SHARE is just around the corner, and since you are planning to attend SHARE
(you have registered, haven't you?), I'm sure you are ready, willing, and
able to consider chairing one or more sessions in San Jose. This is the
time to sign up!
If you have never chaired a session before, it is really simple, and I'm
happy to explain to you want's involved. Feel free to email me and ask. For
those of you that have done this before, feel free to pick the session(s)
you'd like to have, and send that information directly back to me please.
We do appreciate your continued participation and volunteerism, and welcome
all newcomers to jump right in and help out as well.

The sessions that are currently available are below.



Session ID Session Title Day Date and Time People
19972 Linux and VM Program Opening and News Flash Mon 2017-03-06, 10:00:00 Rick
Barlow (Speaker)
20091 Lab: Linux for Beginners, Part 1 of 3 Mon 2017-03-06, 10:00:00 Neale
Ferguson (Speaker)
20325 IBM Dynamic Partition Manager - Introduction Mon 2017-03-06,
10:00:00 Richard
G. Young (Speaker)
20378 Monitoring the Blockchain on Linux on z Systems Mon 2017-03-06,
10:00:00 Michael Sine (Speaker)
20092 Lab: Linux for Beginners, Part 2 of 3 Mon 2017-03-06, 11:15:00 Neale
Ferguson (Speaker)
20153 Performance Case Studies for Linux and z/VM Mon 2017-03-06,
11:15:00 Barton
Robinson (Speaker)
20294 Lead With Linux: Deploy New Enterprise Workloads to Linux on z
Systems Using Flexible Application Devevelopment Solutions Mon 2017-03-06,
11:15:00 Ed Airey (Speaker)
20328 z/VM - The Leader in Virtualization Mon 2017-03-06, 11:15:00 Bill
Bitner (Speaker)
20093 Lab: Linux for Beginners, Part 3 of 3 Mon 2017-03-06, 12:30:00 Neale
Ferguson (Speaker)
20151 Introduction to RACF on z/VM Mon 2017-03-06, 13:45:00 Bruce Hayden
20154 Live: z/VM Platform Update Mon 2017-03-06, 13:45:00 Bill Bitner
20293 Something Broke, How Do I Fix It? Lessons Learned from a Linux
Performance Specialist Mon 2017-03-06, 13:45:00 Tanya Buchanan (Speaker)
20169 z/VM 6.4: Preparation & Use Mon 2017-03-06, 15:15:00 John
Franciscovich (Speaker)
20184 What's New with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on IBM z Systems
Mon 2017-03-06,
15:15:00 Mark Post (Speaker)
20808 Automating State of California Office of Technology Services (OTech)
Virtual Server Environment Mon 2017-03-06, 15:15:00 Paul Vincent (Speaker)
20152 Overview of CA VM:Secure for z/VM in a Single System Image (SSI)
Cluster Mon 2017-03-06, 16:30:00 Brian Jagos (Speaker)
20192 IBM Dynamic Partition Manager - Deep Dive Mon 2017-03-06, 16:30:00 Carl
Mayer (Speaker)
20095 Lab: z/VM Installation or Migration or Upgrade, Part 1 of 3 Tue
10:00:00 Richard Lewis (Speaker)
20170 Putting SMT to Work on z/VM Tue 2017-03-07, 10:00:00 Bill Bitner
20181 Introduction and Positioning of KVM for IBM z Systems Tue 2017-03-07,
10:00:00 Steffen Thoss (Speaker)
20796 Color Your Mainframe With OpenSource; But This Time Really Tue
10:00:00 Ivan Dobos (Speaker)
20096 Lab: z/VM Installation or Migration or Upgrade, Part 2 of 3 Tue
11:15:00 Richard Lewis (Speaker)
20164 Tips and Tricks of Installing and Updating the CA VM:Manager Suite
