The 2014 Ig Nobel Prize Winners

The 2014 Ig Nobel Prizes were awarded on Thursday night, September 18th, 2014 
at the 24th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony, at the Harvard University 
Sanders Theatre.

PSYCHOLOGY PRIZE [AUSTRALIA, UK, USA]: Peter K. Jonason, Amy Jones, and Minna 
Lyons, for amassing evidence that people who habitually stay up late are, on 
average, more self-admiring, more manipulative, and more psychopathic than 
people who habitually arise early in the morning.

PHYSICS PRIZE [JAPAN]: Kiyoshi Mabuchi, Kensei Tanaka, Daichi Uchijima and Rina 
Sakai, for measuring the amount of friction between a shoe and a banana skin, 
and between a banana skin and the floor, when a person steps on a banana skin 
that's on the floor.

NEUROSCIENCE PRIZE [CHINA, CANADA]: Jiangang Liu, Jun Li, Lu Feng, Ling Li, Jie 
Tian, and Kang Lee, for trying to understand what happens in the brains of 
people who see the face of Jesus in a piece of toast.

Havlíček and Jitka Hanušova-Lindova, and to David Hanauer, Naren Ramakrishnan, 
Lisa Seyfried, for investigating whether it is mentally hazardous for a human 
being to own a cat.

Nováková, Erich Pascal Malkemper, Sabine Begall, Vladimír Hanzal, Miloš Ježek, 
Tomáš Kušta, Veronika Němcová, Jana Adámková, Kateřina Benediktová, Jaroslav 
Červený and Hynek Burda, for carefully documenting that when dogs defecate and 
urinate, they prefer to align their body axis with Earth's north-south 
geomagnetic field lines.

ART PRIZE [ITALY]: Marina de Tommaso, Michele Sardaro, and Paolo Livrea, for 
measuring the relative pain people suffer while looking at an ugly painting, 
rather than a pretty painting, while being shot [in the hand] by a powerful 
laser beam.

ECONOMICS PRIZE [ITALY]: ISTAT — the Italian government's National Institute of 
Statistics, for proudly taking the lead in fulfilling the European Union 
mandate for each country to increase the official size of its national economy. 
They did this by including revenues from prostitution, illegal drug sales, 
smuggling, and all other unlawful financial transactions between willing 

MEDICINE PRIZE [USA, INDIA]: Ian Humphreys, Sonal Saraiya, Walter Belenky and 
James Dworkin, for treating "uncontrollable" nosebleeds, using the method of 

ARCTIC SCIENCE PRIZE [NORWAY, GERMANY]: Eigil Reimers and Sindre Eftestøl, for 
testing how reindeer react to seeing humans who are disguised as polar bears.

NUTRITION PRIZE [SPAIN]: Raquel Rubio, Anna Jofré, Belén Martín, Teresa 
Aymerich, and Margarita Garriga, for their study titled "Characterization of 
Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Infant Faeces as Potential Probiotic Starter 
Cultures for Fermented Sausages."

The 2013 Ig Nobel Prize Winners

The 2013 Ig Nobel Prizes were awarded on Thursday night, September 12th, 2013 
at the 23rd First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony, at Harvard's Sanders Theatre. 
The ceremony was webcast live. You can watch the video on our youTube Channel.

MEDICINE PRIZE: Masateru Uchiyama [JAPAN], Xiangyuan Jin [CHINA, JAPAN], Qi 
Zhang [JAPAN], Toshihito Hirai [JAPAN], Atsushi Amano [JAPAN], Hisashi Bashuda 
[JAPAN] and Masanori Niimi [JAPAN, UK], for assessing the effect of listening 
to opera, on heart transplant patients who are mice.

PSYCHOLOGY PRIZE: Laurent Bègue [FRANCE], Brad Bushman [USA, UK, the 
NETHERLANDS, POLAND], Oulmann Zerhouni [FRANCE], Baptiste Subra [FRANCE], and 
Medhi Ourabah [FRANCE], for confirming, by experiment, that people who think 
they are drunk also think they are attractive.

Scholtz [SOUTH AFRICA], and Eric J. Warrant [SWEDEN, AUSTRALIA, GERMANY], for 
discovering that when dung beetles get lost, they can navigate their way home 
by looking at the Milky Way.

SAFETY ENGINEERING PRIZE: The late Gustano Pizzo [USA], for inventing an 
electro-mechanical system to trap airplane hijackers — the system drops a 
hijacker through trap doors, seals him into a package, then drops the 
encapsulated hijacker through the airplane's specially-installed bomb bay 
doors, whence he parachutes to earth, where police, having been alerted by 
radio, await his arrival. US Patent #3811643, Gustano A. Pizzo, "anti hijacking 
system for aircraft", May 21, 1972.

