2021-04-08 Thread Mr Suleman Bello
Dear Friend,

Please I want you to read this letter very carefully and I must
apologize for berging this message into your mailbox without any
formal introduction due to the urgency and confidentiality of this
issue and I know that this message will come to you as a surprise.
Please, I urge you to handle this message as a top secret and I will
not like you to joke with it.

I am Mr.Suleman Bello, a staff in Bank of Burkina faso (Ouagadougou)
As a branch internal auditor of the bank, I discovered an existing
dormant account for years without any banking activity going on in it;
neither deposits nor withdrawals from this account for this long
period. And according to the rules guiding our bank, any unserviceable
account for more than (7) seven years will be delisted, and the funds,
no matter the amount, will be transferred to the national treasury as
an unclaimed fund.

I hope you know the meaning of unclaimed funds; an abandoned fund you
can’t locate the owner, probably because the owner is dead by
sickness, accident, plane crash, natural disaster or murdered without
leaving information about the funds to any relative or friend.  Or
funds looted and abandoned by politicians for the fear of  being
prosecuted by their government. That's why you have many unclaimed
funds littered in different banks everywhere. And It is only staff
like in my position as an internal auditor of a bank that often come
across such accounts and their details.

I hope that you will not expose or betray this trust and confidence
that I am about to establish with you for the mutual benefit of you
and I.  Please, I need  us to work together in order to move the funds
out immediately to your possession so that we can share it.  I will
assist you to come up with a beneficiary claim to enable the
transferring of the said sum of $10.5 million United States Dollar
into your account within 7 banking days. Once it is done, I will
resign from my work and use my share for better and lucrative
businesses,  and to continue my life happily in another beautiful and
cozy foreign country of my choice, with my new family.

As an insider in the bank that you can trust, I can leak-out  or
secretly reveal to you every information and document about the
account including the account statement to enable us  facilitate it.
The truth is that this account and funds in it have been dormant for
years in our Bank, and the request for a  foreigner to be involved in
this deal becomes necessary because our late customer was a foreigner
and a burkinabe cannot stand as Next of Kin to a foreigner. Therefore,
because of the nature of this transaction, I want you to stand as the
Next of kin so that our bank will accord you the recognition and have
the fund transferred to your account. And I promised that I will be
guiding you until the end to avoid any mistake.

Upon your response, I shall then provide you with further information,
including verifiable documents linked to the account and more details
that will help you understand the transaction. I am expecting your
urgent response to enable me inform you how this deal will be

Please I would like you to keep this transaction confidential and as a
top secret or delete if you are not interested.

With many thanks,
Suleman Bello.


2020-10-10 Thread MRS ALI FATIMA

>From Mrs. Ali Melissa Fatima
Membership in Turkish Parliament Association
Tele: +905356520176
My Dearest One,

Greetings to you,

Let me start by introducing myself, My name is Mrs. Ali Fatima. I have been 
suffering from Breast cancer disease and the doctor says that I have just a 
short time to live. For the past Twelve years, I have being dealing on Coal 
exportation, before falling ill due to the Cancer of the breast.

My late husband, Dr. Ali Bernard, a Retired diplomat and one time minister of 
mines and Power in the republic of Turkey made a lot of money from the sales of 
Gold and cotton while he was a minister, but we had only one Adopted Son Name 
Ali Mustafa, he is only 12-years.

later, my Husband realized through a powerful Man, that it was evil course 
instituted by his brother in other to inherit his wealth, but before then it 
was too late, I and my husband agreed that he should Remarry another wife but 
our Religion did not permit it, Before, my Husband died as a Result of COVID 19 
at the age of 89, he died in the month of April 2020.

Please I know this may come to you by surprise, because you did not know me, I 
needed your assistance that was why I write you through divine direction, it is 
my desire of going into relationship with you. Before his death we were both 
Muslim. Now that I am very sick and according to the doctor, will not survive 
the sickness.The worst of it all is that I do not have any family members, 
expect my little Boy but he is too small to handle This.I am writing this 
letter now through the help of the computer beside My sick bed. . When my late 
husband was alive we deposited the sum of USD$30.5M (Thirty Million Five 
Hundred Thousand U.S.Dollars) with Finance/Bank Presently, Iam willing to 
instruct my Bank to transfer the said fund to you as my foreign Trustee. Having 
known my condition I decided to donate this fund to church or better still a 
Christian individual Or a Muslim that will utilize this money the way I am 
going to instruct here in. I want a person or church that will use this fund to 
churches, orphanages, research centers and widows propagating the work of 
Charity and to ensure that the house of Orphanage is maintained.