for Linux on z Systems Tue 2017-03-07, 11:15:00 Brian Jagos (Speaker)
20699 User Experience with IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) Tue 2017-03-07,
11:15:00 Marcy D. Cortes (Speaker)
20094 Lab: Managing a LinuxONE, z/VM, and Linux on z Systems Environment
Using IBM Solutions Tue 2017-03-07, 12:30:00 Tracy Dean (Speaker), Michael
Sine (Speaker), Eduardo C. Oliveira, IBM, Wave, for, z/VM, Tiger, Team,
Lead (Speaker)
20097 Lab: z/VM Installation or Migration or Upgrade, Part 3 of 3 Tue
12:30:00 Richard Lewis (Speaker)
20806 LVM Program Volunteer Lunch - CLOSED SESSION Tue 2017-03-07,
12:30:00 Rick
Barlow (Speaker)
20155 Advanced Systems Management of LinuxONE and Linux on z Systems using
IBM Wave for z/VM Tue 2017-03-07, 15:15:00 Eduardo C. Oliveira, IBM, Wave,
for, z/VM, Tiger, Team, Lead (Speaker)
20766 The Aftermath of Buying a Mainframe, Updates and Work Experience
Tue 2017-03-07,
15:15:00 Connor Krukosky (Speaker)
20792 KVM on IBM z Systems Performance Tue 2017-03-07, 15:15:00 Eberhard
Pasch (Speaker)
20156 z/VM Security Essentials Tue 2017-03-07, 16:30:00 Alan Altmark
20180 Penguins Behind the Affordable Care Act Tue 2017-03-07, 16:30:00 Mike
Giglio, z/VM, Engineer (Speaker)
20182 Using SUSE Manager for Systems and Configuration Management Tue
16:30:00 Alejandro Bonilla (Speaker), Anthony Tortola (Speaker)
20089 Lab: Introduction to REXX Workshop (Part 1 of 2) (BYO Device)
Wed 2017-03-08,
08:30:00 John Franciscovich (Speaker)
20183 What's New in Linux on z Systems? Wed 2017-03-08, 08:30:00 Martin
Schwidefsky (Speaker)
20090 Lab: Introduction to REXX Workshop (Part 2 of 2) (BYO Device)
Wed 2017-03-08,
10:00:00 John Franciscovich (Speaker)
20190 Linux on z Systems at Wells Fargo: Penguins Board the Stagecoach
Wed 2017-03-08,
10:00:00 Marcy D. Cortes (Speaker)
20159 z/VM Upgrade In Place Installation Wed 2017-03-08, 11:15:00 Richard
Lewis (Speaker)
20179 Linux Performance Tools in 60 Minutes Wed 2017-03-08, 11:15:00 Eberhard
Pasch (Speaker)
20349 OpenStack, XCAT and Z: Our Experiences Wed 2017-03-08, 11:15:00 Tony
Noto (Speaker)
20158 Top Ten Most Listed z/VM Issues from the VM Listserv Since the Last
Meeting Wed 2017-03-08, 13:45:00 Brian Jagos (Speaker)
20160 z/VM Virtual Switch (Part 1): The Basics Wed 2017-03-08, 13:45:00 Alan
Altmark (Speaker)
20801 LinuxONE Community Cloud - A Journey of Discovery Wed 2017-03-08,
13:45:00 Martha McConaghy (Speaker), Eva Yan (Speaker)
20168 z/VM System Configuration - Let's Talk About All the Choices Wed
15:15:00 Bruce Hayden (Speaker)
20327 Proactive Monitoring and Operational Support of z/VM and Linux on z
Systems Wed 2017-03-08, 15:15:00 Rich Smrcina (Speaker)
20475 Putting MobileFirst ... with Linux on z Systems Wed 2017-03-08,
15:15:00 Matthew T. Cousens (Speaker), Torin Reilly (Speaker), Max Bender
20173 Charge-Back Of The Penguins Wed 2017-03-08, 16:30:00 Mike Giglio,
z/VM, Engineer (Speaker)
20365 The New Linux Ecosystem on z Systems and Solution Implications
Wed 2017-03-08,
16:30:00 Wilhelm Mild (Speaker)
19971 Linux & VM Program Dinner Wed 2017-03-08, 18:30:00 Brian Jagos
