
I'm using a shared root environment and therefore linked /etc/mtab 
to /proc/mounts. In addition I'm using --bind mount to make administration 

Now I found the following behaviour:
# mount -a 
is mounting all filesystems with bind options in the fstab 
everytime the command "mount -a " is executed. 

That works fine using an /etc/mtab file, but fails for --bind mounts 
using /etc/mtab linked to /proc/mounts.

I think this is because /etc/mtab has information about the source directory 
and /proc/mounts shows the device, hosting the filesystem.

# mount --bind /tmp/bmount/ /mnt/bmount/
# cat /etc/mtab
(...) /tmp/bmount /mnt/bmount none rw,bind 0 0
# cat /proc/mounts
(...) /dev/root /mnt/bmount ext3 rw,data=ordered 0 0

Is there a solution for this ?


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