> In the U.S. regulators are waiting on data from a large, late-stage clinical 
> trial
> of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine that is expected to report results in March.

So, I guess we’ll know more about our government’s mass-vaccine choice in March.

Meanwhile .. today we have ..

  “Revealed: four in five Oxford Covid jabs delivered to EU not yet used”

By Daniel Boffey in Brussels  Fri 26 Feb 2021  First published on Fri 26 Feb 

Four out of five of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine doses delivered to EU 
countries are yet to be used, a Guardian investigation has found, as Angela 
Merkel admitted to an “acceptance problem” among Europeans being offered the 

Using data extracted from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and 
Control (ECDC) and other official sources, it is estimated that 4,849,752 of 
the 6,134,707 doses distributed among the 27 member states have not yet been 

The decision by authorities in France, Germany, Poland and Italy to recommend 
use of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine only for people under 65 is likely to be 
a significant factor in its slow administration, with authorities failing to 
redirect jabs to younger people.

But in an interview with the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 
Merkel conceded that the vaccine was also being rejected by people concerned 
over its efficacy and safety after a slew of bad publicity.

“There is … currently an acceptance problem with the AstraZeneca vaccine,” 
Merkel said. “AstraZeneca is a reliable vaccine, effective and safe, approved 
by the European Medicines Agency and recommended in Germany up to the age of 65 
years. All the authorities tell us that this vaccine can be trusted. As long as 
vaccines are as scarce as they are now, you cannot choose what to vaccinate 

Asked whether she would volunteer to be administered with the vaccine, Merkel 
said: “I am 66 years old and I do not belong to the recommended group for 

Later on Thursday, the French president, Emmanuel Macron, said he would gladly 
accept an AstraZeneca dose if it were offered when his turn for vaccination 

“In view of the latest scientific studies, the efficacy of the AstraZeneca 
vaccine has been proven,” Macron said. “My turn will come, but I’ve got time. 
If that’s the vaccine that’s offered to me, I will take it, of course.”

Last month Macron caused some consternation when he suggested without substance 
that the AstraZeneca vaccine was “quasi-ineffective” in over-65s.

Data analysed by the Guardian, while vulnerable to a short time lag in 
reporting by member states, highlights some eye-catching discrepancies between 
the amount of AstraZeneca vaccine available in member states and its 
administration to the population.

Belgium has received 201,600 AstraZeneca doses and administered just 9,832 
(4%), according to the ECDC, an EU agency. Bulgaria received 117,600 doses and 
administered 2,035 (1.73%), while Germany has received 1,452,000 doses and 
administered 189,206 (13%).

According to the ECDC, Italy has had 499,200 AstraZeneca doses delivered and 
its health practitioners have given just 96,621 jabs (19%).

In contrast, four out of five of the Pfizer vaccine doses supplied to Belgium 
(81%), Italy (80%) and Germany (82%) have been administered, the ECDC data 

France has not submitted data to the ECDC on how many of its 1,137,600 
Oxford/AstraZeneca doses it has administered, but figures provided by the 
vaccine tracker website Covidtracker.fr estimates the figure at just 125,859 

Prof Alain Fischer, the “Monsieur Vaccin” overseeing France’s vaccination 
programme, told a press conference in Paris on Thursday that the AstraZeneca 
vaccine had received an “unjustifiably bad press”. The latest data showed it 
was “at least as effective” as the Pfizer and Moderna jabs and entirely safe, 
he said, adding: “This is a very good vaccine and should be used by everyone 
who is offered it, without hesitation.”

The EU’s vaccination rollout has been heavily criticised owing to a lack of 
supply in recent months, with reported shortfalls in production by AstraZeneca, 
Moderna and Pfizer.

However, the data suggests pejorative comments about AstraZeneca, along with 
the decision by some regulatory authorities to recommend use for only the 
younger age groups until more data is available, has also had a significant 

The European Medicines Agency approved the AstraZeneca vaccine for use in all 
age groups, but some national bodies have advised against use in the older age 
ranges given the lack of data available on efficacy at the time.

Dr June Raine, the chief executive of the UK Medicines and Healthcare products 
Regulatory Agency, defended its decision to approve for all ages at the time, 
noting that “current evidence does not suggest any lack of protection against 
Covid-19 in people aged 65”, and adding that it produced “a strong immune 
response in the over-65s”.

The vaccine is in widespread use in the UK along with that produced by 
Pfizer/BioNTech, with preliminary data showing high levels of efficacy among 
older people.

Prof Thomas Mertens, who chairs Germany’s standing commission on vaccination, 
which advised Merkel’s government in January on not using AstraZeneca in the 
older age groups, told BBC Radio 4’s Today problem that lack of uptake in his 
country was “a problem, no doubt, at the moment”.

He said: “It is true, unfortunately. We are working quite hard on this point to 
try and convince people to accept the vaccine and to build up again the trust 
in the vaccine in the population. But as you know this is some kind of 
psychological problem too and it will unfortunately take some time to reach 
this goal.”

Asked whether his committee’s advice was to blame, he told the BBC: “It may be 
part of the problem although we always stated it had nothing to do with the 
safety of the vaccine; we never criticised the vaccine for being unsafe.

“We stated that the amount of data for this group of elderly people was not 
really great, it was quite small at the time, when we had to give the 

“But I don’t think that was the major problem.“

“The major problem was the news spread about the efficacy of the vaccine being 
much lower than the mRNA vaccines [for example Pfizer’s] that started earlier.”


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