Re: cx18, s5h1409: chronic bit errors, only under Linux

2009-06-11 Thread David Ward

On 06/10/2009 10:32 AM, Steven Toth wrote:

David Ward wrote:
Comcast checked the outlet on channels 2 (41 dB) and 83 (39 dB).  I 
looked afterwards and saw that the first of those is analog 
programming, but the second just appears as analog noise on my TV 
set. (??)  I asked them to check a specific ATSC channel, but it 
seems that their meter was fixed to those two frequencies, which 
doesn't really help.  The ATSC rebroadcasts by Comcast are on high 
frequencies; the program I am testing primarily is on channel 79 
(tunes at 555 MHz).

I need to make a correction here.  I am receiving all programming over 
digital cable.  I mistakenly thought that rebroadcasts of over-the-air 
signals on a cable network followed all the ATSC specifications 
(including the modulation scheme) over the particular carrier 
frequency.  Now I understand that like all other digital cable channels, 
local channels are broadcasted using QAM rather than 8VSB (but then they 
also include PSIP data as required by the FCC).  So the SNR requirements 
for QAM-256 are the ones that should apply to my situation.  That's a 
big misunderstanding on my bad.

Which of these three values is UNC/BER and which is snr? I don't 
understand, I need you to be more specific.

Sorry for not being clear.  I tested again thoroughly under both Linux 
and Windows before writing this response.

Linux is tuning almost all channels at a SNR approximately 3 dB less 
than under Windows.  That is why I now believe this is a tuner driver 
problem.  I composed a table for myself with average SNRs per channel 
while running both Windows and Linux to determine this, both with the 
tuner card connected directly to the household cable, and connected 
behind the splitter in my house.

Under Windows, channels with low frequencies have an SNR of ~35 dB, and 
channels with high frequency have an SNR of ~33 dB, when connected 
directly to the household input.  The splitter at most gives me a loss 
of 1 dB but often makes no difference.

Again, sorry for not making that clear.  I think the 3 dB difference is 
the real issue at play here, and is the reason I'm writing this message 
to this list, rather than one intended for household wiring issues.

Did you get a chance to review the signal monitor to determine whether 
it was 64 or 256?

All channels are 256-QAM -- reported as such by both Linux and Windows.

If you have any way to attenuate the signal then you'll find that very 
quickly the windows 30.5 will drop just a little and you'll begin to 
see real uncorrectable errors. I alluded to this yesterday. With 30.5 
your just a fraction above 'working' reliably.

If you were to insert attenuation through some barrel connectors, or 
join some other cables together to impede the RF, you'd see that 30.5 
drop quickly and the errors would begin to appear. I suspect this will 
still occur, as I mentioned yesterday.

The windows drivers is working slightly better for you but it's still 
no where near good enough RF for reliable 24x7x365 viewing. You'll 
find the RF on your local cable rings varies during an average day. It 
certainly does for me on various products. What looks great today 
(when you're on the edge) can look ugly at 9pm in the evening or 7am 
thursday morning.

I wouldn't expect pristine recordings with Microsoft MCE (or other 
apps) (for any random moment in the week) with a 30.5 reading.

Based on our discussion until now, the difference between 30.5 dB and 
33.5 dB should be very significant, and I hope would warrant an 
investigation into the cause (possibly asking Hauppauge/Conexant to 
compare details of your tuner drivers against theirs?  I understand they 
provide support to the Linux community).  As you said, if Windows was 
only picking up the channels at 30.5 dB, then I shouldn't expect much 
more than I am getting now, as I would be riding on a thin line between 
errors and no errors.

Sorry for not being accurate in some of my earlier messages, and thanks 
for being patient with me.

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Re: cx18, s5h1409: chronic bit errors, only under Linux

2009-06-10 Thread David Ward

On 06/09/2009 03:26 PM, Steven Toth wrote:

30db for the top end of ATSC sounds about right.

