  As you all know the Haifa Linux Club is going to have a Linux Day at
12/11/2003. For more information about the Linux Day see our website:

  As in every installation party, we need installers and experts to help
with the installations. If you want to help, please register on our site:

  A meeting for all installers will be held at Monday 10/11/2003 at 18:30 in
room 3 of the Taub Computer Science building at the Technion, Hafia. It is
crucial for installers to attend this meeting, as the details of the network
installation, the extra CD, and the kickstart floppy will be explained
during that meeting to ensure a common standard for all installations.

  The disribution of choice for this installation party will be RedHat 9,
with an additional CD downloadable from ftp://haifux.org/pub/Haifux/ExtraCD
The CD includes updates and additional software especially tuned towards the
Israeli user.

  Additional information (for installers) about the Linux Day will be sent
to people who register at the aforementioned website and to the Haifa Linux
Club mailing list (send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to register).


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 -=[ Random Fortune ]=-
Unnamed Law:
        If it happens, it must be possible.

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