As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the 
Finance/Bank. I am offering you 20% of the principal sum which amounts to 
US$6,100.000.00 (Six million One Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) 
and 5% will be for any expenses that both of us may Insure in this transaction. 
And another 5% will go for Motherless babes home. However, you have to assure 
me and also be ready to go into agreement with me that you will not elope with 
my fund. If you agree to my terms, reply (}

My Regards to your Family,
Yours Faithfully,
Mrs Ali Fatima

Can I trust you ?

2020-09-11 Thread SGM John Dailey
My name is Sgt Major John Dailey. I am here in Syria , I
came upon a project I think we can work together on. I need you
to help me receive a huge sum and I am offering you 40% of the
total amount for your help. If interested kindly get back to me
for more details.

Yours In Service,

SGM John Dailey

Can i trust you?

2020-06-07 Thread Mr Suleman Bello
Dear Friend,

Please i want you to read this letter very carefully and i must apologize for 
berging this message into your mail box without any formal introduction due to 
the urgency and confidential of this issue and i know that this message will 
come to you as a surprise, Please this is not a joke and i will not like you to 
joke with it.I am Mr.Suleman Bello, a staff in African Development Bank (A.D.B) 
Ouagadougou, Burkina faso West Africa.I discovered existing dormant account for 
years. When I discovered that there had been neither continuation nor 
withdrawals from this account for this long period and according to the laws 
and constitution guiding this banking institution, any unserviceable account 
for more than (7) seven years, that fund will be transferred to national 
treasury as unclaimed fund.

I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that i am 
about to extablish with you for the mutual benefit of you and i,I need your 
urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $10.5 )million usd into your 
account within 7 banking days. This money has been dormant for years in our 
Bank, and The request of foreigner in this transaction is necessary because our 
late customer was a foreigner and a burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a 
foreigner.Because of the static of this transaction I want you to stand as the 
next of kin so that our bank will accord you the recognition and have the fund 
transferred to your account.

Upon your response, I shall then provide you with further information and more 
deities that will help you understand the transaction. I am expecting your 
urgent response to enable me inform you on how the business will be executed. 
Please I would like you to keep this transaction confidential and as a top 
secret or delete if you are not interested.

Mr.Suleman Bello.

Can i trust you?

2020-06-06 Thread Mr Suleman Bello
Dear Friend,

Please i want you to read this letter very carefully and i must
apologize for berging this message into your mail box without any
formal introduction due to the urgency and confidential of this issue
and i know that this message will come to you as a surprise, Please
this is not a joke and i will not like you to joke with it.I am
Mr.Suleman Bello, a staff in African Development Bank (A.D.B)
Ouagadougou, Burkina faso West Africa.I discovered existing dormant
account for years. When I discovered that there had been neither
continuation nor withdrawals from this account for this long period
and according to the laws and constitution guiding this banking
institution, any unserviceable account for more than (7) seven years,
that fund will be transferred to national treasury as unclaimed fund.

I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident
that i am about to extablish with you for the mutual benefit of you
and i,I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $10.5
)million usd into your account within 7 banking days. This money has
been dormant for years in our Bank, and The request of foreigner in
this transaction is necessary because our late customer was a
foreigner and a burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a
foreigner.Because of the static of this transaction I want you to
stand as the next of kin so that our bank will accord you the
recognition and have the fund transferred to your account.

Upon your response, I shall then provide you with further information
and more deities that will help you understand the transaction. I am
expecting your urgent response to enable me inform you on how the
business will be executed. Please I would like you to keep this
transaction confidential and as a top secret or delete if you are not

Mr.Suleman Bello.

Can i trust you?

