Check this out. It's funny :-)

Oleg Kobets
Unsolicited Email Senders, Terms of Service:

Much though I love receiving unsolicited bulk email, I am now so overwhelmed by the 
number of people who want me to look at
their email offerings that I am forced to charge $50 for each unsolicited bulk email 
or offer to "buy this  report"  I
receive, plus an additional $100 bandwidth fee per email for HTML or attachments, 
charged on your behalf  to your ISP if
you do not pay within 30 days or, in the case of non-Israel companies or individuals, 
to your country's Israeli embassy. I
also charge $50 for testing your "unsubscribe" utility, which is a great bargain since 
so few of them work, and I know you
want yours to operate properly.

Please don't claim I "opted in"  or "subscribed" to your bulk email. I didn't, and 
don't try to claim I did, because  we
both know you're lying. "Someone else must have subscribed you" is not valid, either. 
If you choose not to use a double
opt-in  (subscription confirmation) system, you are being rude to people who get your 
people without asking for it, and you
should be grateful that I am charging you a little money in return for pointing out 
the problem so you can correct it
instead of letting you keep on being stupid until you get black holed or your ISP cuts 
off your service. And if you
sell/sold any of my personal information, including my email address, as part of any 
kind of sales or contact database
without my express, written personal permission in advance, you must pay $5 royalty 
per copy sold, minimum $500. It's my
name and information, pal, not yours. Capice?

All charges are "plus $80 per hour trackdown and collection fees," and do not include 
court costs, so when you get my bill
please pay it promptly.

If you cannot abide by these Terms of Service, do not send me unsolicited bulk email. 
If you choose to send me unsolicited
bulk email, you accept these terms automatically. Remember, you are the one who 
initiated the transaction, not me. I did
not ask you to send me unsolicited bulk email. (If I did, it wouldn't be unsolicited.)

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