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On Sun, 2002-05-05 at 22:10, Muli Ben-Yehuda wrote:
> > Is there a way to monitor how much memory a kernel module uses? I can
> > do it very crudely by watching top while rmmoding/insmoding.  Is there
> > any tool that I am unaware of (and did not find on TFW) that does it
> > better?
> Not likely, but if you have that module's source, you can hack
> something yourself(*). 
> Explanation why not (which you might or might not already know): a
> module is just a regular object file which gets linked into the kernel
> at run time. The notion of "memory which the kernel module uses" is
> not very well defined, since there are no clear boundaries between the
> module and the kernel (on cannot differentiate between memory used by
> the "base" kernel and memory used by the module).

As Muli pointed out a module is simply an object file, which its
unresolved symbols are linked at insmod time to the running kernel
image. This is why a a module memory consumption is not trivialy
available to lusers.

However, since we are hackers and not mere mortals, the fact that a 
kernel module is nothing more then an object file can also be used to
our advantage. For example, we can link it ageinst another object file,
of our making, that will supply a symbol not found in the original
module and use this to hijack the calls this binary module does to use
and abuse as we see fit.

Attached below is a Makefile and two C files that serve as a demo on how
to do this. For this example, our binary module is khttpd.o (available
from a /usr/src/linux near you) and the symbol in question is kmalloc.

To use the example simply copy to the same directory the module khttpd.o
from your system, define KERNEL_DIR to point to your kernel source
directory (yes, I stole the Makefile from syscalltracker ;-) and type:

The result will be 4 new o files, from which only these 2 are of
interest: hack.o and mykhttpd.o

Now, insmod hack.o and mykhttpd.o, in this order.

What you will get is a loaded module which has the same code as the
orignal khttpd.o, but everytime the original khttpd.o calls kmalloc()
this one will call my_kmalloc() function which is defined in foo.c

The supplied function will print to the system log a message of
following format: "M: X Y" for every call khttpd.o makes to kmalloc(),
where X is the size requested and Y are the flags parameters past to it.

Note that this will ONLY be done for direct calls from khttpd.o to
kmalloc. If khttpd.o calls some other in kernel function F() that calls
kmalloc() this call will not be hijacked, but you can easily hijack the
symbol for the F() function in the same manner as well.

Happy Hacking,

You owe the Internet Oracle a Linux kernel module virus based on the
concept presented therein ;-)
Gilad Ben-Yossef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!"

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