David, when you ran the windows signal monitor - did it claim QAM64 or 
256 when it was reporting 30db?

Steven and Devin,

All the digital signals are 256 QAM.

39 is very good, exceptional.

And did they do as I suggested, which is measure db across the high 
channels? ... and ideally against your problematic channel?

I assume not.

Comcast checked the outlet on channels 2 (41 dB) and 83 (39 dB).  I 
looked afterwards and saw that the first of those is analog programming, 
but the second just appears as analog noise on my TV set. (??)  I asked 
them to check a specific ATSC channel, but it seems that their meter was 
fixed to those two frequencies, which doesn't really help.  The ATSC 
rebroadcasts by Comcast are on high frequencies; the program I am 
testing primarily is on channel 79 (tunes at 555 MHz).

Under Windows I'm now seeing 34.5-34.8 dB for lower frequency QAM, 
32.5-32.7 dB for higher frequency QAM, and about 30.5 dB for ATSC.  
Under Linux with azap, the corresponding BER/UNC values are 0x0140, 
0x0134, and 0x0132.  I'm not exactly sure what numbers I should be going 
by here...again, wish I had my own meter.

I admit that I ruled out the idea of RF issues too soon, which I really 
should know better than.  After reading the thread at I'm now realizing why 
reception on the TV and tuner card isn't going to be equal, due to 
limited size and shielding of tuner circuitry on a PCI form factor card 
vs. on a TV set.  Makes sense.

Still, I am continuing to see uncorrectable bit errors at the same rate 
as before under Linux, while Windows sees errors but corrects them.  I 
would think that both drivers should be receiving identical streams of 
data from the chipset, and should be able to process them the same way?  
That's what is confusing me.

Ideally I would like to have access to a lot more equipment to control 
all the variables and make it easier to reproduce what I am seeing...but 
I don't here...

Or do you guys think that this is still primarily an RF problem?  I 
don't know what else I could do about that though.  Since the SNR did 
not improve when I hooked the tuner card directly into the cable input 
from the street, I'm concerned that putting an amplifier would not help 
and could just make things worse.  And clearly Comcast now considers me 
to be within their quality thresholds.

I really appreciate your help and patience with me, especially to the 
extent that this is going outside the realm of DVB drivers.

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Re: cx18, s5h1409: chronic bit errors, only under Linux

2009-06-09 Thread David Ward

On 06/09/2009 10:24 AM, Steven Toth wrote:

David has called out Comcast to review his installation.
After replacing all the connectors and some cables from the pole all the 
way to the outlet, their meter ultimately showed 39-40dB at the outlet.  
My card is showing the same SNR values as before.  Go figure.

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Re: cx18, s5h1409: chronic bit errors, only under Linux

2009-06-08 Thread David Ward

On 06/08/2009 04:36 PM, Devin Heitmueller wrote:

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Steven Toth  wrote:

We're getting into the realm of 'do you need to amplify and/or debug your
cable network', and out of the realm of driver development.
Comcast is coming tomorrow to check out the signal quality.  They said 
that they expect to deliver SNR in the range of 33dB - 45dB to the 
premises.  I will let you know how that affects Linux captures.


One thing that is interesting is that he is getting BER/UNC errors
even on ATSC, when he has a 30.2 dB signal.  While I agree that the
cable company could be sending a weak signal, 30 dB should be plenty
for ATSC.

Also, it's possible that the playback application/codec in question
poorly handles recovery from MPEG errors such as discontinuity, which
results in the experience appearing to be worse under Linux.
I am actually comparing the TS files captured under both Linux and 
Windows side-by-side in the same environment, copying the files to other 
computers in my home.  I can demux the video with Project-X which prints 
out the errors in the bitstream as it reads them.  I can also observe 
the overall quality by playing it back with VLC, WinDVD, etc.  When I 
use TMPGEnc Authoring Works 4 to read the file, the errors in the 
bitstream even seem to crash the application -- though obviously TMPGEnc 
is to blame for that.