2020-06-06 Thread Mr Suleman Bello
Dear Friend,

Please i want you to read this letter very carefully and i must
apologize for berging this message into your mail box without any
formal introduction due to the urgency and confidential of this issue
and i know that this message will come to you as a surprise, Please
this is not a joke and i will not like you to joke with it.I am
Mr.Suleman Bello, a staff in African Development Bank (A.D.B)
Ouagadougou, Burkina faso West Africa.I discovered existing dormant
account for years. When I discovered that there had been neither
continuation nor withdrawals from this account for this long period
and according to the laws and constitution guiding this banking
institution, any unserviceable account for more than (7) seven years,
that fund will be transferred to national treasury as unclaimed fund.

I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident
that i am about to extablish with you for the mutual benefit of you
and i,I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $10.5
)million usd into your account within 7 banking days. This money has
been dormant for years in our Bank, and The request of foreigner in
this transaction is necessary because our late customer was a
foreigner and a burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a
foreigner.Because of the static of this transaction I want you to
stand as the next of kin so that our bank will accord you the
recognition and have the fund transferred to your account.

Upon your response, I shall then provide you with further information
and more deities that will help you understand the transaction. I am
expecting your urgent response to enable me inform you on how the
business will be executed. Please I would like you to keep this
transaction confidential and as a top secret or delete if you are not

Mr.Suleman Bello.

Can i trust you?

2020-05-31 Thread Mr Suleman Bello
Dear Friend,

Please i want you to read this letter very carefully and i must
apologize for berging this message into your mail box without any
formal introduction due to the urgency and confidential of this issue
and i know that this message will come to you as a surprise, Please
this is not a joke and i will not like you to joke with it.I am
Mr.Suleman Bello, a staff in African Development Bank (A.D.B)
Ouagadougou, Burkina faso West Africa.I discovered existing dormant
account for years. When I discovered that there had been neither
continuation nor withdrawals from this account for this long period
and according to the laws and constitution guiding this banking
institution, any unserviceable account for more than (7) seven years,
that fund will be transferred to national treasury as unclaimed fund.

I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident
that i am about to extablish with you for the mutual benefit of you
and i,I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $10.5
)million usd into your account within 7 banking days. This money has
been dormant for years in our Bank, and The request of foreigner in
this transaction is necessary because our late customer was a
foreigner and a burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a
foreigner.Because of the static of this transaction I want you to
stand as the next of kin so that our bank will accord you the
recognition and have the fund transferred to your account.

Upon your response, I shall then provide you with further information
and more deities that will help you understand the transaction. I am
expecting your urgent response to enable me inform you on how the
business will be executed. Please I would like you to keep this
transaction confidential and as a top secret or delete if you are not

Mr.Suleman Bello.


2020-05-28 Thread Mohammad Ahmed
My Dear Friend.


I know this message will come to you as a surprise, My name is Mr.
Mohammad Ahmed a banker with Bank of Africa Burkina Faso West Africa,
Please i want to transfer an abandoned sum of 13.5 Million United
States Dollars into your account, if you are interested do not
Hesitate to get back to me with your personal information listed
bellow for trust and confident to enable me feed you with more details
on how the fund will be transfer into your account.

My dear you will provide account for transfer of the fund in your
favor by our bank management and once the fund transferred into your
account 50% is for you and 50% for me.

The transaction is risk free and there will be no harm, I will like
you to respond back to me immediately after reading this message to
enable us proceed ahead for mutual benefit.

My  Dear  i know the source of the fund and I assure you of receiving
it into your account without any problem, Read this message and if we
have business urgently get back to me with your personal information
required bellow for more details.

I am looking forward to hear back from you urgently.

1. Full name:.
2. Home Address:.
3. Phone.
4. Occupation:.
5. Age:
6. Country:
7. Sex
8. Your Passport or ID card or Driving License


Yours faithfully

Mr. Mohammad Ahmed.

Can i trust you?

2020-05-02 Thread Mr Suleman Bello
Dear Friend,

Please i want you to read this letter very carefully and i must
apologize for berging this message into your mail box without any
formal introduction due to the urgency and confidential of this issue
and i know that this message will come to you as a surprise, Please
this is not a joke and i will not like you to joke with it.I am
Mr.Suleman Bello, a staff in African Development Bank (A.D.B)
Ouagadougou, Burkina faso West Africa.I discovered existing dormant
account for years. When I discovered that there had been neither
continuation nor withdrawals from this account for this long period
and according to the laws and constitution guiding this banking
institution, any unserviceable account for more than (7) seven years,
that fund will be transferred to national treasury as unclaimed fund.

