Hi Laurent,

Laurent Pinchart wrote onĀ 2012-07-06:

>> This patch resolves the issue for me. I get a good picture at both the
>> previewer and the resizer output. Thanks for your help!
> You're welcome. Can I include your
> Tested-by: Florian Neuhaus <florian.neuh...@reberinformatik.ch>
> in the patch ?

Yes, of course!

I tested it with the following commands:

For the previewer out:
# media-ctl -v -r -l '"mt9p031 2-0048":0->"OMAP3 ISP CCDC":0[1], "OMAP3 ISP 
CCDC":2->"OMAP3 ISP preview":0[1], "OMAP3 ISP preview":1->"OMAP3 ISP preview 
# media-ctl -v -f '"mt9p031 2-0048":0 [SGRBG12 800x600], "OMAP3 ISP CCDC":2 
[SGRBG10 800x600], "OMAP3 ISP preview":1 [UYVY 800x600]'

# yavta -c1000 -p --stdout --skip 3 -f UYVY -s 782x592 /dev/video4 | mplayer - 
-demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo w=784:h=592:format=uyvy -vo fbdev -fs

(Note the 784 width in the mplayer command)

For the resizer out:
# media-ctl -v -r -l '"mt9p031 2-0048":0->"OMAP3 ISP CCDC":0[1], "OMAP3 ISP 
CCDC":2->"OMAP3 ISP preview":0[1], "OMAP3 ISP preview":1->"OMAP3 ISP 
resizer":0[1], "OMAP3 ISP resizer":1->"OMAP3 ISP resizer output": 0[1]' 
# media-ctl -v -f '"mt9p031 2-0048":0 [SGRBG12 800x600], "OMAP3 ISP CCDC":2 
[SGRBG10 800x600], "OMAP3 ISP preview":1 [UYVY 800x600], "OMAP3 ISP resizer":1 
[UYVY 800x600]' 
# yavta -f UYVY -s 800x600 -n 8 --skip 3 --capture=1000 --stdout /dev/video6 | 
mplayer - -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo w=800:h=600:format=uyvy -vo fbdev

Best regards,
Florian Neuhaus

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