I'm going to see if I can find some cycles to do some testing here
with s5h1409/s5h1411 and see if I can reproduce what David is seeing.

Devin, I would really really appreciate this.  I hesitated to e-mail 
this list for several weeks, because I wanted to investigate thoroughly 
first and avoid wasting anyone's time as much as possible.  I hope you 
are able to reproduce this.

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Re: cx18, s5h1409: chronic bit errors, only under Linux

2009-06-08 Thread David Ward

On 06/08/2009 12:31 PM, Steven Toth wrote:
Your SNR is very low, 0x12c is 30db. I assume you're using digital 
cable this is borderline.

Oh okay ... I wasn't sure how to translate those values before.

I like my cable system at home to be atleast 32db (0x140) bare 
minimum, it's typically 0x160 (36db) for comfort.
In your opinion, would I have enough justification for asking Comcast to 
increase the signal strength coming to my house?  I'd like to avoid 
calling someone to come out to my house to say "your TV works fine, 
what's the problem?" and get slapped with a repair fee.  I wasn't sure 
how well I could trust the SNR values reported by the card either...  I 
wish I had a meter or something to test it on my own.  When I move the 
computer directly to the input for the entire house, I get an increase 
of about 0.1dB.

FYI, the signal strength is about 1dB higher for clear QAM signals.  
(The values I sent are for ATSC.)

It's possible that the tuner and 1409 driver are a little more 
optimized under windows.

How much attenuation can you add under windows with signal loss? It's 
probably reasonably close to the edge also.

I tuned to the same channel under Windows, and I used the Signal 
Strength Indicator application from Hauppauge (downloadable under the 
Accessories page in the Support section).  It's reporting a SNR of 29-30 
dB, and the value for 'correctable' errors goes to a single-digit value 
about every 5 seconds -- following the same pattern seen with 'azap'.  
However, the difference is that 'uncorrectable' errors stays at 0.  
Under Linux, it seems that all errors are 'uncorrectable'.

Does the error correction occur in the driver or in the chipset?  Seems 
to me like maybe error correction is either not enabled or not 
implemented correctly by the driver?

I agree that the SNR could be better, and if you think it is worth a 
try, I'll see what Comcast will do.  However, because Windows and my TV 
work almost flawlessly, the Linux driver would ideally handle the 
signals at least as well as them...

Let me know what else is helpful from me, and thanks again for your help.

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Re: cx18, s5h1409: chronic bit errors, only under Linux

2009-06-08 Thread David Ward

On 06/08/2009 10:17 AM, Devin Heitmueller wrote:

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Steven Toth  wrote:

Please let me know how I should proceed in solving this.  I would be happy
to provide samples of captured video, results from new tests, etc.

When you tune using azap, and you can see UNC and BER values, what is the
SNR value and does it move over the course of 30 seconds?

Steven Toth - Kernel Labs

Also, I believe UNC and BER display garbage when signal lock is lost,
so do you see the "status" field change when the BER/UNC fields show



Steven, Devin,

Thanks for your replies.  The signal and SNR are usually in the range 
0x0128 - 0x0140.  They may increment or decrement on a per-second basis 
but otherwise remain steady.  The status field does not change most of 
the time when bit errors occur, but it does lose the lock from time to 
time for a second.  Here is a representative sample:

da...@delldimension:~$ azap -r RTN
using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0'
tuning to 55500 Hz
video pid 0x0051, audio pid 0x0052
status 00 | signal  | snr  | ber  | unc  |
status 00 | signal  | snr  | ber  | unc  |
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber 1b04 | unc 1b04 | 
status 1f | signal 012c | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber 0269 | unc 0269 | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012c | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012c | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012c | snr 012c | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber 0266 | unc 0266 | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber 0002 | unc 0002 | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber 0150 | unc 0150 | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber 0273 | unc 0273 | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber 0001 | unc 0001 | 
status 1f | signal 012c | snr 012c | ber  | unc  | 

status 07 | signal 012c | snr 012c | ber  | unc  |
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012c | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012c | snr 012c | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012c | snr 012e | ber 0263 | unc 0263 | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 
status 1f | signal 012e | snr 012e | ber  | unc  | 

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cx18, s5h1409: chronic bit errors, only under Linux

2009-06-08 Thread David Ward
I have a Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1600 that I am using to capture ATSC and 
clear QAM programming from cable television (Comcast of Chattanooga).  
This card uses the cx18 and s5h1409 kernel modules.

