Hello everybody,

I'm using Linux redhat 6 and sendmail 8.9.3 included with Redhat CD. My
Linux machine is the mail server for the domain 'hcmut.edu.vn'. All
mails to users in hcmut.edu.vn domain and its subdomains are transfered
to my Linux machine by another computer I don't know exactly. I used
Linuxconf 1.16 to config my mail server and every user in hcmut.edu.vn
domain can receive their letter. But there's one strange thing, in
'basic information' section (in sendmail section, in linuxconf), I have
to choose "Accept email for hcmut.edu.vn" and in the field "Present your
system as" I can type hcmut.edu.vn or not (it means sendmail works in
both cases). Can I rename my Linux machine linux.somewhere.net, not
linux.hcmut.edu.vn and my Linux machine is still the mail server for
hcmut.edu.vn domain?

Now we have some subdomain, eg. dee.hcmut.edu.vn, dit.hcmut.edu.vn,...
and there are different mail servers for each subdomain. How do I
configure sendmail on my Linux machine so that mails to users in
subdomains will be transfered to the proper mail server of that
subdomain? I try 2 ways but none of them works.
First, I use special domain routing. And I fill in fields like this
Destination : dee.hcmut.edu.vn
Forwarder :
[x] Manage sub-domain identically
Mailer : smtp is the IP addr of the mail server of dee.hcmut.edu.vn
domain. I'm sure that it works for users in its domain (that means users
in that domain can email each other). Unfortunately it doesn't work in
this way. Am I wrong somewhere?

Second, I add the MX record for the domain dee.hcmut.edu.vn in the DNS
server like this.
In /etc/named.conf
zone "dee.hcmut.edu.vn" {
 type master;
 file "dee.hcmut.edu.vn";
 notify no;

In /var/named/dee.hcmut.edu.vn file
@ IN SOA (
  1999113001 ;
  3600 ;
  900 ;
  1209600 ;
  43200 ;
@ IN MX 5
But it doesn't work in this way either.

Can you tell me where I'm wrong and how to do it.
Thank you very much for any suggestion.

Sincerely yours.

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