I am a Linux newbie since I was given an EeePC 4G that operates on Linux a
couple years ago. It's easy enough to use it for the simple things I need it
for (email, surfing the net, and the occasional word document) - but now I
am stuck with old versions of Firefox and Flashplayer that I cannot update
without help - would people in this group be kind enough to help me, please?
You will have understood from my request that I am NOT a Linux geek: in
fact, I know practically nothing about the inner workings of Linux, so you
will have to be very patient with me and explain everything in simple
language, not shorthand computer speak, thank you!
(I did try to find help in various forums and online tutorials, but I soon
got stumped because the shorthand they used was simply above my head).
Thank you very much in advance,

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