knowing you’re watching 
> and supporting me will help, so please tune in on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 
> 7:00 p.m. The debate will take place at Woburn Public Media Center 
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=cd8ef2da52&e=3841176a80>
>  and will also air on BCAT in Burlington 
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=fe5fd1a306&e=3841176a80>
>  and Billerica Access Television 
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=564ae2b4a6&e=3841176a80>.
>  If you’re not in one of those towns, you can watch it right HERE 
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=e4f5ea9a18&e=3841176a80>.
> I’ll never forget standing there at the end of the Watertown debate while she 
> falsely accused me of committing elections fraud, and I am extremely grateful 
> to WCA-TV 
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=a1aa7c8cc8&e=3841176a80>
>  for posting a disclaimer with the debate to say that the claims were not 
> correct. Nor will I ever forget the end of the League of Women Voters forum, 
> when she reeled off a mixed list of real and fake endorsements, including 
> that of Congressman Jim McGovern. Watch HERE 
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=07b6f327aa&e=3841176a80>.
>  I’m very grateful to GBH News for covering the debate and reporting the 
> facts 
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=c525e20726&e=3841176a80>.
> I don’t think anyone believes her false accusations. She has held a 
> Constitutional office for over 25 years because not enough voters know about 
> the Governor’s Council and what’s at stake. So pass it on! Forward this 
> email!Tell your friends and neighbors, and make a contribution 
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=9138bbb6c5&e=3841176a80>
>  so we can reach as many voters as possible in the 31 cities and towns in the 
> district 
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=2fc821cb4c&e=3841176a80>.
> I’m really looking forward to some terrific house parties and a Zoom for 
> those who want to participate remotely. Come join us in Woburn 
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=6137cc9462&e=3841176a80>
>  on May 15, 2024, on Zoom 
> <mailto:m...@maradolan.cocm?subject=Zoom%20May%2022%2C%202024%205%3A00%20-%206%3A00%20p.m.>
>  on May 22, 2024 or Lincoln 
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=cd9037a9e0&e=3841176a80>
>  on June 6, 2024, and watch here for more opportunities to join us!
> It’s going to be a wonderful summer, and I'll continue to go throughout the 
> district to educate voters about how much this race matters. Once people know 
> what’s at stake, they’re all in, like this wonderful family that came to the 
> 3rd Middlesex Democrats breakfast in Waltham to support me. The district is 
> larger than a Congressional district. We have a lot of voters to reach. 
> Please make a contribution today 
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=74944d25a5&e=3841176a80>,
>  so that we can reach each and every one of them.  Hope to see you soon!
> Take Care,
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=2bcd9d52e7&e=3841176a80>
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=07b46e27cf&e=3841176a80>
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=e455d796d5&e=3841176a80>
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=49d2eb7e90&e=3841176a80>
> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=6f2ec5ca13&e=3841176a80>
> Copyright © 2024 Mara Dolan Committee, All rights reserved.
> You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.
> Our mailing address is:
> Mara Dolan Committee
> 1538 Main St
> Concord, MA 01742-2826
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> <https://maradolan.us14.list-manage.com/vcard?u=a629c154f1706174701e68356&id=142105d3ac>
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