Hi List,
The ctype macros like  isalpha(3) have a locale specific counterpart.
This page was missing.


Signed-off-by: wha...@bfs.de <wha...@bfs.de>

.\" Copyright (c) 2013 by Walter Harms
.\" Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
.\" manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
.\" preserved on all copies.
.\" Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
.\" manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
.\" entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
.\" permission notice identical to this one.
.\" Since the Linux kernel and libraries are constantly changing, this
.\" manual page may be incorrect or out-of-date.  The author(s) assume no
.\" responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from
.\" the use of the information contained herein.  The author(s) may not
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.\" Formatted or processed versions of this manual, if unaccompanied by
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.TH ISALPHA_L 3 2013-09-20 "GNU" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
isalnum_l, isalpha_l, isblank_l, iscntrl_l, isdigit_l, isgraph_l, islower_l,
isprint_l, ispunct_l, isspace_l, isupper_l, isxdigit_l \- character
classification routines
.B #include <ctype.h>
.BI "int isalnum_l(int " "c" ", locale_t " loc );
.BI "int isalpha_l(int " "c" ", locale_t " loc );
.BI "int isascii_l(int " "c" ", locale_t " loc );
.BI "int isblank_l(int " "c" ", locale_t " loc );
.BI "int iscntrl_l(int " "c" ", locale_t " loc );
.BI "int isdigit_l(int " "c" ", locale_t " loc );
.BI "int isgraph_l(int " "c" ", locale_t " loc );
.BI "int islower_l(int " "c" ", locale_t " loc );
.BI "int isprint_l(int " "c" ", locale_t " loc );
.BI "int ispunct_l(int " "c" ", locale_t " loc );
.BI "int isspace_l(int " "c" ", locale_t " loc );
.BI "int isupper_l(int " "c" ", locale_t " loc );
.BI "int isxdigit_l(int " "c" ", locale_t " loc );
These functions check whether
.IR c ,
which must have the value of an
.I unsigned char
falls into a certain character class according to the current locale.
.BR isalnum_l ()
checks for an alphanumeric character; it is equivalent to
.BI "(isalpha(" c ") || isdigit(" c "))" \fR.
.BR isalpha_l ()
checks for an alphabetic character; in the standard \fB"C"\fP
locale, it is equivalent to
.BI "(isupper_l(" c ") || islower_l(" c "))" \fR.
In some locales, there may be additional characters for which
.BR isalpha ()
is true\(emletters which are neither upper case nor lower
.BR isascii_l ()
checks whether \fIc\fP is a 7-bit
.I unsigned char
value that fits into
the ASCII character set.
.BR isblank_l ()
checks for a blank character; that is, a space or a tab.
.BR iscntrl_l ()
checks for a control character.
.BR isdigit_l ()
checks for a digit (0 through 9).
.BR isgraph_l ()
checks for any printable character except space.
.BR islower_l ()
checks for a lower-case character.
.BR isprint_l ()
checks for any printable character including space.
.BR ispunct_l ()
checks for any printable character which is not a space or an
alphanumeric character.
.BR isspace_l ()
checks for white-space characters.
In the
.B """C"""
.B """POSIX"""
locales, these are: space, form-feed
.RB ( \(aq\ef\(aq ),
.RB ( \(aq\en\(aq ),
carriage return
.RB ( \(aq\er\(aq ),
horizontal tab
.RB ( \(aq\et\(aq ),
and vertical tab
.RB ( \(aq\ev\(aq ).
.BR isupper_l ()
checks for an uppercase letter.
.BR isxdigit_l ()
checks for a hexadecimal digits, that is, one of
.BR "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F" .
The values returned are nonzero if the character
.I c
falls into the tested class, and a zero value
if not.
POSIX.1-2008 specifies all of these functions.
The details of what characters belong into which class depend on the current
.IR locale.h :
The concept of one static locale per category is not very well
thought out.  Many applications will need to process its data using
information from several different locales.  Another application is
the implementation of the internationalization handling in the
upcoming ISO C++ standard library.  To support this another set of
the functions using locale data exist which have an additional

For example,
.BR isupper ()
will not recognize an A-umlaut (\(:A) as an uppercase letter in the default
.B "C"
The following example takes a locale abbreviation like "de_DE" as argument.
Is no argument is supplied it will use "C". With "de_DE" the code will
identify the O-Umlaut correctly as alphanumeric character but not with "C".
In contrast the punctuation will perform as before.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale.h>

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  char *str="c2p\(:O.,";
  int i;
  locale_t loc;
    if (argc > 1 )
      loc = newlocale (LC_ALL_MASK, argv[1], NULL);
      loc = newlocale (LC_ALL_MASK, "C", NULL);

  for(i=0;str[i]!=0;i++) {
    if (isalnum_l(str[i],loc))
        printf("The character %c is alphanumeric.\\n",str[i]);
    if ( ispunct_l(str[i],loc) )
        printf ("The character %c is punctuation.\\n",str[i]);
  return 0;

.BR iswalnum (3),
.BR iswalpha (3),
.BR iswblank (3),
.BR iswcntrl (3),
.BR iswdigit (3),
.BR iswgraph (3),
.BR iswlower (3),
.BR iswprint (3),
.BR iswpunct (3),
.BR iswspace (3),
.BR iswupper (3),
.BR iswxdigit (3),
.BR setlocale (3),
.BR toascii (3),
.BR tolower (3),
.BR toupper (3),
.BR ascii (7),
.BR locale (7)
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