Uses runtime instrumentation of callees from an indirect call site to
 populate an indirect-call-wrapper branch tree.  Essentially we're doing
 indirect branch prediction in software because the hardware can't be
 trusted to get it right; this is sad.
Calls to these trampolines must take place within an RCU read-side
 critical section.  This is necessary because we use RCU synchronisation
 to ensure that no CPUs are running the fast path while we patch it;
 otherwise they could be between checking a static_call's func and
 actually calling it, and end up calling the wrong function.  The use
 of RCU as the synchronisation method means that dynamic_calls cannot be
 used for functions which call synchronize_rcu(), thus the mechanism has
 to be opt-in rather than being automatically applied to all indirect
 calls in the kernel.

Enabled by new CONFIG_DYNAMIC_CALLS, which defaults to off (and depends
 on a static_call implementation being available).

Signed-off-by: Edward Cree <>
 include/linux/dynamic_call.h | 300 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 init/Kconfig                 |  11 ++
 kernel/Makefile              |   1 +
 kernel/dynamic_call.c        | 131 +++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 443 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 include/linux/dynamic_call.h
 create mode 100644 kernel/dynamic_call.c

diff --git a/include/linux/dynamic_call.h b/include/linux/dynamic_call.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2e84543c0c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/linux/dynamic_call.h
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Dynamic call (optpoline) support
+ *
+ * Dynamic calls use code patching and runtime learning to promote indirect
+ * calls into direct calls using the static_call machinery.  They give the
+ * flexibility of function pointers, but with improved performance.  This is
+ * especially important for cases where retpolines would otherwise be used, as
+ * retpolines can significantly impact performance.
+ * The two callees learned to be most common will be made through static_calls,
+ * while for any other callee the trampoline will fall back to an indirect call
+ * (or a retpoline, if those are enabled).
+ * Patching of newly learned callees into the fast-path relies on RCU to ensure
+ * the fast-path is not in use on any CPU; thus the calls must be made under
+ * the RCU read lock.
+ *
+ *
+ * A dynamic call table must be defined in file scope with
+ *     DYNAMIC_CALL_$NR(ret, name, type1, ..., type$NR);
+ * where $NR is from 1 to 4, ret is the return type of the function and type1
+ * through type$NR are the argument types.  Then, calls can be made through a
+ * matching function pointer 'func' with
+ *     x = dynamic_name(func, arg1, ..., arg$NR);
+ * which will behave equivalently to
+ *     (*func)(arg1, ..., arg$NR);
+ * except hopefully with higher performance.  It is allowed for multiple
+ * callsites to use the same dynamic call table, in which case they will share
+ * statistics for learning.  This will perform well as long as the callsites
+ * typically have the same set of common callees.
+ *
+ * Usage example:
+ *
+ *     struct foo {
+ *             int x;
+ *             int (*f)(int);
+ *     }
+ *     DYNAMIC_CALL_1(int, handle_foo, int);
+ *
+ *     int handle_foo(struct foo *f)
+ *     {
+ *             return dynamic_handle_foo(f->f, f->x);
+ *     }
+ *
+ * This should behave the same as if the function body were changed to:
+ *             return (f->f)(f->x);
+ * but potentially with improved performance.
+ */
+#define DEFINE_DYNAMIC_CALL_1(_ret, _name, _type1)                            \
+_ret dynamic_##_name(_ret (*func)(_type1), _type1 arg1);
+#define DEFINE_DYNAMIC_CALL_2(_ret, _name, _type1, _name2, _type2)            \
+_ret dynamic_##_name(_ret (*func)(_type1, _type2), _type1 arg1, _type2 arg2);
+#define DEFINE_DYNAMIC_CALL_3(_ret, _name, _type1, _type2, _type3)            \
+_ret dynamic_##_name(_ret (*func)(_type1, _type2, _type3), _type1 arg1,        
+                    _type2 arg2, _type3 arg3);
+#define DEFINE_DYNAMIC_CALL_4(_ret, _name, _type1, _type2, _type3, _type4)     
+_ret dynamic_##_name(_ret (*func)(_type1, _type2, _type3, _type4), _type1 
+                    _type2 arg2, _type3 arg3, _type4 arg4);
+#include <linux/jump_label.h>
+#include <linux/mutex.h>
+#include <linux/percpu.h>
+#include <linux/static_call.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/workqueue.h>
+/* Number of callees from the slowpath to track on each CPU */
+ * Number of fast-path callees; to change this, much of the macrology below
+ * must also be changed.
