Hi, I'm new to the list and apologize if I've already broken all of
the unspoken, spoken, listed and branded-into-flesh rules.

I'm unable to find a searchable archive for the mailing list to see if
my particular device has been discussed in the past. This[1] archive
has a Google search field, but whenever I try to use it, it seems to
revert to a simple Google web search. And then there's this[2]
archive, which only turns up 18 results for "Auvitek" which seemed
either unlikely or very bad news for me. How do the veterans search
the archive?

This leads into my second topic: I just came into possession of an
Auvitek 8521 via Monoprice. Seeing the reference to Sabrent on the
product page[3], I was surprised to plug it in and see the output from
lspci. I noticed the existence of an Auvitek 8522 driver, but (being
unfamiliar with I2C code) I don't see a way to force the 8522 driver
to attach to my card. Having typed that out I realize it probably
sounds absurd to even try that.

So what is my next step? I'm willing to buy and give away two or three
of these if the folks here on the mailing list can use them, and
otherwise I can try and hack something together myself.

[1] http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-media/maillist.html
[2] http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.linux.drivers.video-input-infrastructure
[3] http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?p_id=6043

-Chris Harrington
Phone: 612.598.3650
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