There are frequent bursts of bit errors occurring every few seconds in 
the incoming transport stream, when I have the card tuned under Linux.  
This causes artifacts in the received video as well as skipping in the 
received audio, to the point that it is practically unwatchable.  
However, under Windows on the same system/capture card, I can tune to 
the same programs with nearly perfect reception (no bit errors).  Also 
these programs appear on my TV with great quality as well.  The problem 
is happening on all of several different frequencies/programs that I 
have tried, although it is more pronounced on some programs 
(particularly ATSC) than others.

I have tried the latest v4l-dvb development sources under both kernel 
2.6.24 and kernel 2.6.29, and additionally I have tried to use the 
unmodified v4l-dvb from kernel 2.6.29.  Additionally, I have tried both 
the recommended cx23418 firmware from, as well as the newer 
firmware provided by latest the Hauppauge drivers for Windows (which I 
am using successfully under Windows).  Unfortunately they all produce 
the same results.

I primarily use MythTV to capture the programs to a file, and the 
resulting file exhibits these problems.  However, I can also see the bit 
errors when I simply use the 'azap' application to tune the card 
directly (and also read the dvr0 device into a file).  The BER and UNC 
values reported by 'azap' are non-zero approximately one out of every 
five samples; then they are usually around 0x200, though this varies.  
The BER and UNC values are almost always identical, i.e., no error 
correction is taking place, only error detection.  Additionally I am not 
seeing any TS continuity or TEI flag errors, as detectable in the system 
log with the latest changeset.

I have tried to rule out other possible causes such as a weak input 
signal (by hooking the capture card directly to the household cable 
television input, bypassing all coaxial splitters) and system-specific 
issues (by trying this on three different systems).  However, to me it 
seems that the problem must be originating from an issue in the kernel 
modules for this card.

I understand that having some errors in the transport stream is 
unavoidable, and I have tried postprocessing with an application such as 
Project-X.  However, it does not magically take care of this -- the 
length of the video is reduced by about 20% and the resulting video 
jumps around constantly.

Please let me know how I should proceed in solving this.  I would be 
happy to provide samples of captured video, results from new tests, etc.


David Ward
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Re: [PATCH] cx18: Use do_div for 64-bit division to fix 32-bit kernels

2009-05-29 Thread David Ward

On 05/29/2009 07:09 AM, Andy Walls wrote:

On Thu, 2009-05-28 at 20:27 -0400, David Ward wrote:

Use the do_div macro for 64-bit division.  Otherwise, the module will
reference __udivdi3 under 32-bit kernels, which is not allowed in kernel
space.  Follows style used in cx88 module.

Ooopsie.  Thanks for catching this and providing a fix. :)

(FYI, You would have caught my attention earlier if you had put "cx18:"
in the subject line of the initital report.)

I'll test it tonight on my 64 bit machine, commit it, and ask Mauro to
pull it.  I assume you've tested it on your 32 bit machine.


Thanks Andy.  Yes it's running on my 32-bit system.  Until Michael 
pointed out the offending line of code, I didn't realize that the 
problem I was seeing was specific to the cx18 module -- I figured that 
the problem could just as easily have been in an include somewhere and 
affected multiple modules, perhaps only under older kernels -- so that's 
why my original subject line was generic.  But I'll keep that in mind in 
the future.