+ */
+struct dynamic_call_candidate {
+       void *func;
+       unsigned long hit_count;
+struct dynamic_call_percpu {
+       struct dynamic_call_candidate candidates[DYNAMIC_CALL_CANDIDATES];
+       unsigned long hit_count[DYNAMIC_CALL_BRANCHES];
+       unsigned long miss_count;
+struct dynamic_call {
+       struct work_struct update_work;
+       struct static_key_false *skip_stats;
+       struct static_key_true *skip_fast;
+       struct static_call_key *key[DYNAMIC_CALL_BRANCHES];
+       struct __percpu dynamic_call_percpu *percpu;
+       struct mutex update_lock;
+void dynamic_call_update(struct work_struct *work);
+#define __DYNAMIC_CALL_BITS(_ret, _name, ...)                                 \
+static _ret dummy_##_name(__VA_ARGS__)                                        \
+{                                                                             \
+       BUG();                                                                 \
+}                                                                             \
+DEFINE_STATIC_KEY_TRUE(_name##_skip_fast);                                    \
+DEFINE_STATIC_KEY_FALSE(_name##_skip_stats);                                  \
+DEFINE_STATIC_CALL(dynamic_##_name##_1, dummy_##_name);                        
+DEFINE_STATIC_CALL(dynamic_##_name##_2, dummy_##_name);                        
+DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct dynamic_call_percpu, _name##_dc_pc);                    \
+                                                                              \
+static struct dynamic_call _name##_dc = {                                     \
+       .update_work = __WORK_INITIALIZER(_name##_dc.update_work,              \
+                                         dynamic_call_update),                \
+       .skip_stats = &_name##_skip_stats,                                     \
+       .skip_fast = &_name##_skip_fast,                                       \
+       .key = {&dynamic_##_name##_1, &dynamic_##_name##_2},                   \
+       .percpu = &_name##_dc_pc,                                              \
+       .update_lock = __MUTEX_INITIALIZER(_name##_dc.update_lock),            \
+#define __DYNAMIC_CALL_STATS(_name)                                           \
+       if (static_branch_unlikely(&_name##_skip_stats))                       \
+               goto skip_stats;                                               \
+       for (i = 0; i < DYNAMIC_CALL_CANDIDATES; i++)                          \
+               if (func == thiscpu->candidates[i].func) {                     \
+                       thiscpu->candidates[i].hit_count++;                    \
+                       break;                                                 \
+               }                                                              \
+       if (i == DYNAMIC_CALL_CANDIDATES) /* no match */                       \
+               for (i = 0; i < DYNAMIC_CALL_CANDIDATES; i++)                  \
+                       if (!thiscpu->candidates[i].func) {                    \
+                               thiscpu->candidates[i].func = func;            \
+                               thiscpu->candidates[i].hit_count = 1;          \
+                               break;                                         \
+                       }                                                      \
+       if (i == DYNAMIC_CALL_CANDIDATES) /* no space */                       \
+               thiscpu->miss_count++;                                         \
+                                                                              \
+       for (i = 0; i < DYNAMIC_CALL_CANDIDATES; i++)                          \
+               total_count += thiscpu->candidates[i].hit_count;               \
+       if (total_count > 1000) /* Arbitrary threshold */                      \
+               schedule_work(&_name##_dc.update_work);                        \
+       else if (thiscpu->miss_count > 1000) {                                 \
+               /* Many misses, few hits: let's roll the dice again for a      \
+                * fresh set of candidates.                                    \
+                */                                                            \
+               memset(thiscpu->candidates, 0, sizeof(thiscpu->candidates));   \
+               thiscpu->miss_count = 0;                                       \
+       }                                                                      \
+#define DYNAMIC_CALL_1(_ret, _name, _type1)                                   \
+__DYNAMIC_CALL_BITS(_ret, _name, _type1 arg1)                                 \
+                                                                              \
+_ret dynamic_##_name(_ret (*func)(_type1), _type1 arg1)                        
+{                                                                             \
+       struct dynamic_call_percpu *thiscpu = this_cpu_ptr(_name##_dc.percpu); \
+       unsigned long total_count = 0;                                         \
+       int i;                                                                 \
+                                                                              \
+       WARN_ON_ONCE(!rcu_read_lock_held());                                    
+       if (static_branch_unlikely(&_name##_skip_fast))                        \
+               goto skip_fast;                                                \
+       if (func == dynamic_##_name##_1.func) {                                \
+               thiscpu->hit_count[0]++;                                       \
+               return static_call(dynamic_##_name##_1, arg1);                 \
+       }                                                                      \
+       if (func == dynamic_##_name##_2.func) {                                \
+               thiscpu->hit_count[1]++;                                       \
+               return static_call(dynamic_##_name##_2, arg1);                 \
+       }                                                                      \
