Thanks for the suggestions and help, I'm further along, but here's were I'm stuck.

If I invoke pptp and connect to it from a windows machine, it makes
a connection and then passes control to pppd. On a regular system
pppd passes back a data stream that windows recongnizes as coming from pppd and starts communicating.

In my case, I can't run pppd because it calls the kernel ppp driver and
the kernel does not have it.

So I tried to replace pppd with Slirp. Slirp supports ppp. So I tell
pptpd to invoke slirp instead of pppd, and include ppp in the slirp options

I start up pptp, and it waits. I connect from windows and it starts Slirp.
Slirp displays a message that it's starting and going into ppp mode.

Windows waits for a response from Slirp, as if it were pppd, and Slirp
waits for a response from Windows.

What do I do?



Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED]  N3OWJ/4X1GM

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