On Fri, 2019-05-03 at 17:52 +1000, JLWhitaker wrote:
> If there aren't consequences for NOT doing the en route work, what do
> you think would happen? Party time! ;-)

I specifically said, but you did not quote, that I am fine with a
requirement that students participate in activities, hand in quizzes
and so on - I'm just not OK with assessable tasks that require
knowledge or skill before that they can reasonably have been learned.

This is especially true when in order to do the tasks, you depend on
inputs and support from people who are often completely incompetent -
such as tutors.

Don't get me started on the fuckuppery that has marked at least two of
the subjects progeny is now attempting. From quizzes with literally
incomprehensible questions, to incorrect answers, to getting dates
wrong and assigning zero marks for work handed in "late", to public
mark-shaming, to not covering material until after the relevant quizz,
to not returning marked quizzes, to not providing answers to quizzes,
or indeed any feedback at all to anything... and to not correcting any
of the above errors - the list goes on.

An assessment task needs to be perfect. It has to be correct in itself,
and feedback from it needs to be prompt, accurate, thorough and
helpful. And it has to be delivered AFTER the point where a student can
reasonably be expected to have learned what is being tested. Anything
else is demoralising and of no academic worth.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (ka...@biplane.com.au)

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