[ITALY, RUSSIA, FRANCE], Germana Cappellini [ITALY], Nadia Dominici [ITALY, 
SWITZERLAND], and Francesco Lacquaniti [ITALY], for discovering that some 
people would be physically capable of running across the surface of a pond — if 
those people and that pond were on the moon.

CHEMISTRY PRIZE: Shinsuke Imai [JAPAN], Nobuaki Tsuge [JAPAN], Muneaki Tomotake 
[JAPAN], Yoshiaki Nagatome [JAPAN], H. Sawada [JAPAN],Toshiyuki Nagata [JAPAN, 
GERMANY], and Hidehiko Kumgai [JAPAN], for discovering that the biochemical 
process by which onions make people cry is even more complicated than 
scientists previously realized.

ARCHAEOLOGY PRIZE: Brian Crandall [USA] and Peter Stahl [CANADA, USA], for 
parboiling a dead shrew, and then swallowing the shrew without chewing, and 
then carefully examining everything excreted during subsequent days — all so 
they could see which bones would dissolve inside the human digestive system, 
and which bones would not.

PEACE PRIZE: Alexander Lukashenko, president of Belarus, for making it illegal 
to applaud in public, AND to the Belarus State Police, for arresting a 
one-armed man for applauding.

PROBABILITY PRIZE: Bert Tolkamp [UK, the NETHERLANDS], Marie Haskell [UK], 
Fritha Langford [UK, CANADA], David Roberts [UK], and Colin Morgan [UK], for 
making two related discoveries: First, that the longer a cow has been lying 
down, the more likely that cow will soon stand up; and Second, that once a cow 
stands up, you cannot easily predict how soon that cow will lie down again.

PUBLIC HEALTH PRIZE: Kasian Bhanganada, Tu Chayavatana, Chumporn Pongnumkul, 
Anunt Tonmukayakul, Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn, Krit Komaratal, and Henry Wilde, 
for the medical techniques described in their report "Surgical Management of an 
Epidemic of Penile Amputations in Siam" — techniques which they recommend, 
except in cases where the amputated penis had been partially eaten by a duck. 

The 2012 Ig Nobel Prize Winners

The 2012 Ig Nobel Prizes were awarded on Thursday night, September 20th, 2012 
at the 22rd First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony, at Harvard's Sanders Theatre. 
The ceremony was webcast live. You can watch the video on our youTube Channel.

PSYCHOLOGY PRIZE: Anita Eerland and Rolf Zwaan [THE NETHERLANDS] and Tulio 
Guadalupe [PERU, RUSSIA, and THE NETHERLANDS] for their study "Leaning to the 
Left Makes the Eiffel Tower Seem Smaller"

PEACE PRIZE: The SKN Company [RUSSIA], for converting old Russian ammunition 
into new diamonds.

ACOUSTICS PRIZE: Kazutaka Kurihara and Koji Tsukada [JAPAN] for creating the 
SpeechJammer — a machine that disrupts a person's speech, by making them hear 
their own spoken words at a very slight delay.

NEUROSCIENCE PRIZE: Craig Bennett, Abigail Baird, Michael Miller, and George 
Wolford [USA], for demonstrating that brain researchers, by using complicated 
instruments and simple statistics, can see meaningful brain activity anywhere — 
even in a dead salmon.

CHEMISTRY PRIZE: Johan Pettersson [SWEDEN and RWANDA]. for solving the puzzle 
of why, in certain houses in the town of Anderslöv, Sweden, people's hair 
turned green.

LITERATURE PRIZE: The US Government General Accountability Office, for issuing 
a report about reports about reports that recommends the preparation of a 
report about the report about reports about reports.

PHYSICS PRIZE: Joseph Keller [USA], and Raymond Goldstein [USA and UK], Patrick 
Warren, and Robin Ball [UK], for calculating the balance of forces that shape 
and move the hair in a human ponytail.

FLUID DYNAMICS PRIZE: Rouslan Krechetnikov [USA, RUSSIA, CANADA] and Hans Mayer 
[USA] for studying the dynamics of liquid-sloshing, to learn what happens when 
a person walks while carrying a cup of coffee.

ANATOMY PRIZE: Frans de Waal [The Netherlands and USA] and Jennifer Pokorny 
[USA] for discovering that chimpanzees can identify other chimpanzees 
individually from seeing photographs of their rear ends.

MEDICINE PRIZE: Emmanuel Ben-Soussan and Michel Antonietti [FRANCE] for 
advising doctors who perform colonoscopies how to minimize the chance that 
their patients will explode.

The 2011 Ig Nobel Prize Winners ....



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