To All Lincoln Residents,

Preparations are well underway for our *Annual Town Meeting* to be
held on *March
26, 2022* in the Donaldson Auditorium in the newly renovated Lincoln
School.  I want to be sure that you are making your own preparations.  In
order to participate fully in Town Meeting you must be a *REGISTERED VOTER*.

                       ~~  *V*oice   *O*f   *T*he   *E*lectorate  ~~

1. You must be registered in order to vote at both Town Meeting on
Saturday, March 26th and the polls on Monday, March 28th.  The *DEADLINE* for
registering to vote is *March 4, 2022.*  You can check your current
registration status here

2.  Prior to Town Meeting you will receive the WARRANT BOOKLET with a list
of all the ARTICLES that will be considered and voted on at the Town
Meeting as well as the Report of the Finance Committee.

3.  The *CONTESTED* seats on the *March 28th ballot* are the Lincoln School
Committee (K-8), Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School Committee (9-12),
Select Board and Planning Board.  *VOTING* will take place in the Reed Gym
at the Lincoln School.  The polls are open from 7:30 am to 8 pm.

4.  The PTO plans to hold a *CANDIDATES' FORUM *on Wednesday evening, *MARCH
16th.  *More information to follow.

5.  If you cannot get to the polls on March 28th you may request an
absentee ballot.  You may do this at the Clerk's Office at Town Offices or
request it here <>.

6.  If you need to update your registration to reflect your current Lincoln
address, in most cases it can be done quickly online at this link

Please feel free to ask town officials and/or the Clerk's Office any
questions that you might have about voting and voter registration.

Thank you.  I look forward to seeing you on March 26th.  Check in begins at
8:30 am.  Meeting will begin at 9:30 am.

Sarah Cannon Holden

Town Moderator
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