+                                                                              \
+skip_fast:                                                                    \
+       __DYNAMIC_CALL_STATS(_name)                                            \
+       return func(arg1);                                                     \
+#define DYNAMIC_CALL_2(_ret, _name, _type1, _type2)                           \
+__DYNAMIC_CALL_BITS(_ret, _name, _type1 arg1, _type2 arg2)                    \
+                                                                              \
+_ret dynamic_##_name(_ret (*func)(_type1, _type2), _type1 arg1,        _type2 
arg2)   \
+{                                                                             \
+       struct dynamic_call_percpu *thiscpu = this_cpu_ptr(_name##_dc.percpu); \
+       unsigned long total_count = 0;                                         \
+       int i;                                                                 \
+                                                                              \
+       WARN_ON_ONCE(!rcu_read_lock_held());                                    
+       if (static_branch_unlikely(&_name##_skip_fast))                        \
+               goto skip_fast;                                                \
+       if (func == dynamic_##_name##_1.func) {                                \
+               thiscpu->hit_count[0]++;                                       \
+               return static_call(dynamic_##_name##_1, arg1, arg2);           \
+       }                                                                      \
+       if (func == dynamic_##_name##_2.func) {                                \
+               thiscpu->hit_count[1]++;                                       \
+               return static_call(dynamic_##_name##_2, arg1, arg2);           \
+       }                                                                      \
+                                                                              \
+skip_fast:                                                                    \
+       __DYNAMIC_CALL_STATS(_name)                                            \
+       return func(arg1, arg2);                                               \
+#define DYNAMIC_CALL_3(_ret, _name, _type1, _type2, _type3)                   \
+__DYNAMIC_CALL_BITS(_ret, _name, _type1 arg1, _type2 arg2, _type3 arg3)        
+                                                                              \
+_ret dynamic_##_name(_ret (*func)(_type1, _type2, _type3), _type1 arg1,        
+                    _type2 arg2, _type3 arg3)                                 \
+{                                                                             \
+       struct dynamic_call_percpu *thiscpu = this_cpu_ptr(_name##_dc.percpu); \
+       unsigned long total_count = 0;                                         \
+       int i;                                                                 \
+                                                                              \
+       WARN_ON_ONCE(!rcu_read_lock_held());                                    
+       if (static_branch_unlikely(&_name##_skip_fast))                        \
+               goto skip_fast;                                                \
+       if (func == dynamic_##_name##_1.func) {                                \
+               thiscpu->hit_count[0]++;                                       \
+               return static_call(dynamic_##_name##_1, arg1, arg2, arg3);  \
+       }                                                                      \
+       if (func == dynamic_##_name##_2.func) {                                \
+               thiscpu->hit_count[1]++;                                       \
+               return static_call(dynamic_##_name##_2, arg1, arg2, arg3);  \
+       }                                                                      \
+                                                                              \
+skip_fast:                                                                    \
+       __DYNAMIC_CALL_STATS(_name)                                            \
+       return func(arg1, arg2, arg3);                                         \
+#define DYNAMIC_CALL_4(_ret, _name, _type1, _type2, _type3, _type4)           \
+__DYNAMIC_CALL_BITS(_ret, _name, _type1 arg1, _type2 arg2, _type3 arg3,        
+                   _type4 arg4)                                               \
+                                                                              \
+_ret dynamic_##_name(_ret (*func)(_type1, _type2, _type3, _type4), _type1 
+                    _type2 arg2, _type3 arg3, _type4 arg4)                    \
+{                                                                             \
+       struct dynamic_call_percpu *thiscpu = this_cpu_ptr(_name##_dc.percpu); \
+       unsigned long total_count = 0;                                         \
+       int i;                                                                 \
+                                                                              \
+       WARN_ON_ONCE(!rcu_read_lock_held());                                    
+       if (static_branch_unlikely(&_name##_skip_fast))                        \
+               goto skip_fast;                                                \
+       if (func == dynamic_##_name##_1.func) {                                \
+               thiscpu->hit_count[0]++;                                       \
+               return static_call(dynamic_##_name##_1, arg1, arg2, arg3, 
+       }                                                                      \
+       if (func == dynamic_##_name##_2.func) {                                \
+               thiscpu->hit_count[1]++;                                       \
+               return static_call(dynamic_##_name##_2, arg1, arg2, arg3, 
+       }                                                                      \
+                                                                              \
