On 01/19/2011 12:58 PM, Robin Gareus wrote:
On 01/19/2011 12:39 PM, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
it's a music school, their investment
cycles are long and they won't be able to afford cutting-edge gear anyways.

Oh and I was already becoming jealous thinking you're planning your own
studio and was planning a trip to Essen to admire it..

unfortunately not :) but i do have an 8way multicore into the living room and adat next door, if you want to admire that, i'll see to coffee and beer :)

just curious: Will there be any Linux-boxes inside or would those fall
in the "cutting-edge gear" category? :)

probably not immediately. i'll try and convince them later, but i guess it's going to be logic for now. but you never know, ardour has been known to magically appear on machines i've worked with... from ardour/macos, it's a small step into the light :)



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