I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident
that i am about to extablish with you for the mutual benefit of you
and i.I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $10.5
)million usd into your account within 7 banking days. This money has
been dormant for years in our Bank, and The request of foreigner in
this transaction is necessary because our late customer was a
foreigner and a burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a
foreigner.Because of the static of this transaction I want you to
stand as the next of kin so that our bank will accord you the
recognition and have the fund transferred to your account.

Upon your response, I shall then provide you with further information
and more deities that will help you understand the transaction. I am
expecting your urgent response to enable me inform you on how the
business will be executed. Please I would like you to keep this
transaction confidential and as a top secret or delete if you are not

Mr.Suleman Bello.


2020-04-29 Thread Mr Suleman Bello
Dear Friend,

Please i want you to read this letter very carefully and i must
apologize for berging this message into your mail box without any
formal introduction due to the urgency and confidential of this issue
and i know that this message will come to you as a surprise, Please
this is not a joke and i will not like you to joke with it.I am
Mr.Suleman Bello, a staff in African Development Bank (A.D.B)
Ouagadougou, Burkina faso West Africa.I discovered existing dormant
account for years. When I discovered that there had been neither
continuation nor withdrawals from this account for this long period
and according to the laws and constitution guiding this banking
institution, any unserviceable account for more than (7) seven years,
that fund will be transferred to national treasury as unclaimed fund.

I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident
that i am about to extablish with you for the mutual benefit of you
and i.I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $10.5
)million usd into your account within 7 banking days. This money has
been dormant for years in our Bank, and The request of foreigner in
this transaction is necessary because our late customer was a
foreigner and a burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a
foreigner.Because of the static of this transaction I want you to
stand as the next of kin so that our bank will accord you the
recognition and have the fund transferred to your account.

Upon your response, I shall then provide you with further information
and more deities that will help you understand the transaction. I am
expecting your urgent response to enable me inform you on how the
business will be executed. Please I would like you to keep this
transaction confidential and as a top secret or delete if you are not

Mr.Suleman Bello.

Can I trust you?

2019-09-18 Thread Juliana Pedro
Dearest one.

Good day to you. I am using this medium to request for your assistance
in transferring ownership of the sum of $12.5m I discovered during
auditing in my bank. I'm Mrs Juliana Pedro Audit and Account manager
of my Bank Branch in Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso, Please if you are
interested kindly send the following details so that we can open up
communication to that effect.

Full names:...
Home address:.
Mobile phone number:..

I make this appeal with hope that you will partner with me to secure this funds.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs Juliana Pedro


2019-04-03 Thread info


My Dear Friend  Can I Trust You.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document

My Dear Friend  Can I Trust You.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document

Can I Trust You?

2018-11-20 Thread Abel Brent
Dear friend,

I am Abel Brent, a NATO soldier serving in Afghanistan. I and my 
Comrades, we are seeking your assistance to help us 
receive/invest our funds in your country in any lucrative 
business. Please if this proposal is acceptable by you, kindly 
respond back to me for more details.

Thanks and waiting to hear from you


Can I Trust You?

2018-11-20 Thread Abel Brent
Dear friend,

I am Abel Brent, a NATO soldier serving in Afghanistan. I and my 
Comrades, we are seeking your assistance to help us 
receive/invest our funds in your country in any lucrative 
business. Please if this proposal is acceptable by you, kindly 
respond back to me for more details.

Thanks and waiting to hear from you


Can I Trust You?

2018-11-10 Thread Abel Brent
Dear friend,

I am Abel Brent, a NATO soldier serving in Afghanistan. I and my 
Comrades, we are seeking your assistance to help us 
receive/invest our funds in your country in any lucrative 
business. Please if this proposal is acceptable by you, kindly 
respond back to me for more details.

Thanks and waiting to hear from you


Can I Trust You?