+skip_fast:                                                                    \
+       __DYNAMIC_CALL_STATS(_name)                                            \
+       return func(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);                                   \
+/* Implement as simple indirect calls */
+#define DYNAMIC_CALL_1(_ret, _name, _type1)                                   \
+_ret dynamic_##_name(_ret (*func)(_type1), _type1 arg1)                        
+{                                                                             \
+       WARN_ON_ONCE(!rcu_read_lock_held());                                    
+       return func(arg1);                                                     \
+}                                                                             \
+#define DYNAMIC_CALL_2(_ret, _name, _type1, _name2, _type2)                   \
+_ret dynamic_##_name(_ret (*func)(_type1, _type2), _type1 arg1, _type2 arg2)   
+{                                                                             \
+       WARN_ON_ONCE(!rcu_read_lock_held());                                    
+       return func(arg1, arg2);                                               \
+}                                                                             \
+#define DYNAMIC_CALL_3(_ret, _name, _type1, _type2, _type3)                   \
+_ret dynamic_##_name(_ret (*func)(_type1, _type2, _type3), _type1 arg1,        
+                    _type2 arg2, _type3 arg3)                                 \
+{                                                                             \
+       WARN_ON_ONCE(!rcu_read_lock_held());                                    
+       return func(arg1, arg2, arg3);                                         \
+}                                                                             \
+#define DYNAMIC_CALL_4(_ret, _name, _type1, _type2, _type3, _type4)           \
+_ret dynamic_##_name(_ret (*func)(_type1, _type2, _type3, _type4), _type1 
+                    _type2 arg2, _type3 arg3, _type4 arg4)                    \
+{                                                                             \
+       WARN_ON_ONCE(!rcu_read_lock_held());                                    
+       return func(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);                                   \
+}                                                                             \
+#endif /* _LINUX_DYNAMIC_CALL_H */
diff --git a/init/Kconfig b/init/Kconfig
index 513fa544a134..11133c141c21 100644
--- a/init/Kconfig
+++ b/init/Kconfig
@@ -1779,6 +1779,17 @@ config PROFILING
+       bool "Dynamic call optimisation (EXPERIMENTAL)"
+       depends on HAVE_STATIC_CALL
+       help
+         Say Y here to accelerate selected indirect calls with optpolines,
+         using runtime learning to populate the optpoline call tables.  This
+         should improve performance, particularly when retpolines are enabled,
+         but increases the size of the kernel .text, and on some workloads may
+         cause the kernel to spend a significant amount of time updating the
+         call tables.
 endmenu                # General setup
 source "arch/Kconfig"
diff --git a/kernel/Makefile b/kernel/Makefile
index 8e1c6ca0f6e7..e6c32ac7e519 100644
--- a/kernel/Makefile
+++ b/kernel/Makefile
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RETURN_NOTIFIER) += user-return-notifier.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_PADATA) += padata.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CRASH_DUMP) += crash_dump.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_JUMP_LABEL) += jump_label.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_DYNAMIC_CALLS) += dynamic_call.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CONTEXT_TRACKING) += context_tracking.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_TORTURE_TEST) += torture.o
diff --git a/kernel/dynamic_call.c b/kernel/dynamic_call.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4ba2e5cdded3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/dynamic_call.c
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#include <linux/dynamic_call.h>
+#include <linux/printk.h>
+static void dynamic_call_add_cand(struct dynamic_call_candidate *top,
+                                size_t ncands,
+                                struct dynamic_call_candidate next)
+       struct dynamic_call_candidate old;
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < ncands; i++) {
+               if (next.hit_count > top[i].hit_count) {
+                       /* Swap next with top[i], so that the old top[i] can
+                        * shunt along all lower scores
+                        */
+                       old = top[i];
+                       top[i] = next;
+                       next = old;
+               }
+       }
+static void dynamic_call_count_hits(struct dynamic_call_candidate *top,
+                                  size_t ncands, struct dynamic_call *dc,
+                                  int i)
+       struct dynamic_call_candidate next;
+       struct dynamic_call_percpu *percpu;
+       int cpu;
+       next.func = dc->key[i]->func;
+       next.hit_count = 0;
+       for_each_online_cpu(cpu) {
+               percpu = per_cpu_ptr(dc->percpu, cpu);
+               next.hit_count += percpu->hit_count[i];
+               percpu->hit_count[i] = 0;
+       }
+       dynamic_call_add_cand(top, ncands, next);
+void dynamic_call_update(struct work_struct *work)
+       struct dynamic_call *dc = container_of(work, struct dynamic_call,
+                                              update_work);
+       struct dynamic_call_candidate top[4], next, *cands, *cands2;
+       struct dynamic_call_percpu *percpu, *percpu2;
+       int cpu, i, cpu2, j;
+       memset(top, 0, sizeof(top));
+       pr_debug("dynamic_call_update called for %ps\n", dc);
+       mutex_lock(&dc->update_lock);
+       /* We don't stop the other CPUs adding to their counts while this is
+        * going on; but it doesn't really matter because this is a heuristic
+        * anyway so we don't care about perfect accuracy.
