*The Lincoln Democratic Town Committee (LDTC) wishes to introduce itself to

The *35 members of the LDTC are elected* on the Presidential Primary Ballot
for registered Democrats in the Town of Lincoln.  (The same is true of the
Lincoln Republican Town Committee (LRTC.)   In addition the LDTC welcomes
Democrats registered in Lincoln to join as associate members.

Part of the *mandated duties of the LDTC is to inform and engage the people
of Lincoln on issues of importance that are a priority for the Democratic
Party*.  These issues impact everyone in town and include voting rights,
reproductive rights, climate change, healthcare reform, racial justice, and

The LDTC *engages the public* through action opportunities, generating and
amplifying news and opinion pieces, and educational opportunities through
panel discussions, lectures, films, meetings, videos and other formats.

The LDTC *affirms the Lincoln tradition that town elections are nonpartisan*.
We do want to reiterate that town elections traditionally have been
nonpartisan, and we strongly believe that they must continue to be. People
run for office in Lincoln, regardless of party affiliation, because they
want to serve the town.

The LDTC recognizes that Lincoln Talk is not a forum for public debate on
these topics—however, we seek to uphold our prescribed role in the life of
the town by sharing opportunities and information that align with our
priorities from time to time.    It is our *hope that these links are
useful and interesting* for those who choose to click through, *regardless
of party affiliation*.

*Current opportunities:  *

Are you interested in understanding why and *how down ballot races in other
states have the potential to impact us here in Lincoln*?  If yes, click here
to read
last week’s NYT article on the topic. Are you interested in learning more
and taking action on this issue?  If yes, click here
<https://statesproject.org/> to connect with The States Project,
referenced in the article.

*See the LDTC website for more information*, on who we are, how to get
involved, calls to action, news and opinions, political analysis and
Calendar:  https://www.lincolnmadems.org/

 If you are interested in *information about Democratic candidates for U.S.
house and senate races in other states*, we recommend  Force Multiplier:

Visit our website and subscribe to our email list if you’d like to learn
more about the Lincoln Democratic Town Committee and get involved with our


Joan Kimball and Barbara Slayter
Lincoln Democratic
The LincolnTalk mailing list.
To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
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