Signed-off-by: David Ward

diff -r 65ec132f20df -r 91b89f13adb7
--- a/linux/drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-core.cWed May 27
15:53:00 2009 -0300
+++ b/linux/drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-core.cThu May 28
19:16:10 2009 -0400
@@ -447,6 +447,7 @@ void cx18_av_std_setup(struct cx18 *cx)

   if (pll_post) {
   int fsc, pll;
+u64 tmp64;

   pll = (28636360L * u64)pll_int)<<  25) + pll_frac))>>  25;
   pll /= pll_post;
@@ -459,7 +460,9 @@ void cx18_av_std_setup(struct cx18 *cx)
   "= %d.%03d\n", src_decimation / 256,
   ((src_decimation % 256) * 1000) / 256);

-fsc = u64)sc) * 28636360)/src_decimation)>>  13L;
+tmp64 = ((u64)sc) * 28636360;
+do_div(tmp64, src_decimation);
+fsc = ((u32)(tmp64>>  13L));
   "Chroma sub-carrier initial freq = %d.%06d "
   "MHz\n", fsc / 100, fsc % 100)

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[PATCH] cx18: Use do_div for 64-bit division to fix 32-bit kernels

2009-05-28 Thread David Ward
Use the do_div macro for 64-bit division.  Otherwise, the module will 
reference __udivdi3 under 32-bit kernels, which is not allowed in kernel 
space.  Follows style used in cx88 module.

Signed-off-by: David Ward 

diff -r 65ec132f20df -r 91b89f13adb7 
--- a/linux/drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-core.cWed May 27 
15:53:00 2009 -0300
+++ b/linux/drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-core.cThu May 28 
19:16:10 2009 -0400

@@ -447,6 +447,7 @@ void cx18_av_std_setup(struct cx18 *cx)

 if (pll_post) {
 int fsc, pll;
+u64 tmp64;

 pll = (28636360L * u64)pll_int) << 25) + pll_frac)) >> 25;
 pll /= pll_post;
@@ -459,7 +460,9 @@ void cx18_av_std_setup(struct cx18 *cx)
 "= %d.%03d\n", src_decimation / 256,
 ((src_decimation % 256) * 1000) / 256);

-fsc = u64)sc) * 28636360)/src_decimation) >> 13L;
+tmp64 = ((u64)sc) * 28636360;
+do_div(tmp64, src_decimation);
+fsc = ((u32)(tmp64 >> 13L));
 "Chroma sub-carrier initial freq = %d.%06d "
 "MHz\n", fsc / 100, fsc % 100);

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Re: "Unknown symbol __udivdi3" with rev >= 11873

2009-05-28 Thread David Ward

On 05/28/2009 03:12 PM, Michael Krufky wrote:

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 12:05 AM, David Ward  wrote:

Revision 11873 (committed earlier today) has broken the cx18 driver for me,
with the line "cx18: Unknown symbol __udivdi3" appearing in dmesg when the
module tries to load.  I'm using Ubuntu 8.04.2 which uses kernel 2.6.24 and
gcc 4.2.4.

I also wanted to express my appreciation to Mauro for fixing the build for
older kernels today, as it is very desirable for me to use a
distribution/kernel which has long-term support and updates, but I simply
need to add a DVB driver that wasn't part of the older kernel.

Thanks so much.

David Ward

Let it be known that this issue only affects 32bit kernels.  I believe
the offending line of code is here:

fsc = u64)sc) * 28636360)/src_decimation)>>  13L;

(cc added to Andy Walls)

-Mike Krufky
Some Google searching seems to suggest that the correct thing to do here 
is to use the 'do_div' macro for the division, which is declared in 

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"Unknown symbol __udivdi3" with rev >= 11873

2009-05-27 Thread David Ward
Revision 11873 (committed earlier today) has broken the cx18 driver for 
me, with the line "cx18: Unknown symbol __udivdi3" appearing in dmesg 
when the module tries to load.  I'm using Ubuntu 8.04.2 which uses 
kernel 2.6.24 and gcc 4.2.4.

