ESPN web site recently moved to a standard no-tables (css only)
design). There is an interview with them about this move on
As the question "why change to standards?" keeps coming up here, it is
interesting to read what ESPN have to say.

>From the article:
> Q: What were the primary factors behind your decision to move away
>  from table-based layout?
> A: The number one factor was forward compatibility, a term I first
>  heard used by Jeffrey Zeldman. 
> [...]
> Now that digital lifestyle devices, tablets, wireless phones, and<b
> other Internet appliances are beginning to come of age, we need to
> worry about presenting our content to these devices so that it is
> optimized for their display capabilities. Do we want to send a
> 100KB index page full of Flash, images, and tables to a small
> wireless device or would we rather send them our top story, our
> top headlines, and essential navigation to get through our
> site? By separating our content pieces in a logical way
> rather than a graphical way, we are free to restyle this content
> for any device which supports open standards.
> The second big factor in our decision was staying ahead of the curve.
> [...]
> For us, embracing open standards and dropping support for proprietary
> code was clearly the right thing to do... the only question was, was 
> it the right time to do it yet?
> Basically, we could have done [the redesign] now, or we could have
> waited two years until our next redesign. Doing it now keeps us
> ahead of the curve, while only potentially risking about 2% of
> our online audience. Doing it in two years may put us behind 
> our competitors. We fully expect our competitors to join us in
> embracing open standards with their next redesigns. Our spy 
> planes haven't produced any illuminating photos yet so we can't
> say exactly when that will be. 

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 Shoshannah                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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