The First Parish Racial Justice Advocates invites you to see the remarkable
film "Traces of the Trade: a Story from the Deep North. "

When:  Thursday, September 30  at 7 P.M.

What: Screening of this film that candidly traces a RI family's history
with the Triangle Trade and slavery.  We learn their history,watch them as
they follow the route of the  triangle trade to Ghana, Cuba and Rhode
Island and see a family reacting to the past and the present. Very
thought-provoking. We hope you will join us.

How:  Zoom.  To get the link, go to  and either go to
the calendar and click on Traces of the Trade and you will get the link.
The link is also under events.

“*Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North* chronicles the journey
of nine descendants of the largest slave-trading family in the United
States, as they probe the history of their New England ancestors and
confront the contemporary legacies of slavery. The documentary follows
producer/director Katrina Browne as she and her family travel to Rhode
Island, Ghana, and Cuba to retrace the notorious Triangle Trade – and
search for the hidden history of their family, the region, and the nation.
Traces of the Trade exposes New England’s deep involvement in the slave
trade and shows how slavery was a cornerstone of the region’s commercial
life. Together with the DeWolf family descendants, viewers will have the
opportunity to grapple with the history and modern consequences of slavery,
the corrosive role of silence in contemporary conversations about race,
issues of white privilege and guilt, and questions of response, repair, and
reparations. For more information about the film, please visit”

Joan Kimball for FPL's Racial Justice Advocates
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