Hi all,

I thought my filter rules where fine now. But they are not.

I have in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf:

 filter = [ "r|/dev/sdb|","r|/dev/sdc|" ]

I scan my PVs:

[root@backuppc ~]# pvscan --cache
  WARNING: PV AvK0Vn-vAdJ-K4nf-0N1x-u1fR-dlWG-dJezdg on /dev/sdc was
already found on /dev/drbd1.
  WARNING: Disabling lvmetad cache which does not support duplicate PVs.
  WARNING: Not using lvmetad because duplicate PVs were found.
[root@backuppc ~]# pvscan
  WARNING: PV AvK0Vn-vAdJ-K4nf-0N1x-u1fR-dlWG-dJezdg on /dev/sdc was
already found on /dev/drbd1.
  WARNING: Disabling lvmetad cache which does not support duplicate PVs.
  WARNING: Not using lvmetad because duplicate PVs were found.
  PV /dev/sda2    VG cl              lvm2 [15,00 GiB / 0    free]
  PV /dev/drbd1   VG test            lvm2 [3,00 GiB / 0    free]
  Total: 2 [17,99 GiB] / in use: 2 [17,99 GiB] / in no VG: 0 [0   ]

So question again, why does it accept my /dev/sdc as PV discarding
filter rules?



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