Erin Jones wrote:
> are you sure this works:
> gzip -d ; tar xvf myFile.tar.gz?????
> shouldn't it be
> gzip -cd myFile.tar.gz | tar xvf -

I think I have proven myself unworth of your help by producing the
above, obvious to everyone, else cockup.  As unworthy as I am, here I go

As suggested by Phil on Bristol LUG I've fsck'd my filesystems.  Got
something interesting in the process though.  Booted using some
Slackware 7.1 (2.2.16) disks to fsck / and got similar errors to those
already described :(  Yet the system came up...  As there wasn't any
swap configured I can pretty much rule that out, and I had not attempted
to mount any file systems...  These are the same disks I used to carry
out the inital install and I did't get problems then...  I am starting
to think Hardware but have been told that a copy of ksymoops might shed
some more light...

Thanks again.


 ***    Slowly and surely the UNIX crept up on the Nintendo user...   
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r++>+++ y+++
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