(Speaker), Rick Barlow (Speaker)
20103 z/VM Early Support Program Experiences Thu 2017-03-09, 08:30:00 Richard
Lewis (Speaker)
20162 Cloud Manager Appliance for z/VM: Implementation and Integration
Options Thu 2017-03-09, 08:30:00 Mike Bonett (Speaker)
20178 Linux Distribution Performance Update Thu 2017-03-09, 08:30:00 Eberhard
Pasch (Speaker)
20161 Are There Free Tools Available to Use On My z/VM System? Thu 2017-03-09,
10:00:00 Bruce Hayden (Speaker)
20174 Cloning versus Provisioning – What is the Difference? Thu 2017-03-09,
10:00:00 Mike Bonett (Speaker)
20194 Docker and z Systems Thu 2017-03-09, 10:00:00 Martin Schwidefsky
20007 Docker - The Tutorial Thu 2017-03-09, 11:15:00 Alejandro Bonilla
20163 RACF Advanced Configuration and Auditing on z/VM Thu 2017-03-09,
11:15:00 Bruce Hayden (Speaker)
20175 User Experiences with Linux and z Systems - Customer Panel Thu
11:15:00 Neale Ferguson (Speaker)
20165 z/VM Virtual Switch (Part 2): Advanced Topics Thu 2017-03-09,
13:45:00 Alan
Altmark (Speaker)
20185 What's new in Red Hat Enterprise Linux for IBM z Systems Thu 2017-03-09,
13:45:00 Filipe Torchia Miranda (Speaker)
20193 Comparison of z Systems Virtualization Choices Thu 2017-03-09,
13:45:00 Richard Lewis (Speaker)
20167 Managing Performance Best Practices for IBM z/VM and Linux on IBM z
Systems and LinuxONE Thu 2017-03-09, 15:15:00 Michael Sine (Speaker)
20172 Building and Running Your Docker Containers on z Systems Thu 2017-03-09,
15:15:00 Neale Ferguson (Speaker)
20701 GDPS Virtual Appliance to Provide High Availability and Disaster
Recovery for z/VM & Linux Environments Thu 2017-03-09, 15:15:00 Anthony
Morales (Speaker)
20009 Migrate Linux Workloads to the Mainframe Using Open Source Tools
Thu 2017-03-09,
16:30:00 Niel M. Bornstein (Speaker)
20196 Dialogue and Requirements Discussion for IBM z Systems Virtualization
and Linux Thu 2017-03-09, 16:30:00 Steffen Thoss (Speaker), George Madl
20040 LIVE: LinuxONE and Linux on z Systems Capacity and Solution Planning
Fri 2017-03-10, 08:30:00 Jim Elliott (Speaker)
20171 Don't Fear the Critical Situation Fri 2017-03-10, 08:30:00 Bill
Bitner (Speaker)
20191 Docker Demystified for Mainframers Fri 2017-03-10, 08:30:00 Wilhelm
Mild (Speaker)
20087 Lab: Introduction to Docker and Mobile with Docker Containers on
Linux for z Systems - Part 1 Fri 2017-03-10, 10:00:00 Richard Lewis
(Speaker), Wilhelm Mild (Speaker), Erich Amrehn (Speaker)
20570 Ensure Proper Utilization of Resources Within KVM Instances Using
Hypervisor Performance Manager Before You Scale Up Fri 2017-03-10,
10:00:00 Deepti
Naphade (Speaker)
20627 The Emperor Strikes back - Exploiting New and Advanced z13 Features
with z/VM Fri 2017-03-10, 10:00:00 Mike Giglio, z/VM, Engineer (Speaker)
20088 Lab: Introduction to Docker and Mobile with Docker Containers on
Linux for z Systems - Part 2 Fri 2017-03-10, 11:15:00 Richard Lewis
(Speaker), Wilhelm Mild (Speaker), Erich Amrehn (Speaker)
20197 IBM Wave for z/VM Setup, Use Cases, and Field Experiences Fri 2017-03-10,
11:15:00 Richard G. Young (Speaker)

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