I also wanted to express my appreciation to Mauro for fixing the build 
for older kernels today, as it is very desirable for me to use a 
distribution/kernel which has long-term support and updates, but I 
simply need to add a DVB driver that wasn't part of the older kernel.

Thanks so much.

David Ward
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Re: videodev: Unknown symbol i2c_unregister_device (in kernels older than 2.6.26)

2009-05-24 Thread David Ward

On 05/24/2009 07:10 PM, Matt Doran wrote:

Hi there,

I tried using the latest v4l code on an Mythtv box running 2.6.20, but
the v4l videodev module fails to load with the following warnings:

   videodev: Unknown symbol i2c_unregister_device
   v4l2_common: Unknown symbol v4l2_device_register_subdev

It seems the "i2c_unregister_device" function was added in 2.6.26.
References to this function in v4l2-common.c are enclosed in an ifdef


However in "v4l2_device_unregister()" in v4l2-device.c, there is a
reference to "i2c_unregister_device" without any ifdefs.   I am
running a pretty old kernel, but I'd guess anyone running 2.6.25 or
earlier will have this problem.   It seems this code was added by
Mauro 3 weeks ago in this rev:

I also had some other compile problems, but don't have all the details
(sorry!).  I had to disable the following drivers to get it to compile:



Matt, I checked out v4l-dvb today and am using it under 2.6.24 and so 
far so good.  When did the error appear -- when you were trying to load 
the module?

I have been seeing the errors compiling adv7343.c and ths7303.c under 
2.6.24 as well.  Andy Walls and Chaithrika Subrahmanya had written 
patches for those two modules respectively, but there were some comments 
during the review of the patches, so I think they are still being worked on.

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Re: v4l-dvb rev 11757 broke building under Ubuntu Hardy

2009-05-23 Thread David Ward

On 05/14/2009 07:53 PM, Andy Walls wrote:

David Ward wrote:

I am using v4l-dvb in order to add the cx18 driver under Ubuntu Hardy

The build is currently broken under Hardy, which uses kernel 2.6.24. I
have traced the origin of the problem to revision 11757. As seen in
the latest cron job output, the build produces the error when trying
to compile adv7343.c:

/usr/local/src/v4l-dvb/v4l/adv7343.c:506: error: array type has incomplete 
element type
/usr/local/src/v4l-dvb/v4l/adv7343.c:518: warning: initialization from 
incompatible pointer type
/usr/local/src/v4l-dvb/v4l/adv7343.c:520: error: unknown field 'id_table' 
specified in initializer

Thanks for resolving this.

David Ward


Please try the patch below.


Please review (and test if it is OK) the patch below.  It modifies
adv7343.c to what the cs5345.c file does for backward compatability.

It adds some checks against kernel version, which would not go into the
actual kernel, and changes some code to use the v4l2 i2c module template
from v4l2-i2c-drv.h, which *would* go into the actual kenrel.


Andy and Chaithrika, sorry for the late reply.  Is a different patch 
being created to replace the ones you posted already, for adv7343.c and 
ths7303.c?  This is still broken in the repository.

Andy, your initial patch at least did resolve the build errors for 
adv7343.c under the Ubuntu Hardy kernel (2.6.24).



Signed-off-by: Andy Walls

diff -r 0018ed9bbca3 linux/drivers/media/video/adv7343.c
--- a/linux/drivers/media/video/adv7343.c   Tue May 12 16:13:13 2009 +
+++ b/linux/drivers/media/video/adv7343.c   Thu May 14 19:51:10 2009 -0400
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
+#include "compat.h"

  #include "adv7343_regs.h"

@@ -503,6 +505,7 @@
return 0;

  static const struct i2c_device_id adv7343_id[] = {
{"adv7343", 0},
@@ -510,25 +513,12 @@

  MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, adv7343_id);

