On 03/30/2012 04:58 PM, Lars Ellenberg wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 02:28:42PM -0600, Alan Robertson wrote:
>> Earlier I mentioned the problem with portreserve (which was apparently
>> ignored?)
> No.
> But I cached a cold.
Sorry to hear that :-(.  Hope you're feeling better now.  You have my 
full sympathies - since I had bronchitis that lasted over two weeks.
> And you did not send a patch, did you?
Good point.  Sorry to be a whiner...  I was hoping for a little more 
conversation in any case.
>> Now I have run into another problem.  When you set LRM parameters in
>> /etc/sysconfig, the code assumes that the LRM will start within 20
>> seconds of starting heartbeat.  That is not the case.
>> lrmd was changed to getenv() it's max-children meanwhile.
>> You need to cherry pick that patch, or update glue.
Good to hear that's changed.  I put a patch of my own into my local copy 
- just extending the loop and making it not print those annoying '.'s or 
delay startup while waiting.  So, I'm good locally - and there's no need 
for a patch for the future.

I guess I need to make a workspace so I can submit patches properly (as 
you noted above).

On the other hand, the good news though is that by upping that limit to 
16 and switching from a group to explicit dependencies, the failover 
time was cut from about 60 seconds to about 18 seconds - so I'm happy.

     Alan Robertson<al...@unix.sh>  - @OSSAlanR

"Openness is the foundation and preservative of friendship...  Let me claim 
from you at all times your undisguised opinions." - William Wilberforce
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