Call For Presentations

We are happy to announce that the Call for Presentations for LCA
Kernel Miniconf is now open.

LCA Kernel Miniconf is part of, the annual
Australian Linux & open source developers' conference.

When: 29th January 2008

Where: Melbourne University,

The current schedule gives us 6 slots.

One slot is reserved for 5 minute lightning talks - this gives us 6-8
lightning talks, where people working on kernel project and give a
quick spiel on their current project. All these slots are currently
open, and no slides should be used, just spiel.

The other 5 slots are open for suggestion.

Last year it all worked out pretty well with the balance of techy vs
newbie stuff. I'd like to say have one or two general kernel topics
suitable for a range of people and one or two talks aimed more
in-depth or technically.

I'd definitely like to bring back the Suspend/resume workshop which
was fun (as the guy who got his laptop debugged by Linus/akpm
personally will atest) and depending on who attends we might try for
the kernel maintainers panel again.

Please note that in order to give a presentation you must be signed up
for the main conference. We also cannot provide any travel assistance
for speakers at the kernel mini conference. However I'm sure you might
be able to convince your company that going to LCA might be more
useful if you do get to speak at it :-)

So I'll leave the CFP open for a month or so, please mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with your suggestions and proposals.

About ( is
Australia's annual technical conference about Free Software. Fun,
informal and seriously technical, draws together Free
and Open Source Software developers from across the world. It will be
held from January 28th to February 2nd, 2008 at The University of

Dave and Matthew Wilcox (who I haven't ran this by yet :-)
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