-static struct i2c_driver adv7343_driver = {
-   .driver = {
-   .owner  = THIS_MODULE,
-   .name   = "adv7343",
-   },
+static struct v4l2_i2c_driver_data v4l2_i2c_data = {
+   .name   = "adv7343",
.probe  = adv7343_probe,
.remove = adv7343_remove,
.id_table   = adv7343_id,
-static __init int init_adv7343(void)
-   return i2c_add_driver(&adv7343_driver);
-static __exit void exit_adv7343(void)
-   i2c_del_driver(&adv7343_driver);

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Re: OpenSuse 11.1 + v4l

2009-05-13 Thread David Ward

On 05/13/2009 03:27 AM, Peter Forstmeier wrote:

i tried to build v4l and did tho following:

pe...@linux-d9lb:~>  hg clone
destination directory: v4l-dvb
requesting all changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 11759 changesets with 29793 changes to 2019 files
updating working directory
1448 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
pe...@linux-d9lb:~>  hg clone
destination directory: dvb-apps
requesting all changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1275 changesets with 5390 changes to 1814 files
updating working directory
1315 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved 
pe...@linux-d9lb:~>  cd v4l-dvb pe...@linux-d9lb:~/v4l-dvb>  hg pull -u
pulling from
searching for changes
no changes found

Doing 'make'

 make make -C /home/peter/v4l-dvb/v4l
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/peter/v4l-dvb/v4l'
No version yet, using
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/peter/v4l-dvb/v4l'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/peter/v4l-dvb/v4l'
Updating/Creating .config
Preparing to compile for kernel version 2.6.27 File not found: 
/lib/modules/ at ./scripts/ line 
32,  line 4.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/peter/v4l-dvb/v4l'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/peter/v4l-dvb/v4l'
Updating/Creating .config
Preparing to compile for kernel version 2.6.27 File not found: 
/lib/modules/ at ./scripts/ line 
32,  line 4.
make[1]: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Target ».myconfig«,
   benötigt von »config-compat.h«, zu erstellen.  Schluss.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/peter/v4l-dvb/v4l'
make: *** [all] Fehler 2

Any idea's about that.

I believe you do not have the kernel header files installed.  Under 
OpenSUSE it looks like there isn't a separate package for the kernel 
headers, so you just need to install the full kernel sources instead 
(the kernel-source RPM).

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v4l-dvb rev 11757 broke building under Ubuntu Hardy

2009-05-12 Thread David Ward
I am using v4l-dvb in order to add the cx18 driver under Ubuntu Hardy 

The build is currently broken under Hardy, which uses kernel 2.6.24.  I 
have traced the origin of the problem to revision 11757.  As seen in the 
latest cron job output, the build produces the error when trying to 
compile adv7343.c:

/usr/local/src/v4l-dvb/v4l/adv7343.c:506: error: array type has 
incomplete element type
/usr/local/src/v4l-dvb/v4l/adv7343.c:518: warning: initialization from 
incompatible pointer type
/usr/local/src/v4l-dvb/v4l/adv7343.c:520: error: unknown field 
'id_table' specified in initializer

Thanks for resolving this.

David Ward
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v4l-dvb rev 11757 broke building under Ubuntu Hardy

2009-05-12 Thread David Ward
I am using v4l-dvb in order to add the cx18 driver under Ubuntu Hardy 

The build is currently broken under Hardy, which uses kernel 2.6.24.  I 
have traced the origin of the problem to revision 11757.  As seen in the 
latest cron job output, the build produces the error when trying to 
compile adv7343.c:

/usr/local/src/v4l-dvb/v4l/adv7343.c:506: error: array type has 
incomplete element type
/usr/local/src/v4l-dvb/v4l/adv7343.c:518: warning: initialization from 
incompatible pointer type
/usr/local/src/v4l-dvb/v4l/adv7343.c:520: error: unknown field 
'id_table' specified in initializer

Thanks for resolving this.

David Ward
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