2018-11-09 Thread Abel Brent
Dear friend,

I am Abel Brent, a NATO soldier serving in Afghanistan. I and my 
Comrades, we are seeking your assistance to help us 
receive/invest our funds in your country in any lucrative 
business. Please if this proposal is acceptable by you, kindly 
respond back to me for more details.

Thanks and waiting to hear from you



2018-10-28 Thread Mr. Jose Peterson
I am Mr.Jose Peterson a great citizen of the United States of America born in 
Franklinton, North Carolina, United States, I bring to you a proposal which I 
want you to assist me with. It is painful now to let you know that I have been 
suffering from a Heart disease for the past 12 years and just few weeks ago my 
Doctors notified me that I won't get past another 5 months. I want you to help 
me distribute some funds I kept aside for charity purposes, to Charity Homes 
and the poor in your state Please kindly reply to this email if you are willing 
to help me carry out this task and i'd feed you with more details, You'd be 
paid to carry out this mission.

Thanks, i hope to read from you soon.


Can i trust you?

2018-10-21 Thread Mr Yi Gang
Can i trust you with a transaction of usd 8.3m?($8,370.000.00) Reply me if 
- Mr Yi Gang

Can i trust you

2018-10-21 Thread Mr Yi Gang
Can i trust you with a transaction of usd 8.3m?($8,370.000.00) Reply me if 
- Mr Yi Gang

Can i trust you

2018-10-21 Thread Mr Yi Gang
Can i trust you with a transaction of usd 8.3m?($8,370.000.00) Reply me if 
- Mr Yi Gang


2018-08-28 Thread Ms CHIANG Lai Yuen JP
I have a business proposal for you

My name is BOVID EGAVI, a bank's manager in republic of TOGO. I have an abandoned unclaimed sum of thirty-six million euros only. can I trust you with this? if yes then contact me for full details thr

2018-05-08 Thread BOVID EGAVI


2018-03-12 Thread Sgt. Britta Lopez
Good Day,
How are u doing today ? Apologies! I am a military woman ,seeking
your kind assistance to move the sum of ($7M USD) to you, as far
as i can be assured that my money will be safe in your care until
i complete my service here in Afghanistan and come over next
This is legitimate, and there is no danger involved.If
interested, reply immediately for detailed information.
Reply to this email
Regards ,
Sgt. Britta Lopez

Can I Trust You?

2018-01-19 Thread Sgt. Britta Lopez
Seeking your kind assistance

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Can i trust you??

2018-01-19 Thread Sgt. Britta Lopez
Good Day,
How are u doing today ? Apologies! I am a military woman ,seeking
your kind assistance to move the sum of ($7M USD) to you, as far
as i can be assured that my money will be safe in your care until
i complete my service here in Afghanistan and come over next
This is legitimate, and there is no danger involved.If
interested, reply immediately for detailed information.
Reply to this email
Regards ,
Sgt. Britta Lopez

Can I Trust You?

2017-11-19 Thread Sgt. Britta Lopez
Good Day,
How are u doing today ? Apologies! I am a military woman ,seeking
your kind assistance to move the sum of ($27M USD) to you, as far
as i can be assured that my money will be safe in your care until
i complete my service here in Afghanistan and come over next
This is legitimate, and there is no danger involved.If
interested, reply immediately for detailed information.
Reply to this email

Regards ,
Sgt. Britta Lopez

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


2016-08-02 Thread Peter Douglas
Dear Beneficiary

I am Peter Douglas Director Inspection Unit United Nations Inspection Agent in 
Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport Atlanta GA. We are rounding up 
for the last Quater of the auditing, all abandom Consignment in US Airports are 
being transfer to our facilities here for inspection and confiscation. During 
our investigation, I discovered An abandoned shipment on your name which was 
transferred to our facility here in Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International 
Airport and when scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in a Metal 
Trunk Box. The consignment was abandoned because the Content was not properly 
declared by the consignee as money, rather it was declared as personal effect 
to avoid diversion by the Diplomatic Agent also the Diplomat inability to pay 
for Non Inspection Fees.

On my assumption, the boxes will contain more that $6M and the consignment is 
still left in storage house till today through a Courier Dispatch Service. The 
Consignment is a metal box with weight of about 242LBS (Internal dimension: W61 
x H156 x D73 (cm). Effective capacity: 680 L.)Approximately.

