Hi All,

Sorry for the spam - trying to reach interested parties.

Just a heads up that iperf 2.0.14 is in early field test phase. Lots of new features around write to read latencies and others. Also, full-duplex, same socket testing now supported too. Use -e to get the enhanced output. Man page should be in reasonable shape. Release notes as of today:


2.0.14 change set (as of October 17th, 2020)
o scaling improvements for -P, i.e. improved support for large numbers of traffic threads o major code refactoring (see doc/DESIGN_NOTES) for maintainability, extensibilty, performance, scaling, memory usage
o support for full duplex traffic using --full-duplex
o support for reverse traffic using --reverse
o support for role-reversal character of asterisk in the transfer id
o transfer id now an incrementing integer and no longer the socket id
o support for TCP connect only tests with --connect-only
o isochronous support compiled in by default, must use config to disable
o support --isochronous for both UDP or TCP traffic to simulate video streams o use of clock_nanosleep when supported to schedule isochronous burst starts, otherwise use nanosleep delay o support for --trip-times indicating the client and server clocks are synchronized to an accuracy sufficient, note: consider the use of precision time protocol as well as ask your data center to provide access to a GPS disciplined reference time source
o support for --trip-times with -d and -r bidirectional tests
o output TCP connect times (3WHS) in connect reports
o support for application level tcp connect retries via --connect-retries n o rate-limited options of -b and --fq-rate supported for unidirectional, full duplex and reverse traffic o reporter thread designed to automatically cause packet reports to aggregate - mitigating and hopefully removing thread thrashing o support for frame or burst based reporting or sampling vs time based via -i [f|F] (experimental)
o support for UDP traffic only from client to server with --no-udp-fin
o support for write to read latencies (UDP and TCP) with --trip-times
o support for sum only outputs with --sum-only
o support for little's law calculations in --trip-time outputs
o support for --txstart-time <epoch-time> to schedule client traffic start, timestamp support microseconds, e.g. unix $(expr $(date +%s) + 1).$(date +%N) o support for --txdelay-time to insert delay between TCP three way handshake (3WHS) and data transfer o support for --no-connect-sync which disables transmit traffic start synchronization when -P is used, defaults to synchronized o option of --full-duplex implementation uses a barrier on the client side to synchronize full duplex traffic o no limits to group sum reports, i.e. all clients will get its own sum report per a server o improved report timestamps, e.g. end to end or client and server based timestamps with --trip-times
o improved settings messaging
o improved messaging for --tcp-congestion or -Z
o re-implemented -U for single UDP server with minimal threading interactions o re-implemented -1 or --singleclient where server will serialize traffic runs o warning message if the test were likely CPU bound instead of network i/o bound o fix the case when -P <value> is set on the server such that summing output is displayed o multicast listener will autoset -U (single server), e.g -P > 1 not supported for multicast o multicast listener no longer busy drops multicast packets during traffic test, i.e. only server thread receives them
o immediate bail out on mutually exclusive command line options
o man page updates with examples
o tested with 1000's of traffic streams, WiFi, 10G and 100G

Bob McMahon

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