Hello all,

Some discussion I have been having with Andrej Falout has prompted me
to consider finally adding analog support for dib0700 based devices?
As a result, I am interested in trying to figure out how many people
care about this.  In particular, this is a rather large project, so I
want to get an idea how many people would actually benefit from this
support (and might be willing to donate a couple of dollars toward the

I've got all the specs and information required to do the work - it's
just a matter of deciding whether it is worth spending three or four
weeks of my time that could be spent doing stuff that I would almost
certainly consider more interesting.

If you are interested in seeing this work, please reply here, or email
me privately.  Also, include what dib0700 based device you have (and
what video decoder and tuner chips it uses if you happen to know).



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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