The details of the consignment including your name the official document from 
United Nation office in London are tagged on the Metal Trunk box.

I want to use my good office and clear the Consignment and deliver it to you. 
If you WILL ACCEPT MY CONDITION AND want us to transact the delivery for mutual 
benefit, you should provide your name, Phone Number and full address, to cross 
check if it corresponds with the address on the official document including the 
name of nearest Airport around you and other details. You should send the 
required details to me for onward delivery.

All communication must be held extremely confidential. I can get everything 
concluded within 24 to 48 hours upon your acceptance and proceed to your 
address for delivery. But it must be on the condition that you will give me 30% 
of the amount contained in the boxes and i must get assurance from you 
concerning my 30% before i will proceed.

I want us to transact this business and share the money, since the shipper have 
abandoned it and ran away. I will pay for the Non inspection fee and arrange 
for the boxes to be moved out of this Airport to your address, Once i am 
through, i will deploy the services of a secured shipping Company to provide 
the security it needs to your doorstep. or i can bring it by myself to avoid 
any more trouble. But i will share it 70% to you and 30% to me. But you have to 
assure me of my 30%. do respond to me if you are interested to conclude this 
with me.

Please strictly reply to my private email;

Looking forward to hear from you

Best Regards,
Peter Douglas


2016-07-17 Thread osasum wennghogho

I am (Mr OSASUM WENNGHOGHO )Auditing And Accounting Section,I got your mail 
address through the international network business media directorates when I 
was looking for a sure contact of someone who can assist me as foreign partner 
I assured of your capability and reliability to champion this business 
opportunity when I prayed to the most high about you. I want to transfer an 
abandoned $9.5 million to your account,40% for you while 60% for me, please if 
you are interest send your information to me for more details.

for me to give you the taxt of application from so that you can fill it and 
send it to the bank.

NOTE you have to keep everything secret as to enable the transfer to move very 
smoothly in to the account you will provide to the bank. As you finished 
reading this letter call me immediately so that we will discuss very well over 
this business. Please call me and inform me that you received my mail, because 
i don't go to net always.

Your full name,
Your age
Your phone no,
Your sex.
Your scan copy passport.


2016-05-16 Thread Peter Douglas
Dear Beneficiary

I am Peter Douglas Director Inspection Unit United Nations Inspection Agent in 
Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport Atlanta GA. We are rounding up 
for the last Quater of the auditing, all abandom Consignment in US Airports are 
being transfer to our facilities here for inspection and confiscation. During 
our investigation, I discovered An abandoned shipment on your name which was 
transferred to our facility here in Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International 
Airport and when scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in a Metal 
Trunk Box. The consignment was abandoned because the Content was not properly 
declared by the consignee as money, rather it was declared as personal effect 
to avoid diversion by the Diplomatic Agent also the Diplomat inability to pay 
for Non Inspection Fees.

On my assumption, the boxes will contain more that $6M and the consignment is 
still left in storage house till today through a Courier Dispatch Service. The 
Consignment is a metal box with weight of about 242LBS (Internal dimension: W61 
x H156 x D73 (cm). Effective capacity: 680 L.)Approximately.

The details of the consignment including your name the official document from 
United Nation office in London are tagged on the Metal Trunk box.

I want to use my good office and clear the Consignment and deliver it to you. 
If you WILL ACCEPT MY CONDITION AND want us to transact the delivery for mutual 
benefit, you should provide your name, Phone Number and full address, to cross 
check if it corresponds with the address on the official document including the 
name of nearest Airport around you and other details. You should send the 
required details to me for onward delivery.

All communication must be held extremely confidential. I can get everything 
concluded within 24 to 48 hours upon your acceptance and proceed to your 
address for delivery. But it must be on the condition that you will give me 30% 
of the amount contained in the boxes and i must get assurance from you 
concerning my 30% before i will proceed.

I want us to transact this business and share the money, since the shipper have 
abandoned it and ran away. I will pay for the Non inspection fee and arrange 
for the boxes to be moved out of this Airport to your address, Once i am 
through, i will deploy the services of a secured shipping Company to provide 
the security it needs to your doorstep. or i can bring it by myself to avoid 
any more trouble. But i will share it 70% to you and 30% to me. But you have to 
assure me of my 30%. do respond to me if you are interested to conclude this 
with me.