+        */
+       /* First count up the hits on the existing static branches */
+       for (i = 0; i < DYNAMIC_CALL_BRANCHES; i++)
+               dynamic_call_count_hits(top, ARRAY_SIZE(top), dc, i);
+       /* Next count up the callees seen in the fallback path */
+       /* Switch off stats collection in the slowpath first */
+       static_branch_enable(dc->skip_stats);
+       synchronize_rcu();
+       for_each_online_cpu(cpu) {
+               percpu = per_cpu_ptr(dc->percpu, cpu);
+               cands = percpu->candidates;
+               for (i = 0; i < DYNAMIC_CALL_CANDIDATES; i++) {
+                       next = cands[i];
+                       if (next.func == NULL)
+                               continue;
+                       next.hit_count = 0;
+                       for_each_online_cpu(cpu2) {
+                               percpu2 = per_cpu_ptr(dc->percpu, cpu2);
+                               cands2 = percpu2->candidates;
+                               for (j = 0; j < DYNAMIC_CALL_CANDIDATES; j++) {
+                                       if (cands2[j].func == next.func) {
+                                               cands2[j].func = NULL;
+                                               next.hit_count += 
+                                               cands2[j].hit_count = 0;
+                                               break;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+                       dynamic_call_add_cand(top, ARRAY_SIZE(top), next);
+               }
+       }
+       /* Record our results (for debugging) */
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(top); i++) {
+               if (i < DYNAMIC_CALL_BRANCHES)
+                       pr_debug("%ps: selected [%d] %pf, score %lu\n",
+                                dc, i, top[i].func, top[i].hit_count);
+               else
+                       pr_debug("%ps: runnerup [%d] %pf, score %lu\n",
+                                dc, i, top[i].func, top[i].hit_count);
+       }
+       /* It's possible that we could have picked up multiple pushes of the
+        * workitem, so someone already collected most of the count.  In that
+        * case, don't make a decision based on only a small number of calls.
+        */
+       if (top[0].hit_count > 250) {
+               /* Divert callers away from the fast path */
+               static_branch_enable(dc->skip_fast);
+               /* Wait for existing fast path callers to finish */
+               synchronize_rcu();
+               /* Patch the chosen callees into the fast path */
+               for(i = 0; i < DYNAMIC_CALL_BRANCHES; i++) {
+                       __static_call_update(dc->key[i], top[i].func);
+                       /* Clear the hit-counts, they were for the old funcs */
+                       for_each_online_cpu(cpu)
+                               per_cpu_ptr(dc->percpu, cpu)->hit_count[i] = 0;
+               }
+               /* Ensure the new fast path is seen before we direct anyone
+                * into it.  This probably isn't necessary (the binary-patching
+                * framework probably takes care of it) but let's be paranoid.
+                */
+               wmb();
+               /* Switch callers back onto the fast path */
+               static_branch_disable(dc->skip_fast);
+       } else {
+               pr_debug("%ps: too few hits, not patching\n", dc);
+       }
+       /* Finally, re-enable stats gathering in the fallback path. */
+       static_branch_disable(dc->skip_stats);
+       mutex_unlock(&dc->update_lock);
+       pr_debug("dynamic_call_update (%ps) finished\n", dc);

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