
On 10/14/2010 01:16 PM, Gary Thomas wrote:

Please forgive the direct email; try as I might, I could not
find any other vehicle to discuss this (feel free to steer me
to the proper place).

There indeed is a lack of a mailinglist or forum for
v4l-utils. This has been discussed before and it was decided
that given the low amount of discussion around v4l-utils we will
just use the linux-media mailing list for this (added to the CC).

I'm working with the latest code (0.8.1) on an embedded ARM
system which has a camera that can only deliver UYVY422 data.

Ok, so when you say UYVY422, I assume that this is packed data,
right, so not some planar format, right? libv4l supports
converting UYVY422 packed data to:
YUV420 (planar)
YVU420 (planar)

The problem I have is that most everything else, e.g. I'm trying
to run cheese, wants YUYV422.

cheese specifically should be happy with almost any YUV or RGB
format as it uses gstreamer. I know for a fact that it works
happily with libv4l's YUV420 (planar) output.

Should the library be able to handle this case (device only
does UYUV and application wants YUYV)?

It does not support converting to packed yuv formats, but it does
support conversion to planar yuv formats. At least for cheese
this should work fine.

Any suggestions how I move forward?

Make sure that your gstreamer is compiled with libv4l support.


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