Please strictly reply to my private email;

Looking forward to hear from you

Best Regards,
Peter Douglas


2016-03-31 Thread DR.ANTHONY EMMANUEL

Attn: Sir/ Madam,

FROM ( DR.ANTHONY EMMANUEL.) Staff of Bank Of Africa in Burkina Faso. I
would like you to indicate your  interest to  receive the transfer of
(15.5 Million Dollars) which I will like you to stand as the next of kin to
my late client whose account is presently dormant for claims.
if you are interested,indicate and i will intimate you with the method of
application and how you can apply to the bank.
But before i send to you the text of application form,I will like you to
send me the following informations


Now my questions are:
1) Can you handle this project?
2) Can I give you this trust?

so i will like you to send to me those informations for easy and effective
communication.Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or email
the text of the application form.I will not fail to bring to your notice
that this transaction is hitch-free and that you should not entertain any
atom of fear as all required arrangements have been made for the transfer.
You should contact me immediately as soon as you receive this letter,if only
you are interested and ready to help On this Contact me. through my private
email address ( )
Trusting to hear from you immediately. Do keep this a top secret for
security reasons.

Yours faithfully,


Message sent using Micso France Webmail

Can I trust YOU?

2015-11-08 Thread Jerome Lewis

My Name is Capt.Jerome.C.Lewis from the US Army base here in Damascus,
Syria. I have a Deal of Sixteen Million Two Hundred Thousand United States
I would like to partner with you. Kindly get back to me if it would be of
interest to you for more details.

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Please can I trust you?

2015-07-28 Thread Brice Adams
My Dear Friend,

I am Mr. Brice Adams, staff and auditor of a Bank in Lome, Togo
Republic. I am the Account Officer to (Late Mr. Daniel I. Glade) whose
account is presently dormant, I advise you to keep this as a "top
secret" as I am still in service and intend to retire from service
after I conclude this deal with you. I have an important
Message/discussion with you about his death and his funds, the sum of
(6.5 Million Euros) left without a heir. If you can be of an
assistance to me, I will be pleased to offer to you 25% of the total
fund. Please I got your email contact through internet email directory
when I was searching for a trust worthy partner. If you are willing to
help me, I need the following information below from you;

Your full name.
Telephone number..

I will be humbly waiting your soonest response. Please contact direct
to my email address ( for more information.

With Respect,
Mr. Brice Adams.
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Please can I trust you?

2015-07-28 Thread Brice Adams
My Dear Friend,

I am Mr. Brice Adams, staff and auditor of a Bank in Lome, Togo
Republic. I am the Account Officer to (Late Mr. Daniel I. Glade) whose
account is presently dormant, I advise you to keep this as a "top
secret" as I am still in service and intend to retire from service
after I conclude this deal with you. I have an important
Message/discussion with you about his death and his funds, the sum of
(6.5 Million Euros) left without a heir. If you can be of an
assistance to me, I will be pleased to offer to you 25% of the total
fund. Please I got your email contact through internet email directory
when I was searching for a trust worthy partner. If you are willing to
help me, I need the following information below from you;

Your full name.
Telephone number..

I will be humbly waiting your soonest response. Please contact direct
to my email address ( for more information.

With Respect,
Mr. Brice Adams.
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2015-04-04 Thread godwin emefiele
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Godwin Emefiele, The new Governor Central Bank of Nigeria. My
office controls and monitors the affairs of all other banks in
Nigeria. I am the final signatory to any transfer both on local and
international levels. I have a beneficial deal for you.

I am aware that this letter has come to you as a surprise as we have
not met before or handled any business deal in the past. Nevertheless,
I have contacted you with good faith and genuine intentions, and I
hope I can trust you with this fund which I will explain to you
immediately I hear from you.

To facilitate the process of this transaction, kindly respond to me
through my personal email address below.

Best regards,
Godwin Emefiele.
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Can i trust you?

2014-02-07 Thread ivan . zoric
 I am Mrs. Aisha Al Mutasim from England, I have a business proposal worth of 
$10.6M US Dollars  get
back for more info.
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