Dear Friend,
I am Mr. Derick Ahmed , I am a Pharmacist with an Agro Allied Industry
This company engages in the production of animal injections, dietary
supplements  and Antiviral Drugs also partners with World Health
Organization (WHO) in producing vaccines used on animals for related
diseases .
There is this dietary Chemical used in the production of this vaccines
that are being sold in your country which are very expensive and scare
 here but relatively very cheap from a source in your country which
our company desperately needed.
Therefore, l am soliciting for your assistance to stand as the
supplier while l will give you the information of the local vendor in
your country to discuss with them on how to procure the material and
sale to my company director.
After your negotiations with my CEO and his acceptance he will send
his representative to come and inspect the material after which he
will advance you payment.
The local Source in your country sells the chemical at the rate of
$11,000 per 1 gallon and you willsupply to my Director at $18,000 per
Five liter gallon.
If my proposal sounds interesting to you, I will like to introduce you
to our company for you to take over the supply as our sole agent in
your country while you share your profit with me. feel-free to write
me back and I will give you more information.

Reply to to this email gl...@yahoo.com indicating your interest with
your details :

Best Regards,
Derick Ahmed

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