
I recently started getting this error from time to time in my
/var/log/messages when attempting connection via pppd and chat:

Mar  9 21:34:24 fortinbras chat[2313]: %% Unable to create EXEC - no memory or too 
many processes^M

.and naturally, the connection fails. If I let the system "sit" a bit,
and try again, it usually works out.

The system isn't loaded:

  9:36pm  up  3:34,  3 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.03, 0.01
31 processes: 30 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  0.3% user,  0.9% system,  0.0% nice, 98.7% idle
Mem:   63360K av,  61820K used,   1540K free,   9780K shrd,   1404K buff
Swap: 154684K av,   1232K used, 153452K free                 50268K cached

(start of 'top' output)

although it *is* using more memory than it should be:

[roo@fortinbras ~]$ ps aux | grep -v RSS| awk '{r+=$6}END{print r}'

I gather the kernel is sneaking memory somewhere. Any ideas? Yes, I
know, there are rather newer kernels out there, but this is a machine
that hasn't had any problems for a while and I didn't change anything
in its configuration recently.


Config info:
Randomly boosted Red Hat 5.2 based system
kernel 2.2.1
pppd version 2.3 patch level 5 (rpm version ppp-2.3.5-1)
Pentium 120 MHz / 64MB RAM

believing is seeing

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