Hello Mr Abraham,

Thank you very much for coding the saa716x driver. It's highly appreciated!

I own a couple of TBS DVB-T/T2/C cards that use those chips, so your driver is of great value to me. Of course official drivers from TBS suck bigtime, but fortunately Luis Alves thinks so too. So he coded support for many TBS cards that use saa716x supported chips. And I thank him very much for doing so too.

However, at some point even Luis is likely to stop supporting this development for some reason.
That brings me to you. You're the original coder and owner of the driver.
So my questions to you are:

Would you please please please upstream your driver?
What will it take you to upstream your driver?

Maybe others can be of some assistance, take some of the workload from your back.
That is, in the event that you are willing to upstream it. Are you?

You realize of course that if you honour my humble request, you will, to say the least, enter into the top level of the Eternal Hall of Fame, that most TBS card owners will send you flowers, burn candles for you and think of you in their prayers? And as a bonus: TBS itself will probably be 'not amused', that's nice too, isn't it? After all, as you said: they didn't even have the common courtesy to thank you..

Well, I do! And I do it also on behalf of the vast majority of the (future) owners of saa716x supported chips driven DVB adapters.

Kind regards,

Tycho Lürsen.

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