I'm at my wits end here folks and I'm looking for some help.

Currently when the cluster is up and running on lvsuat1a, requests for 
ldap come through the VIP  and then get passed out to each "real server" 
in a fairly round robin format. However, when I fail the cluster over I 
am seeing some odd issues. The first thing I notice is that the cluster 
fails over successfully as I would expect it to and the ldirector 
service and VIP successfully fail over. When I issue this command, I can 
see that the tunnels to the real servers are set up successfully.
[r...@lvsuat1b ~]# ipvsadm
IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP  ldpuatb.vip.intranet                lc
  -> gasdyul9300602.intranet.aero Tunnel  1      0          0        
  -> gasdyul9300601.intranet.aero Tunnel  1      0          0      

So after a failover, all first indications look fine.

 The problem comes when clients begin sending requests. What happens is 
that entries in the InActConn column begin queuing up, indicating a 
problem with the requests getting through to the real servers. Sometimes 
if I wait long enough requests are able to get through eventually, 
sometimes I have to bring the first node back into the picture to get 
connections to go through.

Arp issue? I've tried many of the solutions in the LVS how to and 
nothing works.

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