I have some time to kill this evening, and I find myself wondering whether anyone else on this list has experienced anything like the following problem.

When I put a Linrad system into regular use back in October, I noticed that if I left Linrad running continuously, it always happened that within a day or two I would come into the shack and find that the monitor had "lost sync", or some such fault. The Linrad display would be all messed up, with horizontal streaks in many random places, and all system control (via mouse, keyboard, or attempted login from another computer) had been lost. Turning the monitor off and on again did not help.

After a reboot the system would be OK again ... but the problem would reappear after another few days. The monitor is a Panasonic 17-inch model, perhaps 6 or 8 years old.

To try to understand the problem better I swapped monitors between the Linrad computer and a second machine that I use to run WSJT under Windows. The second monitor is a 15-inch Dell flat-panel LCD model. For some weeks now both monitors -- the Panasonic CRT model now on the Windows computer, and the Dell LCD model on the Linux machine -- have behaved flawlessly. Linux has been left running continuously, but with only a couple of xterms on the screen. Then, yesterday, I started Linrad and left it running. This evening I found the picture on the Dell monitor all screwed up, just as had happened before with the CRT monitor. A reboor was required to clear things up.

So my question is this: has anyone else seen their monitor suddenly go berserk in this way? Does it happen only when Linrad is running, as seems to be the case for me? Maybe I have a bad video card that somehow gets more "stressed" when displaying Linrad than when displaying an inactive X11 desktop??
                        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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