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From: jonathanjstev...@gmail.com <jonathanjstev...@gmail.com>
Date: 12 November 2011 16:44
Subject: Re: HVR-4000 may be broken in kernel mods (again) ?
To: Devin Heitmueller <dheitmuel...@kernellabs.com>

On 12 November 2011 15:08, Devin Heitmueller
<dheitmuel...@kernellabs.com> wrote:
> If you're running Xen, then as far as I'm concerned you're on a
> *totally* unsupported path.  If it happened to have worked in some
> previous version, it was dumb luck.

That seems a bit harsh but I understand your point. Running a
hypervisor is far from unusual. I half expected this sort of response
(not my problem mate). But, considering it's Xen dom0, I'm surprised
there is nothing I can do?

> As for you issue when not using Xen, you're probably just missing the
> Kaffeine libraries required for video playback (a common problem).
> Did you try the Nova-T on that box to confirm playback works at all?

Nova-T works perfectly in MythTV on Xen. I haven't tried it in
Kaffeine - you could be entirely right here. Whichever - because it's
apparent there is a Xen versus dvb issue.

I guess what I'd fall back to, xen dom0 support is now a part of the
mainline kernel - so it shouldn't conflict with with particular
hardware support such as that for the HVR-4000. It's obvious it "can"
work, but from what I'm hearing from you - no-one would own this.

I don't mind putting the hours in to resolve this, I really don't, but
I don't have sufficient knowledge to do this on my own.
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